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Revision History

Licensed users of older versions may download their version here.

(Jump To:  2024 - 2022 - 2020 - 2018 - 2016 - 2014 - 12.x - 11.x - 10.x - Older)

September 29, 2024 versions 2024.18.6:

  • Added support for 3 new quote servers: Tiingo, Tiingo (Adjusted Historical), and Tiingo (Historical) that offer a wide variety of stock, ETF, and mutual fund pricing with very fast access (more info)

September 18, 2024 versions 2024.18.5:

  • Bond Summary report could crash when certain characters were in the sub-portfolio name or account number
  • Fixed bug in the "Paste Special - Today" command when pasting distributed distributions and using the default cash account, the cash transaction was not recorded for today
  • Changed which help topic displays when pressing "Help" in the "Risk/Reward Scatter Options" and "Income Schedule Graph Options" dialogs.  Previously it was going to the help topic of the active graph type.  Now it always goes to the help topic of the related graph type for these dialogs (Risk/Reward Scatter and Income Schedule).
  • Improved speed significantly when using Yahoo (Historical) and retrieving splits or distributions while "Persistent request" option is on

August 3, 2024 versions 2024.18.4:

  • Added hyperlink support in the "Program Version and Quote Server Status" dialog box
  • Fixed parsing of option holdings when reconciling with Schwab
  • The "Non-Performance Fee" field in the Management Fee report could sometimes be displayed wrong when using a tiered management fee structure and reporting fees at the account level

May 12, 2024 versions 2024.18.3:

  • Added the Morningstar CH - Funds quote server
  • Fixed an issue where in some cases you could change an investment's type to/from "Exchange Rate" and the currency exchange settings would be improperly applied to that investment
  • Fixed an issue where in some cases changing the currency of an investment wouldn't force the yields above portfolio based graphs to automatically refresh
  • Fixed an issue with the vertical scrollbar in the Portfolio Editor's list losing the down arrow in some cases
  • Fixed bug in the Rearrange Investment Order dialog box that could cause the program to crash when using drag/drop
  • Updates related to retrieving prices from Yahoo
  • Updated asset/sector retrieval from Yahoo

March 13, 2024 versions 2024.18.2:

  • When defining allocation targets for the Rebalance report, negative percentages are allowed
  • Added a new "Financial Times - Equities" quote server
  • When auto updating investments created from other investments, only update prices if they are for a date within the date range of both source investments
  • Fixed an issue where the Data Register would not automatically update when manually entering prices in some cases
  • Added support for additional Schwab B/D Core Data file transaction codes
  • Updated DST Fan Mail price import to skip prices with a blank CUSIP
  • Fixed an issue when retrieving negative valued distributions from Charles Schwab - NEW where they could incorrectly be recorded as positive

December 18, 2023 versions 2024.18.1:

  • Added support for additional transaction codes in Schwab's Core B/D transaction file
  • Changed the "Investment Type" dialog box accessed from the Symbol List dialog box to list the investment types in the user-specified display order
  • Changed default for new installations of the option "Transaction Dialogs Initialize Price" to ON
  • Changed the behavior of the option "Transaction Dialogs Initialize Price" such that it is ignored for Cash type investments or any investment with a price of 1.0.  In these cases the price is always pre-filled when manually entering transactions.
  • Added new [[Description_long]] field for use in Executive Summary and Invoice reports.  Substitutes "Memo" field of the sub-portfolio, up to 2048 characters.
  • Bug fix: When the option to display totals in the Portfolio Editor's list view was turned off the investment/sub-portfolio icons wouldn't be displayed until the window was re-opened
  • Bug fix: The vertical scrollbar on the Portfolio Editor's listview would sometimes not display the down arrow
  • Bug fix: The quote/transaction module update could fail after cancelling update as a non-admin user, and then attempting the update as an admin user
  • Bug fix: Fields inserted into report titles were not being substituted in the window's title

October 9, 2023 versions 2024.18.0:

  • Multiple Data Register windows can now be opened at the same time.  To open an additional Data Register window hold down the Shift or Ctrl keys while choosing any menu command that opens a Data Register (such as Edit / All Data...) or when double clicking on an investment in the Portfolio Editor.  An additional Data Register window can also be opened from the More >> button and then Open New Data Register....  Useful when you need to view investment data from 2 or more different investments at the same time, or when copying/pasting across investments.
  • Added the ability to automatically reconcile multiple accounts when retrieving from the broker/fund company.  See the new "Also Reconcile All Sub-Portfolios" option in the Reconciliation Wizard.  When this option is selected, all the sub-portfolios with transaction retrieval enabled under the currently selected sub-portfolio will be reconciled, one account at a time.  This new option makes reconciling multiple accounts much faster.
  • Added a new calculation option for the Income Schedule Graph/Reports to use the distribution per share values from last year to estimate income for the current year.  This new income calculation option is called "Historical Expected".  It's an easy way to get an estimate on your income when the items you hold don't change much from year to year, as you don't need to enter income properties for each investment to use this calculation method.  In graphs, see the "Income Schedule Graph Options" dialog, and in reports see the "Report Settings" dialog to choose the desired income calculation.
  • Rebalance report improvements.  When defining allocation targets you can now specify high/low limits in addition to a target.  Previously, only a target was available.  The Rebalance report can display how far you are over/under these limits, and/or to the target.  You can also now customize which fields are shown in the Rebalance report under "Options / Report Preferences... / Rebalance".  Fields to show actual, target, high, low, delta to target and delta above/below the high/low limits are all available in both percentage and value terms.
  • Added an "amount filter" to the Investment Transaction, Open Lots, and Capital Gains reports.  An optional minimum and/or maximum can be specified.
  • Added new Custom report fields:
    • Bond term: Number of years from the ending report date to the maturity date, weighted by face value for non-investments
    • Day count, up (between): Number of "up" days, where price/value increased
    • Day count, down (between): Number of "down" days, where price/value decreased
    • Day count, flat (between): Number of "flat" days, where price/value stayed the same
    • Open (end): Opening price on report's ending date
    • Open (beginning): Opening trading price on report's starting date
    • Reinvested distributions (current): Sum of all reinvested distributions by only the shares owned on the ending report date
    • Reinvested dist. per share (current): Sum of all per share reinvested distributions by only the shares owned on the ending report date
    • Total distributions (current): Sum of all distributions (all types, distributed and reinvested) received by only the shares owned on the ending report date
    • Total distributions per share (current): Sum of all per share distributions (all types, distributed and reinvested) received by only the shares owned on the ending report date
  • Added the ability to set a bond investment's "Face Value per Share" multiplier.  Previously this was always assumed to be 100.  See "Investment Properties... / Income / Face Value per Share".
  • Added "Face Value per Share" as a new optional column to the Bond Summary report.  Shows the new "Face Value per Share" property of bond investments.
  • Added "Bond Term" as a new optional column to the Bond Summary report.  Bond Term is the number of years until maturity, and for non-investment objects, like portfolios, it is a face value weighted average.
  • Added "Stooq" and "Stooq (Historical)" quote servers.  Lots of quotes and fast. See:
  • Added the Custom Investment Properties as available fields to be inserted into graph legend text
  • Technical Analysis graph improvements to the display of candlesticks.  Added independent color control between the wicks, bodies, and body borders.  Also implemented a user-adjustable minimum pixel spacing between candle bodies (Options / Screen/Printer Pens...).  (Pro/Advisor only)
  • Added an option to confirm deletion before deleting any data from the Data Register.  See "Options / General Preferences... / Other / Prompt Before Deleting Prices/Transactions" to turn on/off.  This new option is on by default.
  • Added a new graph window option to float the starting date with the ending date.  Useful to keep a fixed time range in graphs as the end date moves forward due to newly recorded data.  Previously the graph starting date stayed fixed where it was set.  See: "Graphs / Options / Display... / Start Date Floats with End Date".
  • Added option to initialize the placement of dialog boxes either in the center of the screen, or in their last position.  Default is their last position.  See "Options / General Preferences... / Other / Dialogs Initialized to Last Position".
  • Added a new option to the Spin-Off wizard to control how the transferred cost basis is subtracted from the parent when there are multiple open lots at the time of the spin-off.  It can now be allocated proportionally to the original cost basis or evenly amongst the open shares.  See the online help for more information on this option.
  • Added a new optional statement source of "Generic Position File" when reconciling.  Allows reconciling against a custom CSV or text file, where you provide the format of the file upon reconciling using the same "Input Format" keys as from the generic transaction import command.  Output of any errors are logged to the new menu command "Help / Logs / Generic Position Import...".
  • Added keyboard shortcuts for controlling report dates.  Uses same keyboard shortcuts as graphs.  See "Help / Keyboard..." from within any report window for a list of available shortcuts.
  • Added keyboard shortcut modifiers for graph and report date/scale adjustments.  The modifiers allow scrolling/zooming to affect only the starting or ending dates.  See "Help / Keyboard..." for more details.
  • Added a new global match option in the Find dialog box.  Entering "*" (without the double quotes) in the search text will return all results.  Useful to list all sub-portfolios, investments, transactions, or notes.
  • Added separate transaction filters for Transfer In and Transfer Out to the Investment Transaction report.  Previously Purchases and Transfer Ins were filtered with the same option, but now they have separate controls.  Same for Redemptions and Transfer Outs.
  • Added a new option to control whether or not the "Price" field is initialized in the transaction dialogs when creating a new buy, sell, or reinvestment transaction.  When enabled, the "Price" field is initialized based off a recorded closing price on the selected transaction date.  See the new option at "General Preferences... / Other / Transaction Dialogs Initialize Price".  This option is off by default.  Previously the dialog boxes always initialized the price.
  • Improvements to the Bulk Reconciliation wizard.  The results list now includes columns for "Last Reconciled" date as well as "Hierarchy" of the sub-portfolio.  (Advisor only)
  • Added an option to specify subtotal text color in reports.  Previously the subtotals were always the same color as the text.  See "Options / Report Colors...".
  • Improved default setting for currency when creating a new investment.  Looks at other investments in the sub-portfolio as well as the default cash account to determine the best default for currency.  Previously the currency always defaulted to the default currency.
  • Text type custom investment properties are automatically hyperlinked in the Investment Properties dialog, so URLs can be easily opened
  • The description investment property is automatically hyperlinked in the Investment Properties dialog, so URLs can be easily opened
  • Added an option such that imported transactions for investments in the non-default currency can automatically be placed into separate sub-portfolio, by currency, underneath the account level sub-portfolio.  This can be useful when you want to use separate default cash accounts for each currency, or simply want to separate your investments by currency.  See the new option "Put Investments of Non-Default Currency in Separate Sub-Portfolios" in the "New Investments Options Dialog", which you access by pressing the "Options..." button next to "Create New Investment(s) as Needed" in any transaction or position import wizard.
  • When creating a new client, if the associated sub-portfolio is left selected as the top-level sub-portfolio (Master Portfolio) a warning prompt is issued asking for confirmation  (Advisor only)
  • Added a "View in Symbol List..." button to the General tab of the Investment Properties... dialog to quickly open up the Symbol List Dialog for this symbol.  (Advisor only)
  • Added a new field (BONDBAS) to the Generic transaction import for importing the "Day count basis" of a bond
  • The investment property "Update Price When Retrieving Transactions" defaults to off when creating new "cash" type investments, defaults to on for all other investment types.  Previously defaulted to on for all new investments.
  • When updating prices from a transaction retrieve, ignore prices with a blank CUSIP
  • When updating pricing from transaction retrieval, maintain any already recorded open, high, low, and volume data.  Previously this was being overwritten with 0's as the transaction retrieval does not offer this data.
  • Added the ability to rename the title of graph windows.  See "Window / Edit Window Title..." from within any Graph window.
  • Improved how a newly displayed investment/portfolio is initially displayed in an existing Data Register window.  When appropriate, based on the selection source, the Data Type choice will remain un-changed instead of always being reset to the preference under "Options / General Preferences... / Other / Initial "Data Type" in Data Register".  Previously, the Data Type would always be reset to this preference.
  • Improved error reporting on Generic transaction import, providing more specific information when the input format is invalid
  • Improved logging of management fee calculations to clarify when negative valued investments are encountered or investments that are marked as exempt from management fees are encountered  (Advisor only)
  • Updated the dialogs "Auto Update List - Blended Investments" and "Auto Update List" (Create Investments from Investments) to list alphabetically.  Previously was listing by order of creation time.  (Pro/Advisor only)
  • Improved layout of Symbol List dialog box for easier readability of long symbol names  (Advisor only)
  • Various speed improvements
  • Improved transaction retrieve for the case of Fidelity and T Bills
  • Updated FDX transaction (Schwab) parsing to better handle maturing bonds
  • Updated "General Preferences... / File Types".  Previously it would fail when trying to update the associated app for any of the supported file types.  It is now a view-only listing of the file associations.  Added instructions on how to change the associations using Window's settings.
  • Improved the documentation on how moving averages are calculated in the Technical Analysis graph, as compared to elsewhere in the program.  The TA graph moving averages are specified in "periods", whereas other graph types and the Custom report use weeks (5 periods).  Documented the calculation methodology in each case for dealing with missing recorded prices.
  • Updated the transaction/position retrieve status dialog box to be easier to read
  • Improvements when using the "Microsoft Print to PDF" printer, including defaulting the filename when doing batch printing
  • Improved setup program to add an option to launch program once installation is complete
  • Fixed Currency Options Dialog to always allow full 5 characters to be entered as a currency symbol.  In some cases, if the characters were too wide, not all 5 could be entered.
  • Fixed an issue where under certain conditions the Data Register was un-necessarily refilling the list view
  • Bug fix: Recalling a memorized report could sometimes create the report for the wrong sub-portfolio if multiple sub-portfolios had the same name
  • Bug fix: Graph keyboard shortcuts zooming in/out on the X axis, where in some cases the dates would not change
  • Bug fix: Graph keyboard shortcuts scrolling on the X axis.  In some cases the dates would go past the recorded data when the option was on to limit scrolling to the data range.
  • Bug fix: In cases where the same bond investment was instantiated multiple times the totals of the Bond Summary report would be wrong
  • Bug fix: Editing an alert would not automatically refresh a Custom report that could be showing alert data
  • Bug fix: When renaming a subportfolio that was the target of a link, the linking subportfolio would not be sorted properly in the tree view of the Portfolio Editor
  • Bug fix: Importing investment banking transaction interest transactions from an OFX source with a negative value were being imported as positive
  • Bug fix: When changing selected investments in an existing Data Register from within a report window (by left mouse clicking on an investment) and the investment wasn't in the currently selected sub-portfolio, the wrong investment could be selected
  • Bug fix: The advanced reconciliation option for number of shares to reconcile wasn't being saved, so it was always defaulting back to the default

June 7, 2023 versions 2022.17.7:

  • Improved support for retrieving CDs from Schwab (FDX)
  • Updates needed to reinstate the Finra - Bonds quote server

April 24, 2023 versions 2022.17.6:

  • Improved FDX import for short sell support
  • Several improvements to the transaction import for "Interactive Brokers (Generic...)"
  • Added ability for the "Convert TDAI to Schwab Account Numbers..." dialog to either convert from TDAI -> Schwab or from Schwab -> TDAI in order to better support importing residual transaction files from TDAI after the conversion.  (more info)
  • Bug fix: In some cases the Custom report would not display certain data when sub-totaling by symbol and listing by nothing

January 20, 2023 versions 2022.17.5:

  • Updated FDX (Charles Schwab - NEW) parsing to better handle journaling of shares
  • Updated the transaction import for "Interactive Brokers (Generic...)" format
  • Updated the TD Ameritrade institutional transaction import to support paying/receiving accrued interest when buying/selling bonds
  • Bug fix: The tax cost basis could sometimes not include Return of Capital distributions when using the Specified Lot accounting method
  • Bug fix: In certain cases transactions would incorrectly be shown as portfolio external
  • Bug fix: When editing a reinvestment in the Data Register under certain conditions the wrong transaction for editing would be displayed

October 4, 2022 versions 2022.17.4:

  • Updated the institutional transaction import for "Interactive Brokers (Generic)" format.  (Adv only)
  • Added support for converting account numbers from TD Ameritrade Institutional to Schwab.  (more info)  (Adv only)

July 19, 2022 versions 2022.17.3:

  • Removed as Sector/Asset retrieval sources. No longer accessible...
  • Added new quote server "Morningstar CL - Funds"
  • Improved error logging when retrieving prices
  • Added a new option for a management fee method using the "% of Ending Value Plus Performance" method: "Calculate HWM Assuming Fees Paid Externally".  Determines whether fees are deducted from the High Water Mark (HWM) or not.  (Adv only)
  • Bug fix: Program could crash when creating an Open Lots report while the maximum number of investments was open

June 5, 2022 versions 2022.17.2:

  • Added support for Accrued Interest in debt transactions retrieved from Schwab's FDX server
  • Improved FDX parsing from Schwab for Split transactions.  Record them as a Transfer In of the gained shares.  Hopefully in the future Schwab will make the ratio available, so these can be recorded as splits.
  • Fixed an issue when recording a split and previously purchased shares had been used as specified lots.  The number of specified shares was not changing according to the newly recorded split transaction.
  • Improved matching of transactions for determining contributions/withdrawals at the portfolio level when transactions crossed currencies.  Rounding issues were preventing matching all transactions, thus causing some transactions to be considered contributions/withdrawals.
  • Fixed a rounding error issue in the way the Custom Report fields Gain due to market appreciation/exchange rate were being calculated
  • Fixed issue with the "Token" and "API" buttons not always displaying properly in the Internet Options dialog
  • Fixed retrieving sector information for stocks from Yahoo
  • Bug fix: Open Lots report wasn't automatically refreshing when the option to use wash sale rules was changed
  • Bug fix: When applying internet retrieve settings to existing investments from the "New Investment Price Retrieve Defaults" dialog box, the investments weren't being marked as needing to be saved

April 8, 2022 versions 2022.17.1:

  • Added a new right mouse menu for the memo edit box in Portfolio Properties as well as investment notes.  Includes Cut, Copy, Paste, Select All, and a new "Insert File Link..." command.  The Insert File Link... command allows you to browse to any file, and a hyperlink to that file will be inserted in the text of the memo/notes.  Adds support for files with spaces in their paths or filenames.
  • Email alert improvement.  Increased the maximum SMTP password size from 63 to 255 characters.
  • Improved FDX parsing (Charles Schwab - NEW)
  • Bug fix: Program could crash when creating a new note
  • Bug fix: Retrieving reinvested dividends from Yahoo (Historical) would only retrieve up to 60 days

February 19, 2022 versions 2022.17.0:

  • Improved Y axis labelling in the graphs with more automatic intelligent labels.  Added 2 new options under "Graphs / Options / Display...".  The option "Automatic Resolution for Y Axis Labels" automatically determines the required resolution for the labels, instead of always printing to the number of decimals set under the General Preferences - Display dialog.  The 2nd option "Label Y Axis Large Numbers With K/M/B/T" will label large numbers with the appropriate suffix.  Both options are intended to reduce clutter and also always provide the required resolution.  Both of these new options are on by default.
  • Added a new "Speed Mode" option to the Data Register for improved performance.  See "Options / General Preferences... / Data Register Display / Speed Mode".  When enabled, only the most recent 260 data points (approximately 1 year) are filled in when listing the "Prices" data type.  If there are more price data points to display, a "Show All Data" button will be displayed to allow you to display the full dataset.  Speed Mode only affects the "Prices" data type, all other data types always show the full dataset.
  • Updated for Windows 11 compatibility
  • Added ability to have hyperlinks in both the memo field of sub-portfolio properties as well as investment notes.  You can hyperlink to websites or local files, plus much more.  Open a hyperlink directly from these dialogs by double clicking on the hyperlinked text.  Examples: or file://c:\data\mydoc.pdf
  • Sub-portfolio price alerts added.  Quickly add the same price alert to all investments in a sub-portfolio.  See the existing Price Alert dialog box for the new options to add the alert to any selected sub-portfolio.  (Pro/Adv only)
  • New "Date" based alerts.  Similar to "Price" alerts, but based off dates.  A date based alert can be based off any of the custom investment properties or the maturity date for bonds.  The reference date can be either the current date or the date of the most recent price.  (Pro/Adv only)
  • Added a new "Paste Special - Today" command to the Data Register.  Works like the regular Paste command, but pastes all the copied transactions to the current date instead of the original date.  Helpful when you always do the same transaction and are manually recording.
  • Increased the maximum shares/price digit display option to 8 digits.  Helpful for tracking cryptocurrency.  Previously the limit was 6.  See "Options / General Preferences... / Display" and "Options / Report Preferences... / General / Display".
  • Added option to control how many digits to use for determining reconciliation.  In the Reconciliation Wizard, see "Advanced Options... / Reconcile To X Digits".  Defaults to 6, which was what prior versions used.
  • Added the ability to subtotal the Investment Transaction report by Symbol, Investment Type, or Currency.  It can now be subtotaled by Sub-Portfolio, Symbol, Investment Type, or Currency.
  • Added the ability to subtotal the Capital Gains report by Sub-Portfolio, Symbol, Investment Type, or Currency
  • Added the option to run a Capital Gains report on only a specific investment
  • Added the option to filter a Capital Gains report by Symbol, Investment Type, Asset Type, Investment Goal, Sector, or Currency.  Can filter either inclusively or exclusively.
  • Added new Custom Report fields to easily see how much of your gains are from currency exchange rate changes versus market appreciation (more info).  See the new fields:
    • Gain due to market appreciation (between)
    • Gain due to exchange rate (between)
    • Gain due to market appreciation (inception)
    • Gain due to exchange rate (inception)
    • Gain per share due to market appreciation (between)
    • Gain per share due to exchange rate (between)
    • Gain per share due to market appreciation (inception)
    • Gain per share due to exchange rate (inception)
  • Added new Custom Report fields to be able to view price and value in the native (assigned) currency, even when "View / Exchange Rate Adjusted" is on.  This makes it easier to see the price/value in both native and default currencies at the same time.  See the new fields:
    • Share price native (ending)
    • Value native (ending)
  • Added new Custom Report fields to see the change in only price (ignoring distributions).  See the new fields:
    • %Gain price (between)
    • %Gain price (inception)
  • Added a new Custom Report field to display the transaction retrieve status of sub-portfolios and investments.  Allows you to see if transaction retrieve is enabled, and what broker/fund company it is set to.  Also verifies that an investment is not set to be retrieved from more than one broker/fund company.  Same as the new "Transaction Retrieve" field in the Portfolio Editor.  See the Custom Report field: Transaction retrieve
  • Added new Custom Report fields to display investment properties not previously available.  See the fields:
    • Update price when retrieving transactions
    • Skip primary quote server
    • Skip historical quote server
    • Use Alternate Symbol for Hist. Quote Server
    • Alternate Symbol
    • Exempt from management fees (Advisor only)
  • Added new Portfolio Editor fields:
    • Transaction Retrieve: The name of the broker/fund company assigned for retrieval
    • Value Change-LD: Similar to Value Change, but ends on the date of the latest recorded price, instead of current date
    • Change-LD: Similar to Change, but ends on the date of the latest recorded price, instead of current date
  • Added a "Show Password" check-box in all dialogs that have a password.  Useful when debugging password issues.
  • Maximum length of investment notes was doubled to 511 characters and area for entering notes was enlarged
  • Investment notes dialog was re-designed to be clearer and easier to use.  Investment list now in alphabetical order, instead of stack order.
  • Investment notes now offer an optional user-specified label that can be displayed on graphs above the note marker.  You can customize the text and background colors of this note label.  Options available to display marker only, marker & label, or label only.
  • Investment notes can now be imported with the generic transaction import dialog
  • Improved reports when sub-totalling by sub-portfolio and listing by nothing by removing redundant listings of lower level sub-portfolios that didn't contain any other subs
  • Added the ability to retrieve historical capital gain data from Yahoo (Historical).  Previously, only dividends were available, but now both dividends and capital gains can be retrieved.  (Pro/Adv only)
  • Added Transaction Retrieve Access Code (FDX) files to the *.FMB backup files.  Makes it easier to move data, without having to obtain a new access code.
  • Remember the size/position of all resizable dialog boxes.  Previously the Portfolio Properties, Alert, and Specify Lots dialog boxes were not being restored to their last size/position.
  • The "Multiple Retrieved Price By" setting can now be entered with much more precision (up to 12 decimal places) than before (6).  This setting is available at "Investment Properties... / Internet Retrieve".
  • Improved the Restore dialog box to sort all the investments
  • Added a logging feature to the generic transaction import, which shows any transactions that could not be imported, along with a reason why.  Log file is available at the time of import, or at "Help / Logs / Generic Transaction Import...".
  • Fixed issue with the "Re-Create Default Cash Account Transactions" command where cash entries could be recorded for incorrect amounts if "View / Exchange Rate Adjusted" was on while using this feature
  • Fixed issue where deleting transactions would not always delete the corresponding default cash account entry.  Applies to investments of non-default currencies that used a user-selected non-default cash account.
  • When filtering an Open Lots report by a percentage (e.g. category), changed the way share quantity is displayed, to be consistent with other reports.  Previously the shares were also scaled, but now only value fields are scaled, such that value = shares * price * filter_factor.
  • Improved FDX parsing to handle canceled distributions
  • Fixed issue where link sub-portfolios would not automatically have their names updated in the Portfolio Editor if the name of the target sub-portfolio was changed
  • Fixed issue where rounding issues in the Investment Transaction report could cause totals to not be consistent with displayed transaction amounts
  • Fixed bug where drilling down within a report would sometimes set the filter to exclude, instead of include, that selected item
  • Improved the default report header for an Income Schedule report so it displays the investment name when reporting on only a certain investment
  • Investment file format changed
  • Removed Morninstar CA quote server
  • Improved FDX parsing, record date for earlier of "transactionTimestamp" and "postedTimestamp" to help with reconciliation
  • Fixed the advanced option (again) "Record Matching Purchase/Distribution as Reinvestment" when retrieving from an FDX server.  Some 0 share reinvestments were being reported that weren't matching.
  • Improved FDX parsing of expired option transactions.  Now recorded with Buy/Sell instead of TxIn/TxOut, and include the text "Expired" in the memo of expired options.
  • Added support for parsing income type when provided in FDX feed
  • Fixed bug where program could crash creating an Investment Transaction report with a very long account number and displaying the account number in the header

November 8, 2021 versions 2020.16.12:

  • Various improvements/fixes for Charles Schwab's FDX interface
  • Fixed issue with the Web News URL not always substituting fields correctly

September 26, 2021 versions 2020.16.11:

  • Various fixes for Charles Schwab's FDX interface

September 24, 2021 versions 2020.16.10:

March 25, 2021 versions 2020.16.9:

  • Added support for 3 new quote servers: FastTrack, FastTrack (Historical), and FastTrack (Adjusted Historical). (more info)
  • Improvements to DST FanMail import
  • Bug fix: After an import some windows could be displaying data in incorrect state of exchange rate or split adjusted
  • Bug fix: Program could crash when displaying a Portfolio Value report with a long currency symbol in some cases

February 21, 2021 versions 2020.16.8:

  • Bug fix: In certain cases, accrued interest would not import when retrieving transactions or importing from an OFX file

February 11, 2021 versions 2020.16.7:

  • Added support for new "marketstack" and "marketstack (Historical)" quote servers.  Very fast, wide coverage for stocks.  (more info)
  • Improvements to Interactive Brokers (Generic) Institutional Import
  • Bug fix: The transaction import option "Skip Transactions Already in Fund Manager Investment" would sometimes not work when using multiple currencies
  • Bug fix: Some reports would incorrectly display price/share information when filtering by excluded symbol
  • Bug fix: In certain cases, the cursor would not work in portfolio based graphs that only contained cash investments

December 12, 2020 versions 2020.16.6:

  • Bug fix: Last transaction retrieve date was not being properly remembered in some cases, and thus not properly setting the default start date for subsequent retrieves
  • Updated DST FanMail transaction import to better support receipt of bond income
  • Updated Schwab Institutional import to support additional transaction codes

December 5, 2020 versions 2020.16.5:

  • Added support for quote servers that require compressed connections (Swiss Quote requires this)
  • Added support for FDX transaction servers as they become available
  • Added support for making multiple retrieves per broker to obtain more historical data.  Some brokers (Fidelity and the upcoming Schwab FDX server) offer a longer available transaction history, but only accept 90 days per request.
  • Remembered italic font option in report disclaimers
  • Added support for additional Pershing transaction codes
  • Added support for additional transaction codes in IB Generic institutional transaction import
  • Updated TIAA-CREF institutional import
  • Removed asset/sector server
  • Fixed typo of "Bath" to "Batch" in a couple of the Cover Letter option dialog titles
  • Widened up the CUSIP edit box in the Investment Properties dialog

>March 20, 2020 versions 2020.16.4:

  • Improvements in the Pershing institutional transaction import
  • Improvements in the Interactive Brokers (Generic) institutional transaction import
  • Improvements in the TIAA-CREF institutional transaction import
  • Improvements in the Fidelity institutional transaction import
  • Fixed a bug where closing a sub-portfolio could cause the program to hang in certain cases
  • Fixed a bug where negative number fields were being incorrectly colored in the Data Register and Portfolio Editor when the option "Display Price/Value Fields with Currency" was on
  • Fixed the Executive Summary pie chart (investment type) to sort by user-specified investment type order when not ordering by value
  • Fixed investmet stack sorting by type/category to sort by user-specified order, and not the default order

January 22, 2020 versions 2020.16.3:

  • Added support for the new quote server TMX Money
  • Added the ability to customize Ctrl+<number> graph keyboard shortcuts via registry only options
  • Added option to display the price and value fields in the "Preview Importing Transactions" dialog with their currency label.  This preference is controlled by the same option used for the Data Register display at "Options / General Preferences... / Data Register Display / Display Price/Value Fields With Currency".
  • Improved the IB Generic transaction import related to importing transaction specific exchange rates
  • Improved the Importing Transaction Details dialog to display a reminder about the Total/Shares usually being negative for Account Fee and Foreign Tax distribution types. Works similar to the Distribution dialog box.
  • Fixed bug where Custom Properties import was skipping empty fields
  • Fixed bug where the Seasonality graphs could sometimes not display any bar data
  • Fixed bug where the cursor could sometimes not display in the Technical Analysis graph

November 5, 2019 versions 2020.16.2:

  • Improved storing/recalling column sizes in several windows, so that if the screen resolution changes the column widths are maintained.  Helpful when transferring settings between different computers/displays.
  • Bug fix: Printing the Portfolio Editor window was not working
  • Bug fix: The Buy/Sell dialog for investments using bond style interest could be cut off in certain conditions

October 31, 2019 versions 2020.16.1:

  • Added new "Include Weekends in Average" option for management fee methods using the "% of Average Value" method
  • Updated the "Find" dialog so the starting input focus is on the search text box
  • When recording a corresponding default cash account entry and the cash is in a different currency than originating investment, the exchanged value to cash is rounded to the nearest 0.01 before being recorded.  Previously, no rounding was being performed, so small fractional shares of cash could be created.
  • Bug fix: Using "Collapse All" in the Portfolio Editor could leave the incorrect sub-portfolio shown in the list view
  • Bug fix: In the Graph window keyboard shortcuts and various commands were not working properly when the top investment was cash and cash investments were not being displayed
  • Bug fix: When requesting to graph a cash type investment from a report or the Portfolio Editor, the option to not display cash type investments is supposed to be turned off, but it wasn't working for all graph types

October 2, 2019 versions 2020.16.0:

  • Income Schedule Graph and Report can now display either "Expected" income or "Actual" income.  Expected income is that set under the "Income" tab of the "Investment Properties...".  Acutal income is from recorded Dividend and Interest Income distribution transactions.  Use the "Income Schedule Graph Options..." dialog to choose the type of income to graph.  See the new "Income From" choice in the Report Settings dialog to choose the reported income type.
  • New "Find" feature that can optionally search portfolios, investments, transactions, or investment notes.  Searches support wildcard characters.  Results list can contain any of these, and depending on the object, when you select it, it will open in the Portfolio Editor or Data Register.  See "Edit / Find..." from within any window, or use the new magnifying glass toolbar icon.
  • Added ability to edit before importing in the Preview Importing Transactions/Positions dialogs.  You can now edit the details (date, amounts, transaction type, etc) of any incoming transaction/position before finishing the import/retrieve.  Use the new Edit... button, double click on the transaction, or right mouse click and choose "Transaction Details..." to make an edit.
  • Added Distributions to the Monthly Performance report as performance metric choices.  You can view any specific type of distribution, all distributions, or Dividends + Interest Income.
  • Added Custom report fields for the number of winning and losing investments, and also the winning percentage.  Winning/losing is determined by a positive/negative OOP gain within the report's date range.
  • Added option to choose different toolbar button sizes.  See "Options / General Preferences... / Toolbar / Button Size".  Button sizes can be <Automatic>, Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, or Very Large.
  • Added support for high resolution (DPI) displays, so the display is always crips/clear for any resolution.  Previously the window could be scaled by Windows when the display scale was >100%, causing a blurred appearance.
  • Added new Seasonality report.  Displays relative performance of investments and portfolios for each month of the year.  Available in Professional and Advisor versions.
  • Added new Seasonality and Portfolio Seasonality graphs.  Displays relative performance of investments and portfolios by week, month, or quarter of the year.  Available in Professional and Advisor versions.
  • Added the choice of which cash account to use in the Buy/Sell and Distribution dialogs when using multiple currencies.  If the investment being edited is not in the default currency and there are multiple cash investments of differing currencies in the same sub-portfolio, you will be given the choice of which cash account to use.  You can also choose to not record a corresponding cash account entry.
  • User-defined Custom report fields can now be either "Number" or "Date" type fields.  Previously, all user-defined fields were always "Number" type fields.  Select the data type when defining the user-defined fields.
  • Added Investment Type (Investment_type) and Currency (Currency_N_D) as available fields when creating user-defined Custom report fields.  See online help for details on how to use these fields.
  • New Report display options to display all price and value type fields with their currency symbol.  Also added an option to display the percent sign in any percentage type number.  See "Report Preferences... / General" for the new options.
  • New Portfolio Editor display options to display all price and value type fields with their currency symbol.  Also added an option to display the percent sign in any percentage type number.  See "General Preferences... / Portfolio Editor Display" for the new options.
  • New Data Register display option to display all price and value type fields with their currency symbol.  See "General Preferences... / Data Register Display" for the new option.
  • Added new "Expand All" and "Collapse All" commands when right mouse clicking on a sub-portfolio in the Portfolio Editor tree view
  • Added Yield MTD, Yield QTD, and Yield YTD as available fields in the Portfolio Editor
  • Added the advanced internet retrieve investment properties to the available fields in the Portfolio Editor.  The new field "Alt HQS Symbol" displays any assigned alternate symbol to use with the historical quote server.  The "Retrieve Price" field will indicate if either the primary or historical quote servers are set to be skipped.
  • Updated the "Currency" field in the Portfolio Editor to display both the native (assigned) currency, as well as the displayed currency.  Displays as: N (D).  Works the same as the "Currency" field in a Custom report now.
  • Added a Custom report field "Average Value (between)" to get the daily average value between start/end dates inclusive (ignoring weekends).  This field is also available for insertion in the Invoice report.
  • Hidden sub-portfolios are displayed as gray folders in the Portfolio Editor when they are being displayed
  • The size and position of the Preview Importing Transaction, Position, Reconcile, and Bulk Reconcile wizard dialogs is remembered.  Each time you open one of these wizards they are initialized to the size/position where you last left them.
  • Added ability to use a longer symbol for certain quote servers which require long symbols.  Previous limit was 49 characters.  The new limit is 97 characters, which can be accomplished by using the "Description" property of an investment, and beginning the description with a "+" character.  In this case, the rest of the description will be appended to the symbol used when requesting a price.  Useful for certain quote servers that require very long symbols, such as Fund Library (Canadian Mutuals) and Boerse Stuttgart.
  • Added <cusip> and <desc> as optional merge fields for use in the Web News URL.  Used to optionally insert the CUSIP and Description properties of an investment into the Web News URL.  See "Options / General Preferences... / Menus / Web News URL".
  • Added Executive Summary report option to control the display of the Portfolio Performance Section.  Choose to not display it, show ROI Yield, Time-Weighted Return, or both ROI and TWR.  Previously it was always ROI Yield.
  • Added a new graph option "Graphs / Options / Display... / Prefer to Open Graphs in New Window".  When enabled, any graph type selected while not in an existing Graph window will be opened in a new graph window.  When this option is left off, any selected graph type will be shown in an existing graph window first, before opening a new window.  Option is defaulted to off, so functionality remains as it was previously.
  • Added new fields to the Open Lots report to enable showing opening price and price gain both with and without commission fees.  The new fields are "Open Price+C" and "Price Gain+C".  See "Options / Report Preferences... / Open Lots".
  • Added several new graph window keyboard shortcuts: set the graph date range to any number of years/month to date (Ctrl/Shift + <number>), create new graph window (F12), toggle on/off cursor labels (Ctrl+Shift+L), toggle on/off right Y axis labels (z), increase/decrease Y axis label density (:/;)
  • Improved setting the date range for a historical price retrieve.  Default "From" date is set to the date of the last recorded closing price in the investments being retrieved, or date of last price retrieve, whichever is earlier.  Previously it always defaulted to the date of the last price retrieve.  Also added a new "l" keyboard shortcut which changes the date to the earliest Last recorded price within all the investments being retrieved.  See the online help for more details.
  • Added new keyboard shortcuts for date controls to move forward or backward 1 week.  "w" moves back 1 Week, and "k" moves forward 1 weeK.
  • Made the Portfolio Properties dialog box resizable
  • Added support for institutional "Interactive Brokers (Generic)" interface.  This is the newer recommended interface for Advisors using Interactive Brokers.  The prior IB interface is still in place, but renamed "Interactive Brokers (PC)".  Advisors can use either interface.
  • Changed supported Windows versions to Windows 7 or later (Windows 7, 8, and 10).  No longer support XP or Vista.
  • Improved the price retrieve log.  When a symbol fails to retrieve the warning now includes the name of the investment, the location in the sub-portfolio hierarchy, and if it was using the alternate symbol for historical quote servers. Helps make it easier to find problematic internet retrieve settings.
  • Made the category lists in Investment Properties, Allocation Target, and Symbol List dialogs sortable.  You can sort by category or percentage by clicking on the column header.
  • Changed the "Description" custom report field to display the "Memo" field of sub-portfolios and the "Description" field of investments.  Previously only investment descriptions were shown, and the Description field was blank for sub-portfolios.
  • In the Reconciliation wizard, added "Copy "Difference"" to the right mouse menu.  Copies the number of shares in the "Difference" column of the selected investment to the clipboard.  Helps when manually adding a transaction to correct the share balance.
  • When changing the hidden property of a sub-portfolio, a choice is presented to also change all items (both investments and sub-portfolios) within that sub-portfolio to the new hidden state
  • Added special OFX check for interest earned in a Fidelity account, where Fidelity reports interest earned on a cash account as an investment banking deposit.  If memo matches "INTEREST EARNED" we treat this as a reinvested interest income instead of a purchase.
  • Moved menu commands for instituitional interfaces no longer available underneath a new "Legacy" menu.  Commands are still available for importing old data files, but not on top level "Import" menus anymore.  Moved BrokersXpress, Rydex, Scottrade, and Southwest Securities.
  • Updated the sort column in all list views to use more modern and easier to see sort arrow
  • Improved Print Preview so the toolbar doesn't flash when paging through multiple page print preview
  • Improved recalling font sizes between cases where display scale changes.  Switching computers, changing display scale, or opening sample portfolios could cause font sizes to be different than when saved.  Now the correct point size is always used, no matter the user's DPI setting.
  • Added support for additional transaction codes with the Pershing institutional data interface
  • Changed method for determining an investment's default cash account when the investment's immediate containing sub-portfolio does not have a default cash account assigned.  The new method performs a search up the sub-portfolio hierarchy starting from the immediate containing sub-portfolio for a sub-portfolio with an assigned default cash account.  Previously it was using the earliest defined sub-portfolio instead of the lowest in the sub-portfolio hierarchy.
  • Changed the new investment default transaction entry preference to "commission fees" for all the user-defined investment types.  Was previously set to "no fees".
  • Output interpolation range settings to log files where these values are used, like yield and statistic calculation logs
  • Improved quoted-printable importing from vcard files for the client list
  • Improved error message and instructions when failing to restore from a backup made with portable/cloud mode enabled
  • Improved yield calculation algorithm to be more robust at finding solutions when yield is very small or very large
  • Fixed issue where keyboard shortcuts would not work in Report windows while cursor was over a data line
  • Fixed several cases where focus could be switched back to a parent dialog from a child, before completing child dialog.  Example case was bringing up the "Filter..." dialog from within Report Settings.
  • Fixed bug where keyboard scrolling the dates of a graph the dates could become "stuck" on a certain date
  • Fixed bug where the requested transaction to view in the Data Register would not always be scrolled into view
  • Fixed bug where importing generic prices could crash under certain conditions
  • Fixed bug where user could be prompted to save data on exit when no data had been changed.  Problem could occur when using the password protection feature.
  • Fixed a bug where the Portfolio Value column in an Investment Transaction report could sometimes display an incorrect value when sub-totals were turned on
  • Increased resolution of yield calculations when percentages are being displayed to a greater number of significant digits.  Previously the calculation was always done to 0.001%, which could lead to a rounding error when displaying percentages to 3 or more digits.
  • Fixed bug where sorting the client list by the Portfolio column was not always working properly
  • Fixed bug where editing portfolio properties from within a report could sometimes cause the report portfolio label to be displayed incorrectly
  • Fixed bug where some menu commands would not work on the correct investment when in an investment based Graph window and the investment on top of the stack order was a cash investment, and graphs were set to not display cash investments

April 27, 2019 versions 2018.15.5:

  • Fixed bug where the preference for initial data type in the Data Register would get changed to Prices after opening the Data Register from the "View..." button in the alert popup dialog
  • Fixed bug where the tax fields in a Custom report could be incorrectly multiplied by however many instances were in your top level sub-portfolio, causing errors when you have the same investment file opened multiple times, or in link subs
  • Improved turning on portable mode for Advisor version with a client list.  Previously if the portable location had a client list, the client list from non-portable mode would not be transferred.  Changed it to always transfer client list to portable location when turning on portable mode.

October 19, 2018 versions 2018.15.4:

  • Fixed issue where some commands would not be considered "working" to prevent automatic price retrieval while working
  • In the "Report Settings... / Benchmark" dialog if you changed the benchmark investment and hit Apply, when you closed the dialog it would again un-necessarily recalculate the report data
  • Updated Yahoo (Historical) as dividends are no longer being reported in split adjusted values by this server

March 28, 2018 versions 2018.15.3:

  • Fixed bug where a memorized report could sometimes not be recalled when you have over 50 reports memorized
  • Fixed display issue in the Specify Lots dialog where very small fractional shares could sometimes be displayed, when they should be rounded to a lower precision.
  • Fixed bug where if you edited data in the Data Register while a report was calculating the program could crash
  • When scrolling by month/year in a graph the end dates stay locked on the beginning/end of the month if you start there.  Previously, due to not displaying weekends and months having different end dates, the end points of the graph could "creep in" with successive scrolling.
  • Using keyboard shortcuts to adjust date in a graph where the active portfolio has no investments could cause the program to crash
  • Changed "Auto Update List" for "Create Investment from Investments" command to display more clearly.  List view only lists destination investment, and is formatted based on user display preference.  Selected destination shows source/operator details beneath list.
  • Made "Filename" and "In Portfolio" vertically scrollable in the "Investment Properties... / Statistics" dialog.  Helps in viewing very long data strings.

January 2, 2018 versions 2018.15.2:

  • Improved canceling of transaction or position retrieval.  Pressing cancel once does a "soft" cancel, where the current brokerage retrieve completes, and any remaining brokerages are cancelled.  Pressing cancel a second time does a "medium" cancel, where the current retrieve aborts after the immediate network action.  Pressing cancel a third time forces a "hard" cancel where the immediate network action is terminated.
  • Fixed bug where it was possible to crash when canceling a transaction or position retrieval
  • Increased share resolution displayed in Specify Lots dialog when necessary based on the recorded data.  Allows specifying full precision of owned shares to avoid accumulating rounding errors between purchased shares and specified shares.  Previously it was possible (especially when odd ratio split transactions were recorded) to get in a situation where the accumulation of un-specified shares could accumulate to the point where it wasn't possible to specify all sold shares.
  • Fixed bug where "Unused" column in the Specify Lots dialog was not auto-updating as shares were specified
  • Fixed bug where program could crash when opening a portfolio
  • Fixed % Change graph legend fields to take absolute value of denominator, before calculating a percentage change.  Increases were previously reporting as negative if the plotted value was negative.
  • Fixed bug where all enabled investments with the same symbol, regardless of their assigned quote server, were being updated by a price retrieve.  Changed this to only update prices of enabled/matching symbol investments if they are also using the same quote server.  Previously if different quote servers used the same symbol for different securities the prices would get incorrectly updated.
  • Fixed bug where calculation for blended investments due to a source price being updated could sometimes re-calculate for the whole date range, instead of just where prices were updated.  This could cause the initial starting point to change.

November 9, 2017 versions 2018.15.1:

  • Updated the Yahoo quote servers to be fast again
  • Added "CNN Money", "Google" and "Google - US (Historical)" quote servers
  • Added support for Google (Historical) to retrieve as much history as is available in a single retrieve.  Previously this server was limited to 200 days per retrieve.
  • Made it easier to change price retrieve settings in bulk for many investments.  Added new "Apply Settings to Existing Investments" button in the "New Investment Price Retrieve Defaults" dialog.  See "Options / Internet Settings... / New Investment Defaults".
  • Added a link to "Instructions on Using Each Server" in the "Options / Internet Settings..." and "Investment Properties... / Internet Retrieve" dialogs which takes you to the website where each quote server is documented
  • Added a "Font..." button in "Cover Letter Options..." dialog
  • Improved error message box when price retrieve failed for a symbol that is only white space. Now displays <blank symbol> instead of just white space to make it more clear.
  • The "About" dialog displays prior license name/serial if there was one, and if the current program is not licensed.  The old license name is an active link to the upgrade order form. Makes it easier to upgrade to the current version.  Previously the old license name was not shown, so it could be difficult to remember license name and serial number when ordering an upgrade.
  • Added advanced internet connection option to skip any proxy servers assigned in Windows. See "Options / Internet Settings... / Advanced Options... / Bypass any Proxy Server".
  • Fixed bug where logo could be cropped in the Executive Summary report
  • Fixed display issue in Data Register for Share Balance and Market Value when they were displayed for a future date
  • Corrected import from Schwab institutional for foreign tax paid transactions to show the money being paid, and not received

October 14, 2017 versions 2018.15.0:

  • New Client Statement Service: Adds support for securely sharing statements with your clients in the Client Portal.  Integrated with existing Batch Print and Mobile/Web Access features, so clients can see their current holdings, and statements through the Client Portal.  See the Client Statement Service YouTube tutorial.  (Advisor version only)
  • Added ability to print the Portfolio Editor list view contents.  Can print either in the same format as display or a "simple" text-only print style. See "File / Print..." from within the Portfolio Editor window.
  • New option to display hidden investments in reports if they have activity within the report date range.  See "Options / Report Preferences... / General / Investment Display / Display Hidden Investments with Activity".  Previously, hidden investments would never be displayed if "View / Hidden Investments/Portfolios" was off, leading to confusion when hidden investments had non-zero values.  This new option causes any investment marked as hidden to be displayed if there were shares owned or transactions recorded within the report's date range(s).  Default value of this new option is ON.
  • Added a new option to automatically un-hide a hidden investment whenever a share based transaction (buy, sell, or transfer) is added/edited/deleted.  See "Options / General Preferences... / Other / Automatically Un-Hide Investments With New Transactions".  This new option is on by default. Helps to display previously owned/sold investments if you re-buy them.
  • Added optional "Cursor Labels".  When moving the cursor around on a graph floating labels showing the cursor's position are shown along the X and Y axis.  Makes it easier to read the exact location of your cursor.  Toggle on/off at "Graphs / Options / Cursor / Show Labels".
  • Display a right hand side % scale on all graph types where it makes sense.  Previously only available in the Price + Dist. graph.  Right Y axis labels can be turned on or off using the option at "Graphs / Options / Display / Display % Along Right Y Axis".
  • Added several new graph legend fields:
    • [[NOEXTRA]]: Prevents any extra text from being placed in the legend, besides what is specified by the user.  Some graph types display extra information by default (like moving average values).  Inserting this field will prevent any extra text from being displayed.
    • [[PARENTPORT]]: Investment's immediate parent sub-portfolio
    • [[PARENTACCT]]: Account number of investment's immediate parent sub-portfolio
    • [[GRAPHVALCHANGE]]: Change in plotted data point between beginning and ending graph dates, inclusive
    • [[GRAPHVALPERCCHANGE]]: Percentage change in plotted data point between beginning and ending graph dates, inclusive
  • New options for controlling price retrieve.  Each investment can now optionally override the symbol to use when retrieving from the historical quote server.  This allows you to have separate symbols for the primary and historical quote servers.  New options to disable retrieving from only the primary or only historical quote servers.  See "Investment Properties... / Internet Retrieve / Advanced Options...".
  • Added ability to "retrieve" prices from a user-specified file.  Useful when you have a 3rd party quote provider to update prices without doing an import.  To use this server, see the new quote server called "<local file>" and press the "Local File..." button in the "Options / Internet Settings..." dialog to specify the location of this file.  Press "Help..." in that dialog for details on the required file format.
  • Added support for new quote server "Coin Market Cap" for cryptocurrency quotes
  • Data can now be copied in tab delimited text format from the Portfolio Editor to the clipboard.  Using "Edit / Copy" now also places a text version of the data from the list view onto the clipboard.
  • New Custom report fields to break down both realized and unrealized gains by holding period.  You can now calculate in a Custom report the total realized or unrealized gains, as well as the amounts for each holding period (short, medium, or long term).  New custom report fields:
    • Tax basis unrealized gain LT, Assigned Method
    • Tax basis unrealized gain MT, Assigned Method
    • Tax basis unrealized gain ST, Assigned Method
    • Tax basis realized gain LT, Assigned Method (between)
    • Tax basis realized gain MT, Assigned Method (between)
    • Tax basis realized gain ST, Assigned Method (between)
  • New Custom report fields to show the percentage of the parent object.  The percentage is of the immediate parent, not necessarily the total portfolio value for the report.  Especially useful for sub-portfolio hierarchy.  See:
    • Percentage of parent object (beginning)
    • Percentage of parent object (ending)
  • Added option to print a customizable Cover Letter in the Batch Print/Email feature.  The cover letter can include up to 3 customizable pages (cover, table of contents, and comments pages).
  • Added a new "Allocation Target" property to sub-portfolios.  Used when batch printing a Rebalance Report, so each client can automatically utilize different allocation targets.  Also used to set default allocation target when creating any new Rebalance report.
  • Executive Summary report can now optionally display a portfolio based graph.  A new "Portfolio Value Bar Chart" is the default, and displays a bar chart of the portfolio value for the last 12 months.  Any portfolio based graph can be displayed, including the portfolio/investment overlay graphs which will overlay your portfolio with the indices selected for this report.  See the "Options..." button when creating an Executive Summary report.
  • Executive Summary report improvements.  Option to display either 5 or 10 pie slices has been added.  Previously it was always limited to 5.  New report option "Display Removed Money as Negative Value" so that values in the Portfolio Activity Summary section that reduce the ending value (e.g. Withdrawals) are shown as negative numbers.  Previously withdrawals were shown as a positive number.
  • Improved the "Create Investment from Investments" command.  Optionally automatically update the destination investment in the future as the prices for either source investment get updated.  See the new "Update Destination When Sources Update" command in this dialog.  Also, see the new "Auto Update List..." button for a listing of all the automatic updates.  You can stop an automatic update by removing it from the list here.  Updates are now always done using the native currency prices (not exchanged).  Previously the command would use the prices in whatever state they were being displayed at the time. Now it always uses the native currency prices.  When creating a new investment for the destination you are no longer prompted with the New Investment dialog, it just creates the investment automatically.
  • Added a new "Create Blended Investment" command.  Combine multiple investments by percentage to create a new blended investment.  Useful for creating a custom benchmark/index.  Blended investments are automatically updated as their sources change.
  • Built with updated/latest development platform/tools for improved code speed and security
  • Alert popup dialog improvement.  Click on the new "View..." button or double click the alert in the list view to open alerting investment in the Data Register.
  • On automatic mobile/web uploads, only perform the update if there were any changes
  • Added ability to view currently recorded transactions with the Data Register while previewing importing transactions.  Right mouse click on any transaction in the "Preview Importing Transactions" dialog and choose "Edit All Data...".
  • Added option to control what sub-portfolio is used when recalling a memorized report.  Choose between the sub-portfolio at time of memorization, or the current/active sub-portfolio when recalling.  See "Options / Report Preferences... / Other / Memorized Reports / Recall Using Sub-Portfolio:".  Default is to use the sub-portfolio at time of memorization, which is how prior versions worked.
  • Added graph display options to control Y axis auto-scaling.  Can now independently specify whether or not to include buy/sell markers, alert markers, trendlines, or secondary lines like moving averages in the determination of the min/max display range.  See "Graphs / Options / Display / Y Axis Autoscale:".
  • Added a "Gain" field to the Open Lots report, that is (Value + Distributions - Open Value) to be consistent with the %Gain.  Previously only had a Value Gain, but it does not include Distributions.
  • Added "Model Portfolio", "Bill To Account", "Management Fee Method", and "Allocation Target" as available columns to display in the Portfolio Editor list view (Advisor only)
  • Added "Accrued Interest" as an available column to display in the Portfolio Editor list view
  • Improved error messages related to price retrieval.  New option to control the verbosity of warnings at "Options / Internet Settings... / Advanced Options... / Warning Level on Retrieve Failure".  Can set the warning level to show no warnings, only display when all from a particular server fail, or when any requested symbol fails.  Default is now any symbol.  Previously a warning was only issued upon all from a given server failing.  Error message is improved to display failing symbol/server combinations.
  • Made it easier to view log files by adding "Help / Logs" popup menu that lists all available log files.  Log files are available for report/graph calculations, price/transaction/asset/sector retrieval, activated alerts, ROI/TWR yield calculations, and a log of any skipped transactions during an institutional transaction import.
  • Improved several dialogs used to order items by adding the ability to use drag/drop with the mouse, in addition to "Move Up/Down" buttons.  Added to dialogs: Rearrange Investment Order, Custom Report Settings, Investments to Overlay (Graphs), Executive Summary Indices.
  • Improved the way Sharpe Ratio calculates so it can more consistently produce data, and report fewer "N/A" values.  Biggest improvement is calculations of Sharpe Ratios for combined investment objects, like sub-portfolios, categories, investment type, or currency. The monthly returns used in the calculations are now Time-Weighted Returns (TWR).  Previous methodology used only pricing/distribution data in investments, and calculated based off weighted average of investments.  TWR is much more robust against missing price data points.
  • Added the ability to export and import custom investment properties.  See "File / Import/Export / Other / Custom Properties...".
  • Added ability to customize the labels/choices for currency, investment type, asset type, investment goal, and sector from within the New Investment dialog.  The top choice in each of these selection boxes is "<Edit Labels...>" which enables customizing the available labels for that item.
  • When retrieving historical dividends from Yahoo you can now choose between: Reinvested, Reinvested (Whole Shares Only), or Distributed.  When selecting "Reinvested (Whole Shares Only)" only the amount needed to purchase a whole number of shares will be reinvested, and any remainder will be distributed.
  • Added option to suppress prompts to download program updates when automatically retrieving prices.  See new option "Options / Internet Settings... / Automatic Retrieve Frequency... / Do Not Prompt for Program Updates".
  • Added options for the Portfolio Performance and Executive Summary reports to display money removed from the portfolio as a negative value.  The option is on by default.  See "Options / Report Preferences... / Portfolio Performance / Display Removed Money as Negative Value" and the same option in the Executive Summary Options dialog.
  • Improved Accretion/Amortization dialog box.  Now defaults the date to the last entered transaction date.  Added an optional toolbar button for the Portfolio Editor and Graph window toolbars.
  • Made the transaction retrieve option to import investment banking transactions a sub-portfolio property instead of a global option.  Provides more flexibility so some accounts can have this on, and some can have it off.  See the new "Advanced..." button in the Transaction Retrieve Settings dialog.
  • Institutional transaction import improvement.  When importing institutional data files, don't show/log warnings for transactions that are filtered out by account or date.  Previously any un-known transaction would be displayed/logged, even it it was not being imported.
  • Increased amount of addressable memory space to 4GB.  Was previously limited to 2GB.  (Advisor version only)
  • When bulk printing, you can now customize the print job name, including using mail merge fields.  Helpful when bulk printing to PDF files.
  • Added "Install PDF Printer..." button to the report/graph print dialogs to enable printing to a PDF file.  Links to PrimoPDF site.
  • Added command to export specified lot information to a CSV file.  See "File / Export / Other / Specified Lots...".
  • Added an option to create/view a detailed communication log with quote servers when retrieving prices.  The option is enabled by default.  See "Options / Internet Settings... / Advanced Options... / Enable Detailed Communication Log".  Log is also available from "Help / Logs / Price Retrieve (Detailed)...".
  • Improved OFX retrieve/import for case where a 0 share reinvestment is reported for a cash type investment not assigned as the default cash account.  The advanced option "Default Cash Distributions are Reinvested" option will cause 0 share reinvestments in cash type investments to be recorded as reinvested based off the value, instead of the reported 0 shares.  Some brokers report cash reinvestments with a value, but zero for shares.  This helps in case where you do not have a default cash account assigned and cash reinvestments are reported this way.
  • Graph labels that are percentages now honor the decimal place setting under "Options / General Preferences... / Display / Decimal Places".  Previously they always displayed to 2 decimal places.
  • Technical Analysis graph improvements related to drawing candlesticks.  Changed the default colors such that up days are blue and down days are red by default.  Also now fill in candlestick body for both up/down days.  Previously up days were drawn with a hollow body.  Also allow candlestick bodies to shrink to only 1 pixel wide for zoomed out views to provide a less cluttered/overlapping appearance.
  • Improved "flickering" when moving mouse around on graphs
  • Added graph display option to limit keyboard scrolling/zooming of date ranges to areas of recorded data.  See "Graphs / Options / Display... / Zooming or Scrolling X Axis Limited to Data Range".  For example, the ending date of an investment based graph will not go before/past the first/last recorded closing price.
  • Added "Export to CSV..." to the right mouse menu on reports
  • Improved the asset/sector/goal manual entry in Investment Properties, so that after you enter a percentage the input focus goes back to the list in that dialog
  • Increased size of edit boxes in the buy/sell and distribution dialogs
  • Added %B value to legend of Technical Analysis graph when displaying Bollinger Bands
  • Added "Username" column in Bulk Print/Email and Client List dialogs.  Displays the Mobile/Web username for that client.
  • Added a warning/usage tip message box when creating a new report window when you already have many report windows open. Trying to help prevent creating very large number of report windows, which will slow down performance.  Warning can be turned off.
  • In the "Rearrange Investment Order" dialog, when the option "Show Investments From All Portfolios" is changed, any currently selected investment remains selected
  • Made the "Share Balance" and "Market Value" amounts in the Data Register copyable to the clipboard

August 1, 2017 versions 2016.14.15:

  • Updated Yahoo (Historical) as closing prices and dividends are now being reported split adjusted by this server
  • Added a registry only option to enable debug logging of internet retrieve (Key: "Internet Retr", String value: "debuglog" to 1)
  • Improved handling of cash/money markets when importing from Schwab institutional
  • Changed entry of "Performance Fee %" in management fee method to be a straight percentage of profits, instead of an annual rate
  • Bug fix: Top level "Sort" menu in Management Fee report was not always working properly
  • Bug fix: Total was displayed incorrectly when recording a bond sale with accrued interest. Did not affect recorded transactions, just display in dialog.
  • Bug fix: Removed [[CURRENCY]] as an available legend text field in the overlay graph types.  Not supported in those graph types, and program could crash if used in those graph types.

May 2, 2017 versions 2016.14.14:

  • Improvements related to Scottrade position imports from institutional files
  • When importing prices, if the price is 0, it is imported as 0.000001 instead of being skipped.  For institutional imports, these are written to import log.  If confirmation notices are on, a message box will be displayed when this situation happens.
  • Improvements to DST FAN Mail transaction import
  • Update required to fix the Yahoo (Alternate/Options/Real-Time) quote servers, including quote module 514
  • Bug fix: After closing a sub-portfolio, open graph windows that were overlaying portfolios could overlay the wrong sub-portfolio
  • Bug fix: When retrieving historical dividends from Yahoo (Historical), dividends that happened on the same day as a split were being treated as pre-split amounts, but Yahoo is reporting them post-split

November 6, 2016 versions 2016.14.13:

  • Bug fix: Calculation of Out Of Pocket (OOP) cost on currently held shares could sometimes be wrong (incorrectly fixed in 2016.14.12)
  • Bug fix: Current cost/gain based graphs would skip over updating the graph when a negative valued reinvestment was recorded

November 2, 2016 versions 2016.14.12:

  • Bug fix: When copying report text and the date format had 4 digit years the date would be truncated
  • Bug fix: Calculation of Out Of Pocket (OOP) cost on currently held shares could sometimes be wrong after a negative valued reinvestment
  • Bug fix: When a Return of Capital distribution was received in an investment using the Specific Lot accounting method, the returned tax basis was being allocated to still owned shares based on FIFO accounting instead of Specific Lot
  • Bug fix: When retrieving historical dividends from Yahoo (Historical) and choosing the option to reinvest the dividends the reinvestment price was being determined before updating the prices from that same retrieve

October 17, 2016 versions 2016.14.11:

  • Improved handling of un-known transactions during institutional imports.  Logs all such transactions to a file, and also gives the option to stop notifying of additional un-known transactions.
  • Improved Schwab institutional interface to add support for additional transaction codes
  • Improved Scottrade institutional interface for better CD/Bond support
  • Bug fix: program could crash when plotting an overlaid portfolio that was closed

August 4, 2016 versions 2016.14.10:

  • Released with quote module 504, adding improved support for the new WSJ quote servers (more info)
  • Improved Schwab institutional interface, adding support for more transaction codes (Advisor only)
  • Prevent attempting to retrieve investments with an empty symbol

July 14, 2016 versions 2016.14.9:

  • Released with quote module 498.  (FM 2016.14.8 and quote module 497 were not backward compatible with any prior version.)

July 14, 2016 versions 2016.14.8:

July 9, 2016 versions 2016.14.7:

  • Added support for sending alert emails through SMTP mail servers that require TLS encryption (previously only supported SSL)
  • Added new quote servers: Quandl and Quandl (Historical)  (more info)
  • Removed both Bloomberg and Bloomberg (Historical) quote servers due to their Terms Of Service (TOS) limitations
  • Removed "Proxy Server" options in "Options / Internet Settings...".  Always uses the settings in Windows now.
  • Improved log file for Sharpe Ratio to give more explanation in cases where a calculation could not be performed
  • Changed "Extensive" to "Extended" in FI default asset type category names
  • Changed rebalance trade export for Scottrade format for ETFs.  Uses EQ instead of MF, and uses whole shares instead of fractional.
  • Bug fix: In some cases a memorized report could not be recalled
  • Bug fix: Program could crash when displaying an Income Schedule report under certain conditions
  • Bug fix: Generic transaction export was not exporting BONDFREQ, BONDMAT, or BONDCOUP information when requested

April 11, 2016 versions 2016.14.6:

  • Improved documentation in online help on calculating OOP cost of transferred shares
  • Improved position import from Schwab Data Delivery  (Advisor version only)
  • Added flexibility for sizing of graph images when emailing or saving images to a folder during batch print/email.  User now has control over output graph image size by controlling state/size of window.  See notes in documentation.  (Advisor version only)
  • Bug fix: Changing investment stack order wasn't refreshing the portfolio/investment overlay graphs, so the overlaid investments could be plotted incorrectly, or the program could crash.

January 13, 2016 versions 2016.14.5:

  • Digitally signed Fund Manager using a new (SHA256) code signing certificate. Was previously signing with an older (SHA1) code signing certificate.  When Fund Manager was downloaded using Internet Explorer the browser would report that the signature was invalid.  Any SHA1 code signing certificates used after the end of 2015 would cause this warning in IE.

January 12, 2016 versions 2016.14.4:

  • Added support for more Schwab institutional transaction codes
  • Bug fix: Accrued interest paid on a bond purchase could come in with an incorrect sign when retrieving transactions from your broker

December 15, 2015 versions 2016.14.3:

  • Changed the drop-down list of investment types in the "New Investment" and "Investment Property" dialogs to display the types in the same user-defined order as specified under "Options / Investment Type..."
  • Improved price import from Schwab institutional SEC price files to use new un-factored price multiplied by the price factor.  Improves support for investments like TIPS.
  • Non-report windows could lose keyboard focus when data changed, causing a background report to update, and take keyboard focus
  • Bug fix: Program could crash displaying certain error messages in price retrieve dialog when doing an unattended/automatic retrieve

November 17, 2015 versions 2016.14.2:

  • Bug fix: Changing the investment property "Accounting Method" to FIFO or AVG would not save

November 10, 2015 versions 2016.14.1:

  • Fixed Mobile/Web upload feature.  Uploads stopped working due to server configuration change.
  • Updated new advanced option that updates prices when retrieving transactions by market value / units.  Considers the reported unit price and scales to get price to correct order of magnitude.  Improved with issues related to rounding of price.
  • Improved Schwab institutional interface to add support for updating CUSIP when available in new SEC files
  • Changed module that updates program (fmadmin.exe) manifest to require administrative permissions.  Used to have it set as highest available, preventing a standard user from elevating to a different user with admin permissions.
  • Bug fix: When copying the text from a custom report with the "Investment Type" field to the clipboard it would be empty if the investment type label was 20 characters or more
  • Bug fix: When reconciling an incorrect error message about "Unable to open specified folder" could appear under certain conditions
  • Bug fix: New Portfolio Editor field % Change-LD field was not color coded green when positive

October 5, 2015 versions 2016.14.0:

  • New optional "Mobile/Web Access" feature.  See "Options / Mobile/Web Access" to enable and set it up.  Your Fund Manager data can be viewed using the new free Fund Manager Android app, or through any web browser.  The Mobile/Web Access feature enables a view only look at your Fund Manager data through these other interfaces.  See this YouTube Tutorial and documentation for more information.  These new interfaces are available here:
  • New "Income Schedule" graph types.  Plot bar charts of future expected income by Month, Quarter, or Year.  Optionally show a break down of income by tax status (tax-free vs. taxable) or income style (dividends vs. bond interest). (more info)
  • Portfolio Editor List Templates.  Memorize Portfolio Editor list columns, and their order, and assign them to a template name.  Create as many templates as you want.  Easily switch between templates (right mouse click on list header or use "View / List Columns... / Templates...".)  Useful for quickly switching between different favorite views.  For example: a price view, a value based view, a view for watch lists, or a view for owned portfolios.
  • Updated for Windows 10 compatibility
  • Investment types are now user-definable, and the available number of types was increased.  You can have up to 25 different investment types (Stock, Bond, Mutual Fund, etc).  Names of all investment types can be defined by the user.
  • Improved status bar to provide more information, and be customizable.  Can now optionally display global currency status which displays both the current default currency symbol, and the displayed currency symbol if all investments are displayed in the same currency.  Displays "na" when not all investments are in the same currency.  Options are available to show the status of hidden investment display as well as the split adjusted option.  Can also toggle on/off the display of the current date/time.  Right mouse click on the status bar to choose which fields to display.
  • Added several new "Date Format" choices, including using the user-adjustable Windows format for a short date.  See "Options / General Preferences... / Display".
  • Added "Today", "Yesterday", "1 Week", "Week to date", "Last Week", and "Current Week" as pre-defined date range choices in the Report Settings and Graph Dates dialogs
  • Graph Trendline Improvements:
    • Slope displayed in status bar for trendline description, in terms of value/date. Helpful to make multiple trendlines at different prices parallel (Can also now copy an existing trendline using the mouse to easily maintain the exact same slope)
    • Move a whole trendline by grabbing/moving the middle.  Previously, could only move by an end.
    • Trendline markers "active" anywhere along trendline, instead of only at ends. Marker cursor appears slightly different when over an endpoint versus over trendline middle.
    • Graph popup tooltip displays smoother when moving the mouse
    • Move a trendline by just left clicking/dragging.  Previously had to hold down Ctrl+Shift while moving
    • Copy an existing trendline by holding down Ctrl before clicking/dragging (without Ctrl it is a move).  Can copy from either an endpoint or middle to have copy either retain one endpoint, or copy the whole line, keeping a constant slope.
    • If moving, cursor is an arrow.  If copying, cursor is an arrow with a + sign.
    • Editing any portfolio level trendlines was not previously marking the portfolio as needing to be saved
    • Portfolio trendlines are now associated with a particular sub-portfolio, instead of all sub-portfolios
    • Remember currency values for each trendline, and only display trendlines when that currency is being displayed.  Previously trendlines were ignoring currency, and always displayed.
  • Added "Currency" as a List By, Sub-Total By, and Filter By option in appropriate report types.  Available in Portfolio Value, Portfolio Performance, Investment Performance, Distribution Summary, Custom, ROI, and TWR reports.
  • Added "Currency" as a Filter By option in the Investment Transactions, Open Lots, and Income Schedule reports.
  • Income Schedule report now supports sub-totals by Month, Quarter, Year, Income Style, or Tax Status
  • Improved Income Schedule report to allow filtering by tax status
  • Added option to sub-total the Investment Transaction report by sub-portfolio
  • Added filtering capability to the Rebalance report.  Optionally filter by Symbol, Asset Type, Investment Goal, Sector, Investment Type, or Currency.  Filter can be either "include only" or "exclude" type.  Can be useful to eliminate cash from Rebalance report.
  • Added a new option that controls the "Float End Date" behavior for both memorized and portfolio recalled reports.  You can now choose from: Current Date, Date of Latest Price, Latest Weekday, or Yesterday.  See "Options / Report Preferences... / Other / Memorized Report End Date Floats To".  Default is Current Date.  In previous versions the end date always floated to the current date.
  • Added the ability to cancel a report while its data is being calculated.  Useful when the calculation is taking a long time.  See the new "Cancel and Close Report" button in the report calculation progress bar dialog.  Helpful when setting up new user-defined Custom report fields, and the calculation takes too long.
  • When checking for program updates (Help / Fund Manager on the Web / Check for Updates...) the main program version is made available to download when a newer version is available.  Previously only the Quote and Transaction Module versions were made available for updating.  If a newer main program version is available an option to visit the download page is presented, making it easier to keep Fund Manager updated to the current version.  An option to not display the notification about a new main program version is available for cases when you do not wish to update the main program.  Cleaned up the format of this version and quote server status dialog to be more clear.
  • New feature to re-create default cash account transactions.  Helpful for when transactions get entered/imported without a default cash account, and you later want to update the cash side of these transactions.  See "File / File Operations / Re-Create Default Cash Transactions...".
  • Added option to control precision of displayed percentage numbers.  Default is 1 decimal place.  See "Options / General Preferences... / Display / Percent Digits".
  • Added a new "Bill To Account" sub-portfolio property.  This allows management fees to be billed to any other specified account.  This value can be displayed in the Management Fee and Invoice reports.  (Advisor version only)
  • When scrolling the first overlaid investment in either of the investment overlay graph types, if the date range is currently set to PRC or TRN (price/transaction inception to date), the graph's starting date will be automatically adjusted to keep PRC/TRN as you scroll
  • When scrolling through the investment stack in a graph window, if the date drop-down is on TRN and the scrolled to investment has the same date range for PRC and TRN, keep it on TRN instead of switching it to PRC
  • Added ability to change the symbol for all investments based off either Name or CUSIP. See "Edit / Symbol List... / Edit Symbol by Name/CUSIP...".  Useful when imported investments come in with an empty symbol.
  • Improved report sorting. When displaying a multi-date range report, you can now sort by any field for any of those date ranges.  Previously you could only sort by the field for the first date range.
  • Added keyboard shortcuts to scroll through defined currency templates.  Ctrl + F11 changes to previous, and Shift + F11 changes to next currency template.  Template order is defined by sorting template names alphabetically.
  • When switching currency templates, the portfolio file is not marked as needing to be saved. Any edits in the Currency Settings dialog still cause the portfolio file to be marked as needing to be saved.
  • Added new advanced options to control updating closing prices when retrieving transactions or importing transactions from an OFX file.  See the "Advanced Options..." in the import wizards to control whether prices are updated from the OFX file or not. Additionally you can control whether the updated price comes from the reported price, or to use market value divided by units owned.  Defaults to using reported price.  The market value / units option can be useful for certain investments such as TIPS that have a price factor included in the market value calculation.
  • Added investment property to enable/disable updating price when retrieving transactions. See "Investment Properties... / Internet Retrieve / Update Price When Retrieving Transactions".
  • Added option to control whether multiple copies of Fund Manager can be running at the same time.  When off, any newly started copy will just bring up the already running copy, instead of starting a new one.  When on, it works as before where you can have multiple copies of Fund Manager running at the same time.  See "Options / General Preferences... / Other / Allow Multiple Program Instances".  This new option is initially set to OFF, so only a single instance will be running at a time by default.
  • Added support for new quote server: Thrift Savings Plan
  • Changed the "Expected Dividend Yield" custom report field to use the "Investment Properties... / Income / Payments per Year" field if specified.  If it is not specified it defaults to the prior behavior of estimating the dividend frequency based off prior recorded dividend transactions.
  • Added a "Apply To All Investments With Matching Symbol" option in "Investment Properties... / Income" to make it easier to apply the same income style properties to multiple investments at once.  This capability was previously only available in the Advisor version under "Edit / Symbol List...", but has been extended to all versions with this new option.
  • Added a "memo" field to price alerts.  Memo is displayed in the Data Register, Investment Transaction Report, alert emails, and in alert marker description in graphs.
  • Added ability to show Active, Completed, and Expired alerts independently in the Investment Transaction report.  See the Investment Transaction report's "Filter..." settings to control.
  • Added "Alert Type" description into alert emails
  • Improved Alert entry dialog to display the current moving average for the specified conditions when entering a moving average type of alert.  It also displays a live updated notice if the current conditions have already been met.
  • Added an "Unused" shares column to the Specify Lots dialog.  The new "Unused" column shows the difference between the "Available" and "Used" columns to make it easier when manually specifying lots.
  • After using the "Specify Lots" dialog if the investment is not assigned to use the "Specified Lots" accounting method you are given the opportunity to change in then.  Previously, you had to go to "Investment Properties... / Other / Accounting Method" to change it.
  • Added ability to customize the Pie chart and Stacked value graph colors (Options / Colors...)
  • Improved pie chart legend sizing to make the legend bigger, relative to the size of the pie chart.  Scales with window size, instead of being a fixed minimum size.
  • Added new legend field to investment based graphs for investment OOP gain and OOP gain per share.  See the new legend fields EINVPRICEGAIN (EINVPRICE - EINVCOSTNAV) and EINVGAIN (EINVVAL - EINVCOST).
  • Added ability to specify the font for the header of the Portfolio Editor list view separately from the list view.  See "Options / General Preferences... / Portfolio Editor Display".
  • Added support for mixed orientation (portrait or landscape) printing in batch printing. Previously you had to choose either all portrait or all landscape.  You can now have reports and graphs print with independent orientations.  (Advisor version only)
  • When shown, the "Transaction Specific Exchange Rate" option defaults ON/OFF based on whether or not you last chose this option.  The initial rate on new transactions defaults to the global rate.  Makes it easier to always use a transaction specific exchange rate.
  • A price for Cash type investments will now always be interpolated when calculating returns. Previously you needed to keep prices recorded on each date of interest in order to get returns reported, even though the price of cash is typically always kept at 1.
  • Added "Market Value" as one of the fields available in the Bond Summary report.  See "Options / Report Preferences... / Bond Summary".
  • Added a new "% Change-LD" (Latest Data) field to the portfolio editor that shows the % change from the most recent to prior recorded price.  Differs from current "% Change" which goes from current date to yesterday.  Helpful when most recent available price is not for the current date (different time zones of the market or viewing on a weekend).
  • When plotting a Stacked Value graph with the "Normalized" option on, the status bar displays % of each segment.  Previously it always displayed value, whether in normalized mode or not.
  • Improved OFX support for Split transactions.  (When numerator and denominator are both reported as 1, split ratio is determined from new/old units instead.)
  • Improved OFX support for Option transactions. When closing an option, support added for CLOSUREOPT code, honoring whether it was closing an option from a buyer or a writer.
  • New Portfolio Wizard improvement.  When an investment gets selected as the default cash account, the price retrieve option is turned off, and the type is set to Cash.  Helps avoid issue where some money market investments are reported as mutual funds, and end up retrieving 7 day yields as prices.
  • Added the reminder in the distribution dialog that value/shares are negative when recording a "Foreign Tax" type of distribution, just like with "Account Fees"
  • Investment Transaction report changed Notes and Split description to be left justified, instead of centered
  • Improved Stacked Value graph.  When displaying zero valued segments the display was displaying a thin line.  Now, zero valued segments are not plotted.  Significantly improved plotting speed also, especially for large sub-portfolios.
  • Forced a refresh of the Data Register after price import
  • Moved file association options to their own tab in the General Preferences dialog.  See "Options / General Preferences... / File Types".
  • Improved date filtering when retrieving historical prices.  Previously the date filtering was relying on the quote server.  If a quote server returned data for a date outside the request period, Fund Manager would accept it, and update that price.  Changed this to enforce only updating prices from historical quotes servers for dates within the user requested date range.
  • Changed generic, *.QIF, and *.PRN price imports to always import as actual closing prices (not split adjusted).  Previously, prices were imported based off "View / Split Adjusted" setting at the time of import.
  • Decreased minimum required shares before a cost is plotted from 0.01 to 0.001.  Minimum is to prevent really large costs from plotting when rounding problems in transactions left a small number of shares.
  • Updated the "New Investment File Format" prompt to display the version of Fund Manager that created the old investment file.  For really old or corrupt files it will display <Unknown Version>, otherwise it shows the version number.
  • Updated the date controls in the New Portfolio Wizard to support all the regular date control shortcut keys
  • Bug fix: Values could sometimes be incorrectly rounded when being displayed
  • Bug fix: Transfer In transactions imported with the "Generic" import would not be skipped if they were already in Fund Manager
  • Bug fix: When retrieving transactions from a broker, the accrued interest paid on a new bond purchase was being recorded as a positive interest received, instead of a negative interest paid.

March 12, 2016 versions 2014.13.8:

  • Fixed issue where the quote/transaction modules could be incorrectly reported as having a bad digital signature
  • Bug fix: Corrupt .mm4 file could cause program to crash
  • Bug fix: "Transfer In" type transactions imported with the "Generic" import would not be skipped if they were already in Fund Manager
  • Bug fix: When retrieving transactions from a broker, the accrued interest paid on a new bond purchase was being recorded as positive interest received, instead of negative interest paid.

April 29, 2015 versions 2014.13.7:

  • Updated retrieving dividends from Yahoo (Historical) to account for the reported distribution per share amounts being split adjusted
  • Bug fix: Program could crash upon startup under certain conditions
  • Bug fix: Filter option in Investment Transaction report to only show portfolio external contributions/withdrawals could sometimes incorrectly display internal transactions due to rounding issue
  • Released with quote module 479 which fixes the default quote server (Yahoo)

March 10, 2015 versions 2014.13.6:

  • Bug fix: Specify Lots dialog buttons "Max Gain" and "Min Gain" could sometimes work incorrectly
  • Bug fix: Under certain conditions the price retrieve could incorrectly update native currency prices as exchange rate adjusted pricing
  • Bug fix: Menu command "Help / Contents..." was not properly displaying home help page
  • Bug fix: Program could crash when importing a price with a symbol greater than 50 characters long
  • Bug fix: Program could crash if you closed the Internet Settings dialog while an automated price retrieve was happening. (Implemented a lock count when getting/freeing inteng functions)
  • Bug fix: Stacked graph by category or investment type could show wrong information in status bar, and clicking to zoom in a report could create the report for the wrong category/investment type
  • Improved installation program to be more reliable
  • Improvements to the Schwab institutional interface for transaction importing

December 3, 2014 versions 2014.13.5:

  • Bug fix: Program could crash after completing price retrieve
  • Bug fix: Program could crash when displaying extremely large numbers
  • Bug fix: The menu item "Graphs / Options / Normalize" would not always display properly
  • Bug fix: Sorting in the Open Lots report would sometimes sort by the wrong column

September 23, 2014 versions 2014.13.4:

  • Updated links in the program to the site to all HTTPS
  • Improved restore operation of the client list.  If the portfolio file is restored to a new location, any clients pointed to the portfolio file at the old location are automatically updated in the client list.  Previously, restored client lists would stay pointed to the old location.
  • In the client information dialog an option was added to apply a portfolio file to all clients. Useful if you change the location of your portfolio file.
  • Updated Fidelity Advisor CHANNEL institutional interface for improved bond support, and updated instructions in online help
  • Updated Interactive Broker institutional interface for support of cancelled transactions
  • Updated Schwab institutional interface to add support for additional transaction codes
  • Added advanced registry only options for controlling SHORTBALANCE and MARGINBALANCE interpretation as negatives when importing OFX positions

July 15, 2014 versions 2014.13.3:

  • Improvement to the transaction specific exchange rate feature.  Previously, a transaction specific exchange rate could only be used to go from a non-default currency to the default currency.  If a default cash account was not in the default currency, the transaction specific exchange rate was ignored for determining the corresponding cash account entry, and the global exchange rate was used instead.  This update allows for a non-default currency cash account to be credited the appropriate amount based on both the transaction specific exchange rate to the default currency, plus the global exchange rate between the default currency and the currency of your cash account.
  • Added the ability to include an investment's sector in investment based graph legends.  See the new [[INVSECTOR]] field under "Graph Options / Legend Text...".
  • New Executive Summary, Correlation Matrix, and Open Lot reports remember report specific options from the last time these report types were created.  Previously, options for these reports would always default to the same settings.
  • Miscellaneous improvements to the Export Rebalance Trades feature when using the Scottrade format
  • Bug fix: Fixed trendline bug, where they could disappear if you edited using the mouse from the left end, without moving the point
  • Bug fix: In the Invoice report the option to control whether the account number is displayed in the management fee breakdown section was not being honored. (Options / Report Preferences... / Invoice / Options... / Display Columns / Account #).

May 21, 2014 versions 2014.13.2:

  • Improved TWR yield calculation speed, by up to a factor of 2 in some cases
  • Improved generic transaction import to prevent rounding errors from recording values to greater than 2 decimal places.  Previously, by specifying certain price and share combinations a value could be recorded to more than 2 significant digits, causing small cash account inaccuracies to be recorded.  Now the value is rounded to 2 decimal places, and the price is adjusted accordingly, thus moving any rounding into the price field instead of the value field.
  • Improved Schwab institutional transaction import to support additional transaction codes not previously supported
  • When using "Delete Price / One Date - All Investments..." the operation could be very slow due to re-calculations being done after each price was deleted.  Improved so recalculations are only done once at the end to greatly speed up the deletion process.
  • Bug fix: Program could crash when updating Portfolio Editor status bar in some cases
  • Bug fix: Spin-off wizard could fail in certain conditions due to rounding errors
  • Bug fix: Generic transaction export output DIST_3 and DIST_4 instead of DIST_A and DIST_T for accretion and amortization distribution transactions

April 20, 2014 versions 2014.13.1:

  • Added support for fixed income and balanced funds in asset type and sector retrievals from
  • Added support for for asset/sector retrieval.  Supports Funds and ETFs only.  For asset retrieval it supports equity, fixed income, and balanced funds.  For sector retrieval, only equity based funds are supported.
  • Added options: "Investment Properties... / Asset Type / Do Not Update When Retrieving Asset Types" and "Investment Properties... / Sectors / Do Not Update When Retrieving Sectors".  Use these if you want to manually assign categories for this investment, but want to retrieve others.
  • Added support for exporting trades for rebalance to Scottrade Advisor Services format. See new "Export Format" choice in "File / Export / Other / Rebalance Trades..." dialog.
  • Changed "Apply" button label to read "Reset Defaults" under the "Use Default Sectors" drop-down in the Category Labels dialog to help eliminate confusion
  • Bug fix: Toolbar button to change graph scale was not always properly enabled/disabled when switching between graph types
  • Bug fix: Prevent initiating an automatic price retrieve until the prior price retrieve completes

April 10, 2014 versions 2014.13.0:

  • New "Sector" category feature added. This is a 3rd category for use, with all the same reporting/graphing/filtering functionality as the existing Asset Type and Investment Goal categories.
  • Sector and Asset Type category assignments can now be automatically retrieved from the internet. See "Edit / Internet Retrieve / Asset Types... and Sectors...".
  • Sector labels can be automatically set to Morningstar sectors, Yahoo sectors, GICS Sectors, or GICS Industry Groups
  • Added ability to re-order the display order for categories (Asset Type, Investment Goal, and Sectors). See "Options / Category Labels..." to specify the display order with the new "Move Up" and "Move Down" buttons. Previously the display order could be changed by changing the label text, but this affected the assignment of existing investments to categories. The new method allows re-arranging the display order without affecting existing investment properties.
  • New pie chart and stacked value graph for sectors, as well as a Risk/Reward - Sector graph
  • New Sector Allocation report
  • New Correlation Matrix report. Shows the correlation in a portfolio between groups: asset type, investment goal, sector, investment type, or currency. (Professional or Advisor versions only)
  • New option to normalize the stacked value graphs. When enabled, the stack size is normalized to 100%, so it is easier to see % allocation over time, rather than going up/down with the portfolio market value. See "Graphs / Options / Normalize" while viewing any stacked value graph.
  • Improved password protection feature. A single optional password can now be applied to all open data files, including all investments (*.dat), the portfolio file (*.mm4), and the client list (clientdb.fmc) for the Advisor version. Previously, password protection was only available at the investment level, and could be set differently for each investment file. To set the password setting see "Options / General Preferences... / Data / Password Protect Data". There is no longer a "Password" tab in the Investment Property dialog, as that has been replaced by the global password setting.
  • Added new report printing option to "Scale Down to 1 Page Wide When Necessary". See the "File / Page Setup..." dialog from within any report window. Makes it easier to fit wide reports onto a page, rather than having to adjust fonts, column widths, and page margins.
  • New "Currency Templates" to memorize all of your currency settings. Record an unlimited number of currency templates. Helpful to change your default currency and exchange rate rules, so you can quickly see your portfolio displayed in different currencies. For examples of how to configure currency templates, see the documentation here.
  • Increased the maximum number of open investments in the Professional version to 5,000. Was previously 2,000. Limits for the Personal and Advisor version remain un-changed at 500 and 50,000.
  • Added new optional "Model Portfolio" property for sub-portfolios. This assigned model portfolio can be utilized when running a Rebalance report or exporting rebalance trades. Allows for easier customization of models on a per-account basis, and enables batch printing of the Rebalance report, with varying model portfolios on a per-client basis. (Advisor version only)
  • Improved the "File / Export / Other / Rebalance Trades" dialog to either export only a selected sub-portfolio, or all sub-portfolios at once that have an assigned "Model Portfolio" property.
  • New option to control whether or not to allow summing of values across currencies. By default, values will not be summed across currencies. (When the "Exchange Rate Adjusted" option is off, and an object combines values from multiple currencies, N/A will be reported. For example, a portfolio value will be N/A if that portfolio contains investments using more than 1 currency and the exchange rate adjusted option is off.) See "Options / General Preferences... / Other / Allow Summing Values from Different Currencies".
  • Added "Exchange Rate" as an optional column in the Investment Transaction report. Displays the exchange rate used for that transaction.
  • Added "Exchange Rate" as an optional column in the Open Lots report. Displays the exchange rate used when purchasing that open lot.
  • Added currency symbols to report line items when values are displayed in the non-default currency
  • On the "Income" tab of the Investment Properties Dialog when using the "Dividend" income style you can now specify different dividend amounts for each payment date. Previously, the same dividend amount was used for all payment dates.
  • Added "Comments" text section to the Executive Summary report. Can now enter any desired text to the Executive Summary report.
  • Improved the batch print feature. Added support for changing report date range to "Earliest Transaction to Date" or "Earliest Price to Date" as each report is printed. If the original report was set with this date range setting, then as each client's report is printed, the date range will be updated as appropriate for that client. Previously the date range was never changed as a report was printed for each client.
  • Improved the calculation of the hypothetical portfolio price for the Portfolio/Investment(s) Overlay / Price + Dist. Graph by using a daily ROI calculation. This ROI calculation method includes effects of transactions not done at the closing price. Prior method (Weighted Average) did not include effects of transaction prices that differed from closing prices. The new ROI calculation method is more precise, but slower, so the old method is still available via an option. See "Graphs / Options / Display... / Allow Fast Portfolio "Price" Calculation for Price + Dist. Overlay Graph.
  • Added new quote servers: "Morningstar - Stocks" and "Morningstar - Funds"
  • Added new command "File / File Operations / Create Investment from Investments...". Allows you update an existing, or create a new investment, by combining prices from any 2 selected investments. Prices can be combined with any operator (+, -, *, or /). Useful for custom benchmark creation, or technical analysis such as relative strength. (Professional or Advisor versions only)
  • Made an easier way to duplicate an investment with new command: "File / File Operations / New Investment from Existing...". Makes a copy of selected investment and places it into a designated sub-portfolio. New investment is created with all the same properties as existing investment and options to keep all pricing/transaction data, or not.
  • When hidden investments are displayed in the Portfolio Editor they are displayed with a grey icon to help visualize which investment are hidden
  • Status bar in Portfolio Editor window now displays the number of selected and displayed items in the list. Format is S #, D #.
  • Portfolio Editor displays name of list view selected item in the status bar. This can be helpful when horizontally scrolling and the name column scrolls off the screen.
  • In the Portfolio Editor list view, when showing the Asset Type, Investment Goal, or Sector columns and values are not 100% in a single category, an asterisk is added to the label to illustrate this
  • Status bar displays full portfolio path when recent portfolios at bottom of file menu are highlighted
  • Double clicking on an asset/goal/sector in Investment Properties assigns 100% to that category, and 0% to all others. Added new right mouse menu also called "Assign 100%" to do this same operation. Makes it much easier to switch 100% assignments instead of having to type 100% and edit any other categories down to 0%.
  • Added new custom report fields (also available in Invoice report):
    • Value + accrued interest (beginning)
    • Value + accrued interest (ending)
    • Accrued interest (between)
  • When highlighting a report row listing by symbol, the status bar shows the name and how many sub-portfolios that symbol is located in
  • When listing or subtotaling reports by Symbol, report lines can be set to either display the "Symbol" or the general "Investment Description". This new option is in the "Report Preferences... / General" dialog. The Investment Description preference can be customized under "General Preferences... / Display".
  • Changed the "Last Month", "Last Quarter" and "Last Year" date range choices to be relative to the current computer date, instead of the default ending date
  • Improved "Transaction Retrieve Settings" dialog to display broker specific tips on entering username/password for that broker
  • Improved backup/restore functionality. When performing a manual backup (File / Backup...) the data file locations are checked. If all data files are not all in the same directory, user is prompted to use "Set Data Location" dialog. Backing up with all the data in a single folder makes restoring to a new computer easier. This dialog has a "Do not show again" option for those who purposely choose to keep data files in multiple locations.
  • Miscellaneous speed improvements
  • New graph calculation logging feature. See "Help / Graph Calculation Log...". Helpful when trying to understand why graphs may not be displaying all requested data, like in the Scatter Plots, or yields being reported as N/A.
  • Changed product versioning/name to include the year of release in name, i.e. Fund Manager 2014 versus an incrementing number 13
  • Improved statistics section of Portfolio Properties dialog to display both the unique and total investment count when they are different. If an investment is open more than once the total investment count will be different than the unique investment count. The unique investment count is the relevant number to apply against the maximum number of allowed investments. Previously, only the total investment count was displayed.
  • Improved portable/cloud mode robustness by improving log file creation and reading. When running in portable mode on Dropbox/Google Drive/OneDrive many of the price retrieve log files are being synced while FM is retrieving prices. Previously this could result in access conflicts, causing Fund Manager to stop and report an error. Now, if a log file is temporarily unavailable, Fund Manager will pause briefly and re-try. Tries several times, for up to 5 seconds before reporting an error.
  • Added support to the generic transaction import for specifying bond properties on newly created investments. Support added for maturity date, coupon rate, payment frequency, and issue date.
  • Accessibility improvement: Added support for the extended keyboard "Application" or "Menu" key to bring up the right mouse menus. In addition to this key you can also use Shift + F10 to bring up the right mouse menus.
  • Improved internet price retrieve log to give more detailed information
  • Improved retaining keyboard focus in the Portfolio Editor window. When returning to the Portfolio Editor window, focus is restored to either the tree or list view depending on the last control that had the input focus.
  • Added [[CURRENCY]] as an option to the report headers field choices. It displays the currency if a single currency is used, or (na) when multiple currencies are displayed.
  • Added option to control whether or not to display the horizontal sub-total and total lines above and below Contribution, Withdrawals, With-Dist columns in the Portfolio Performance report. By default these lines are not displayed to help illustrate these fields are not displaying simple sums (definition of internal/external is relative to each report line). See "Options / Report Preferences... / Portfolio Performance / Cash Flow Style".
  • Added support for comment lines in generic transaction import files. Any line beginning with # is considered a comment line, and ignored.
  • Improved generic transaction import such that when importing a new investment without specifying the NAME field the new investment name will default to the name of another existing investment with the same symbol before resorting to using the symbol as the name.
  • Added a right mouse menu on each of the category lists in the "Options / Category Labels..." dialog to "Sort Alphabetically"
  • Report headers using mail merge fields (like [[SUBPORT_MEMO]]) where the substituted values have multiple lines, were not accounted for in the vertical spacing. Report headers could overlap with the column labels and report data.
  • Updated Custom report field "Latest Transaction Date" to include dates from any transaction, including transfers. Previously this field ignored transfers.
  • Improved the "Set Data Location" command to not truncate existing filename to 11 characters when moving the investment file
  • Improved algorithm for determining portfolio external transactions (contributions/withdrawals). Looks at non-cash investments first when determining internal matches. Considered the case where there is a buy of cash, buy of investment, and a sell of cash for the same amount on the same date. In this case, always match investment buy and cash sell before matching cash buy and cash sell. Previously in some cases the buy of cash would match against this sell of cash, leaving the buy of the investment designated as the portfolio external transaction.
  • Main program icon updated to include a high resolution version
  • Added check to make sure window does not get set to a position off the screen. Could happen if you had multiple monitors, FM was on the end one, and then monitor gets removed.
  • Added support for reading SHORTBALANCE from an OFX file. Can optionally be used for determining default cash account balance. See the "Advanced Note on Handling Cash" section in the documentation here.
  • Improved QIF import
  • Added option "Do Not Display This Message Again" to error message boxes prompting if you want to view the log and check the online server status after price retrieve failure
  • In the "Alert" popup dialog, added a column to display the "Sub-Portfolio" name. Helpful when the same investment is owned in multiple sub-portfolios. Also made this dialog re-sizable.
  • Added new option "Export Version" to the "File / Export / Prices / SuperCharts..." command so you can get data exported in 2 different versions. The column headings are different between the 2 versions.
  • Fixed issue where marker tooltips with long text would flicker on/off
  • Improvements to Scottrade institutional transaction import.  Added support for "mini" options.  (Advisor only)
  • Bug fix: After drawing a trendline on a graph, marker tooltips could temporarily stop displaying until some other dialog was opened
  • Bug fix: Using the "Preferences..." button from within the "Report Settings" dialog could cause the program to crash in some cases
  • Bug fix: When editing a reinvested distribution in an investment that is in a non-default currency and you change the transaction specific exchange rate, that distribution transaction could become corrupted
  • Bug fix: Copying Open Lots report to clipboard did not always maintain correct alignment of column labels with data

February 4, 2014 versions 12.9:

  • Bug fix: Program could crash upon certain internet connection errors.  Problem was introduced in version 12.8.

January 19, 2014 versions 12.8:

  • Improved Pershing transaction import to support CGN and SGN transaction codes
  • Improved algorithm for solving ROI yield equation in cases where it previously could not iterate to a solution
  • Improved Scottrade institutional transaction import to support additional codes (RNE*)
  • Improved Schwab legacy institutional transaction import to better support importing CIL transactions
  • In some cases when determining internal versus external transaction, comparison was being made to match within 1/100th of a cent instead of just 1 cent
  • When opening the Transaction Retrieve Settings dialog from within another dialog, don't allow the input focus to go back to parent dialog before the Transaction Retrieve Settings dialog is dismissed
  • Made quote server connection errors retry upon failure.  Whether to retry, and the number of retry attempts, are user adjustable with the "Persistent Request X Times" setting under "Options / Internet Settings...".  An error message box requiring user interaction is only displayed after all retry attempts fail.  Previously, server connection errors would always generate error message boxes requiring the user to dismiss them to continue.
  • Added support for Schwab's new "B/D Core Files" for their institutional interface imports/reconciliation.

November 14, 2013 versions 12.7:

  • Changed the way prices are imported from Scottrade .SE1 files.  Import now matches based on CUSIP.  Previously, match was based off Symbol.
  • Added error correction when opening corrupted portfolio files to try and recover them if possible
  • Added registry only option to ignore AVAILCASH on a per-broker basis when reconciling/importing against OFX  [more info]
  • Bug fix: In portable mode, creating a custom report could cause the program to crash
  • Bug fix: Linked sub-portfolios were not labeled properly in legend of stacked value by sub-portfolio graph
  • Bug fix: Optional starting date for High Water Mark control was not storing entered date
  • Bug fix: Changes to the report column label of "Sub-Portfolio" in the Management Fee report were ignored

September 26, 2013 versions 12.6:

  • Added "US Treasury" quote server.  [more info]
  • Improved Pershing institutional transaction import
  • Bug fix: Disclaimer text and invoice text were not being properly memorized when using portable mode

September 17, 2013 versions 12.5:

  • Improved OFX import. Improved support for importing withholding transactions.
  • Updated price and transaction retrieve modules
  • Bug fix: User-defined Custom report fields using could sometimes be incorrectly calculated
  • Bug fix: Importing Scottrade institutional transaction files (.TR1) could import CD transactions incorrectly in some cases

July 10, 2013 versions 12.4:

  • Added new XRATE field to the generic transaction import and export commands to support transaction specific exchange rates
  • Updated Schwab institutional transaction/position import for warrants, to not divide shares by 100
  • Bug fix: Importing an OFX file with a $0 dividend in the default cash account could cause the program to hang
  • Bug fix: Under some cases multiple internet retrieves could be started at the same time, causing the program to crash
  • Bug fix: In some cases the Options menu in report windows could be incorrectly disabled

May 23, 2013 versions 12.3:

  • Improved importing of foreign tax withheld from Schwab Data Delivery institutional transaction files
  • Improved institutional transaction/position import to read shares per contract from SEC (security) file
  • Update for importing prices from Scottrade institutional to deal with change in .SE1 file format
  • Bug fix: Closest alert distance and % fields in the Custom report and Portfolio Editor would be wrong when using an investment in the non-default currency and the currency settings were using an exchange rate investment

April 29, 2013 versions 12.2:

  • When transaction specific exchange rate is recorded to more than 6 digits, do not display/round it to 6 digits when editing that transaction
  • When a custom report lists by type, goal, or asset and it had a user-defined field with a value of 0, that line item would previously be displayed.  Changed this so that if the value is 0, that line will not be displayed, unless there are other non-zero items for that line.
  • Added support for rarely used transaction codes for FOLIOfn institutional interface
  • Changed the way the NAME field qualifies which investment gets updated on a generic transaction import.  Default is to not have to match. Registry only option is available to have the old functionality where the name must also match.  Investment level matching now only requires a match on the symbol.
  • Improved importing of foreign tax withheld from Schwab Data Delivery transaction files
  • Changed required permission levels such that standard users can install/run outside of Program Files (x86) folder.  Previously you always had to obtain admin permissions to install program updates no matter where the program was installed.
  • Changed the way MARGINBALANCE is parsed for available cash determination in OFX files. By default only AVAILCASH is used unless MARGINBALANCE is different, but a registry only option is available to change on a per-broker basis.
  • Bug fixes:
    • Sending to a specified email that is not assigned to a client would fail in some cases
    • Sorting in the Open Lots report would not always work properly

January 21, 2013 versions 12.1:

  • Added support for specifying multiple recipients for e-mail alerts. Multiple recipients can be specified by separating each e-mail address with a comma.
  • Improvements importing from TD Ameritrade institutional transaction files relating to withheld tax and cancelled transactions
  • Scottrade institutional interface update: changed importing of taxes withheld from cash from a negative "other" distribution to just a regular sell transaction.
  • Display crosshair/trackball cursors for weekend data points when graph options are set to display weekends
  • Improved importing reinvested account fees from DST transaction files
  • Bug fixes:
    • When entering a decimal number for an allocation target and using the 1.000,00 number format, decimal numbers could not be entered
    • When using the date format preference of DD/MM/YYYY memorizing reports would not be saved properly, so could not be recalled.  The last auto-backup date would also not be remembered properly when using this date format preference.
    • When calculating the normalized standard deviation of a price field in a Custom report the program could crash under some circumstances
    • When opening the Data Register for a hidden investment when hidden investments are not being displayed (possible from within Reconciliation Wizard or a Capital Gains Report) the Data Register wouldn't display that hidden investment properly
    • When editing a purchase transaction that had previously been used when specifying lots, the lot assignment would be lost
    • Formatting of date ranges for display could be wrong in some cases, where the starting/ending years were the same and space is limited
    • When transferring all owned shares an error message could incorrectly state you were transferring more shares than you owned in some cases
    • Fixed issue reconciling with Schwab BLD files where sometimes cash would come in with incorrect sign
    • Management fees were not importing as "reinvested" from TDA Institutional TRN files

November 8, 2012 versions 12.0:

  • Added 10 custom fields to investments so you can track, sort, sum, or perform other math on these fields.  Field labels and data type are specified by the user under "Options / Custom Investment Properties...".  Fields can be text, a number, or a date.  When the fields are a number or a date, a "combination method" is also selected.  Available combination methods include: none, sum, average, weighted average, min, or max.  Fields can be shown in a Custom report or in the Portfolio Editor.  Fields can be used in user-defined custom report fields.
  • Added a new optional "Portable/Cloud Mode" so that you can keep your data and preferences on a cloud drive, shared network drive, portable drive, or memory stick (sometimes called a "Jumpdrive").  When using this mode all your data and preferences are stored in the same folder as the program itself.  You can then run Fund Manager from this folder from any computer, and have your same data and preferences available no matter which computer is used to access the program.  See "Options / General Preferences... / Data / Portable/Cloud Mode".
  • Added options for performance based management fees.  Can use a combination of non-performance plus performance based fees.  Performance fee calculations support a High Water Mark (HWM) and optionally a hard or soft Hurdle Rate.  The Hurdle Rate can be a combination of a fixed percentage plus the rate of any selected benchmark rate investment.  Added more detail to the Management Fee report to view breakdown of performance and non-performance fees, as well as the High Water Mark.  (Advisor version only)
  • Added option to show totals on the Investment Transaction report.  See "Options / Report Preferences... / Investment Transactions" to select various levels of detail to be shown in report totals.
  • Added Transaction Specific Exchange Rate support.  Optionally specify a transaction specific exchange rate when recording a buy, sell, or distribution transaction in an investment not assigned to the default currency.  When specified, the transaction specific exchange rate will be used for converting that transaction to the default currency.  When not specified, the global exchange rates will be used instead.
  • New bulk email to clients feature.  Allows sending automatically a set of graphs/reports to clients by email.  See "File / Batch Print/Email...".  Also added a new "Email Options..." dialog available in either the batch mode or single email mode to allow customizing the subject and message body, including mail merge support.  Control of whether emails are previewed before being sent is also available.  (Advisor version only)
  • Added "All Transactions" as a new Data Type choice in the Data Register.  Renamed prior "Transactions (all)" to "Share Transactions".  The new "All Transactions" data type shows all Share Transactions (Buy/Sell/Transfers), all Distributions, and all Splits at the same time.  Useful to see everything at once.
  • New "Export Rebalance Trades" tool to export the trades necessary to rebalance a sub-portfolio to match a selected model sub-portfolio.  Rebalancing is done by % of security in the sub-portfolio.  Options to control the number of shares traded and a minimum % off target before a trade is created.  See "File / Export / Other / Rebalance Trades...".  (Advisor version only)
  • New "Model Portfolio" type of allocation target is available for the Rebalance Report.  When using a model sub-portfolio as an allocation target the Rebalance Report lists each symbol in the sub-portfolio, including information on how far off target that symbol's allocation is from the model sub-portfolio.  (Advisor version only)
  • New report filter option to either "Include Only Selected Item" or "Exclude Selected Item".  Previously report filters always worked by including the selected item only.  The new exclude filter option enables including everything except a particular symbol, investment type, asset type, investment goal, or currency.
  • Added a new optional "Data Protection" feature which ensures only 1 person can be running this copy of Fund Manager at a time.  If you have multiple users needing access to Fund Manager this data protection makes sure only 1 person at a time uses Fund Manager and your data.  Fund Manager is not truly "networkable", and only 1 person can be accessing your data at a time.  With this feature you can know that once you start Fund Manager nobody else will also be trying to access the same data at the same time, preventing possible data loss that could happen otherwise without this data protection.  Once you exit Fund Manager someone else can then start it from any other computer.  (See the Portable/Cloud Mode option for details.)  (Advisor version only)
  • New "File / File Operations / Set Data Location..." command to save all investments and portfolio file into a common folder.  Handles making sure all filenames are unique and all data saved into a single specified folder.  Helpful to use before transferring data to a new computer when you want to restore everything to a single folder on new computer.
  • Added ability to import client information like name, address, phone, email, etc.  Import formats supported include tab delimited (*.TXT), comma delimited (*.CSV), and vCard files (*.VCF).  See "File / Import / Other / Client Info...".  (Advisor version only)
  • New command (Options / Investment Type...) to specify the order investment types are displayed in reports and graphs.  Used in reports when a report is set to subtotal or list by Investment Type.  Used in several graphs that plot per investment type.
  • Added new menu commands to the "More >>" menu in the Data Register.  Can now perform a wide variety of operations from within the Data Register for the selected investment or sub-portfolio.
  • Added support for multiple monitors when positioning dialog windows
  • New export command to save a graph's data points to a text file (CSV).  See "File / Export / Other / Graph Data Points..." from within any graph window.
  • Reduced memory required per investment.  Best case reduction is 35%, depending on amount of investment prices/transactions.  Improves overall memory requirement, and program speed.
  • Updated for Windows 8 compatibility
  • Added "Realized Gain/Loss" fields to Custom report.  Previously realized gain/loss values were only available in the Capital Gains report.  Added new Custom report fields:
    • Tax basis realized gain, Assigned Method (between)
    • Tax basis realized gain, FIFO (between)
    • Tax basis realized gain, AVG (between)
    • Tax basis realized gain, Specific Lot (between)
    • Tax basis realized gain, Assigned Method (inception)
    • Tax basis realized gain, FIFO (inception)
    • Tax basis realized gain, AVG (inception)
    • Tax basis realized gain, Specific Lot (inception)
  • Added Capital Gains report option "Combine Common Transactions by Investment" so all transactions of the same type (closing a long or short position) and holding period (short/medium/long) for a given investment will be combined onto a single report line.  When this option is on, the reported sell date can be a range, instead of a single date.
  • New command to generate a synthetic investment from a sub-portfolio.  Updates investment pricing with sub-portfolio market values.  Can either create a new investment, or update an existing investment.  Useful for creating a custom benchmark.  See "File / File Operations / Create Investment from Portfolio...".  (Professional or Advisor versions only)
  • Added "Notes" as a new Data Type choice in the Data Register to view/edit notes in the investment
  • When the selected Data Type displays multiple transaction types, the "New" button displays as "New >>" instead of "New..." and selecting the button brings up a menu to choose the desired new transaction type.
  • Added "Help / Report Calculation Log..." menu command to view log file showing details of how report data is calculated.  Adds helpful explanations when certain data cannot be calculated.
  • Added support for TIAA-CREF institutional interface.  Imports transactions, positions, prices, security info, and supports reconciling.  (Advisor version only)
  • Made the "Preview Importing Transaction", "Preview Importing Positions", "Reconcile" and "Bulk Reconcile" dialogs resizable
  • Put text showing "Total" in the Buy/Sell and New Investment dialogs, showing total of transaction including any commission fees, so it is easier to see typos, and know the total amount of the transaction
  • Added "Memo", "Tax Basis" and "Tax Gain" as available fields in the Open Lots report.  To enable, see "Options / Report Preferences... / Open Lots".
  • The "Copy" feature in the Data Register now also copies a tab delimited text version of the selected data to the clipboard, in addition to the existing binary format for use in pasting back into the Data Register.
  • Added option to select a default filename format for new investments.  Choose <Symbol>.dat or <Symbol>_<Acct #>.dat.  See the "New Investment Options" dialog.
  • New Investment Dialog improvement.  When you select a symbol from the drop-down and that symbol is in more than 1 asset type or investment goal a new drop-down option: <existing symbol info> is selected so the new investment will use the allocations assigned from the existing symbol.
  • Added "Web News..." command to the right mouse menu in the Portfolio Editor when a single investment is selected
  • Can now choose which fields to show in the management fee breakdown section of the Invoice report.  See "Report Preferences... / Invoice / Options...".  (Advisor version only)
  • Memorized reports are sorted by name at the bottom of the "Reports" menu and in the "Memorized Reports" dialog.  Previously memorized reports were listed by creation date.
  • Portfolio Performance report option to display the Yield for either the "Report Date Range" or "Period Owned Within Report Date Range".  Equivalent to Custom report fields ROI Yield (between) and ROI Yield (owned between).
  • Improved OFX multi-currency import support.  (Was previously only reading CURSYM. Now reads both CURDEF and CURSYM.)
  • Improved error message on a failed quote server to display log file of internet retrieve showing what prices were requested and updated for each used quote server
  • Significant speed improvements when importing transactions and positions, especially when importing transactions/positions for new investments in large portfolios
  • Added a "Preferences..." button to the Report Settings... dialog that opens associated report type's Report Preferences page
  • Added "Share Balance" and "Market Value" onto main Data Register window to easily see current balance/value for any selected investment and data type
  • Improved the transaction/position import process so the main user interface does not freeze up when importing a large set of data
  • Improved price/transaction module update feature to be more robust.  Now works when a standard user elevates to an admin user with a different account.
  • Significantly improved memory usage and creation speed of Investment Transaction report, especially for large portfolios
  • Added date format option to include leading zeroes in date, as in: 02/05/12 versus 2/5/12.  See "General Preferences... / Display".
  • Added new transaction retrieve and OFX file import option to import Transfer In/Out transactions as Buy/Sell transactions.  Can be used when your broker or fund company reports transactions as transfers that you prefer to record as buy/sell transactions.
  • Significantly improved speed of closing all investments and closing a portfolio file
  • Modified "% Change" field in the Portfolio Editor to display percent change in value for sub-portfolios.  Previously only showed % change in price for investments.
  • Added right mouse menu to "Position Preview" dialog for multiple item selecting, un-selecting, and viewing transaction details
  • Allocation targets for the Rebalance report are listed alphabetically in Report Settings dialog, instead of the order they were defined
  • Eliminated zero valued items from the pie chart legend.  Previously, when the display option "Sort Pie Slices by Value" was off, all items would be displayed in order, regardless of whether or not they had a non-zero value.
  • Improved date range settings for investment graphs.  On a "custom" date range if the specified ending date for that investment is the last price date and the same option is applied to all investments then all investments will be set to their own last price point, and thus "float".
  • Added ability to specify printer and page setup options from within the Batch Print/Email dialog.  See the "Report Printer..." and "Graph Printer..." buttons in the "Batch Print/Email Options" dialog.  (Advisor version only)
  • In all of the transaction and position import dialogs when importing for a specific account only, the account list is now sorted
  • When importing an OFX file or retrieving transactions with the "Record Matching Purchase/Distribution as Reinvestment" option on the memo is recorded as a concatenation of the Distribution and Purchase memos.  Previously it was only recorded with the Purchase memo.
  • In the Data Register the "Type" label for reinvestments was improved to add the distribution type, such as Dividend Reinvestment, instead of just Reinvestment
  • Improved Open Lots report so that when filtering by symbol a total in the Shares column will be displayed
  • Simplified user interface for the transaction retrieve and OFX file import wizards by moving less used options into a separate "Advanced Options..." dialog.
  • Changed trailing stop loss alert percentage resolution to 0.1 instead of 1
  • New manually entered price has a dialog that starts off empty instead of with last price info which usually must be changed
  • Spin-off wizard will only record an "Other" distribution in the parent when the market value is different than the cost basis in the child investment.  Previously if the market value was the same as the cost basis a zero valued "other" distribution would be recorded un-necessarily.
  • Changed double down arrow to "More >>" in Data Register to make the button more obvious
  • Changed the text of the "Cancel" button to "Skip" in the investment password prompt dialog to help eliminate confusion between this button and the "Cancel All" button.  Updated the online help topic for this dialog to explain the function of each button.
  • Fixed Sharpe Ratio calculation to prevent near zero standard deviation of returns (denominator) from allowing very large results
  • Added text to Graph and Report options dialogs that hide cash investments in graphs and zero share investments in reports that these options are controlled by "View / Hidden Investments/Portfolio" to help eliminate confusion
  • In the New Portfolio Wizard deleted the last page option to create a new top level portfolio file.  Helps to eliminate confusion when setting up accounts for the first time.
  • Fixed samples that ship with Fund Manager to have "View / Hidden Investments/Portfolios" turned off to prevent confusion.  This option is memorized in portfolios, so it would stay on after opening a sample portfolio and cause confusion when hiding sold investments.  Unless you remembered to turn this option off, hidden investments would be shown.
  • Added support for importing re-org fees from Scottrade institutional transaction files.  (Advisor version only)
  • Removed the "New Zealand Stock Exchange (MoneyOnline)", "", "Yahoo - China", and "Yahoo - Hong Kong" quote servers, they are no longer available/working
  • Investment property for multiplying retrieved prices by some value also applies to retrieved dividends
  • Changed minimum supported version of Windows to Windows 2000.  No more support for 98, ME, or NT.
  • Changed progress bar window text when importing positions from "Importing Transactions" to "Importing Positions"
  • Removed the old pager support for price alerts
  • Bug fix: Renaming report column labels for the Open Lots and Bond Summary reports would not let you edit the 2nd line of the label.  (Advisor version only)
  • Bug fix: When the New Portfolio Wizard retrieves "Transactions and Positions" any necessary adjustment transactions in investments with no other transactions were dated today, rather than the earliest retrieved date
  • Bug fix: A Custom report would not auto-refresh when changing the "Internet Retrieve" property of an investment and if the Custom report had the "Retrieve price" field included
  • Bug fix: Changed spin-off wizard for tax-free spin-offs to allocate tax cost basis to all transfer-in transactions proportionally to original cost basis of associated lot.  In prior versions the same tax cost/share was assigned to all transferred in child shares.  The total tax cost basis of all transfer in transactions remains the same, but when the parent owns multiple lots the basis is proportional to basis of each lot, rather than the same for all shares.
  • Bug fix: In an investment based graph window when the top-most investment was a cash type investment and cash type investments are not being displayed on graphs, when you scrolled the first time it stayed on the same investment.  You had to scroll a 2nd time before it would move to the next investment.
  • Bug fix: In an investment based graph window when the top-most investment was a cash type investment and cash type investments are not being displayed on graphs, the cursor data would be incorrectly shown for the cash investment instead of the investment being displayed.
  • Bug fix: When toggling between multiple graph windows with the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Tab the cursor snap box could sometimes be left displaying incorrectly

April 16, 2012 versions 11.9:

  • Improved Scottrade transaction import to support wider variety of transaction codes and record accrued interest on bond transactions as a separate interest distribution, instead of being included in purchase/sell amount
  • Improved Scottrade transaction import to read bond coupon rate and maturity date when present
  • Improved OFX import for option transactions "TRANSFER" and "BUYOTHER" where share per contract are only listed in SECINFO section and not with the transactions
  • Incorporated MARGINBALANCE into OFX reconciliation and position retrieval.  Was previously being ignored.  Used for default cash account net balance.
  • Added support for OFX importing/retrieving accrued interest paid or received on bond buy and sell transactions
  • Changed zero valued buys/sells to be considered as "internal" transactions.  Previously, zero valued buy/sells were considered external, so were excluded from TWR calculations.
  • Improved Scottrade institutional transaction import to record adjustment records as transfers instead of buys/sells
  • Improved import for institutional interface of Interactive Brokers.  Added support for additional transaction codes, and improved new investment creation for bonds, so they are initialized with coupon rate and maturity date from the .SEC file.
  • Bug fix: In the Investment Transaction report non-external transactions would sometimes be incorrectly shown when only displaying external transactions.  Happened when matching transactions were in different currencies and "View / Exchange Rate Adjusted" was turned ON.
  • Bug fix: In the "Specify Lots" dialog 0 share specifications could be stored unnecessarily. Could cause "Bought" date range in Capital Gains report to incorrectly show a date range covering shares not specified for that redemption.
  • Bug fix: Program could crash when calculating a Custom report with the TWR (inception) field and the whole portfolio only contained data for a single date
  • Bug fix: When using AVG cost accounting with wash sale rules turned on, Return of Capital distributions could incorrectly change gain/loss of prior sell transactions in some cases

February 2, 2012 versions 11.8:

  • Added support for importing interest payments on new "Bank Deposit" cash from Scottrade institutional transaction files

January 25, 2012 versions 11.7:

  • Bug fix: When retrieving transactions and then prices you would sometimes incorrectly be notified an updated quote module was available.  Bug introduced in 11.5.
  • Bug fix: ROI yields would sometimes incorrectly display for short positions, instead of reporting N/A.  Corrected to always report N/A for short positions.

January 15, 2012 versions 11.6:

  • Default starting date for historical price retrieve is updated whenever you do a "selected" or "global" price update.  Previously the default date only updated when doing a global update.
  • Added support for importing new "Bank Deposit" cash from Scottrade institutional position files
  • Bug fix: Rounding issues could sometimes incorrectly show a transaction in the specify lots dialog as a redemption with 0 shares to redeem
  • Bug fix: Images in the online help were not being displayed

January 3, 2012 versions 11.5:

  • Eliminated error message about not retrieving any prices after canceling a historical price retrieve.  Also prevented this action from updating the last retrieved date.
  • Added ability to Personal and Professional versions to reconcile against an OFX file.  Previously was only available as an option in the Advisor version.
  • Added new "Advanced Reconciliation Options..." to allow re-mapping securities and to specify an amount to ignore in the default cash account balance.  See the new "Advanced Options..." button in the reconciliation wizards.  The new option is available for both single account and bulk reconciliation.
  • Miscellaneous improvements to the FOLIOfn institutional import features
  • Added support for importing reverse splits from TD Ameritrade institutional transaction files
  • Changed QIF import to map transaction code CASH to Other type of distribution instead of a transfer
  • Bug fix: Rounding error in some OOP report figures at the portfolio level.  The investment numbers would not always add up to the portfolio figure.
  • Bug fix: When manually creating a new investment the "OK" button could be pressed multiple times, bringing up multiple "Save As..." dialogs
  • Bug fix: X axis tick marks were not always displayed at the proper location when graphing with the "omit weekends" option on
  • Bug fix: When retrieving transactions and no transactions were retrieved, but prices were updated, graphs/reports were not automatically refreshed
  • Bug fix: % Gain in totals line of the Open Lots report was not including distributions
  • Bug fix: Retrieving transactions at a sub-portfolio containing a regular sub-portfolio and a link to that same sub-portfolio would retrieve the transactions twice

September 9, 2011 versions 11.4:

  • The "Portfolio" menu in graph windows indents sub-portfolios according to their hierarchy
  • Prevented the Data Register from opening multiple modal dialog boxes at the same time
  • Added option for calculating Out Of Pocket (OOP) figures for transfer type transactions.  Can use either the original OOP or market value at the time of transfer.  See "Options / General Preferences... / Other / Transfer Transactions OOP Calculations Use:".
  • Added "Description" field to the "Edit / Symbol List..." dialog
  • Initialize historical price retrieve dialog's start date to date of last price retrieve instead of yesterday
  • Changed the "Income / Dividend" fields in the "Edit / Symbol List..." dialog to operate as price fields instead of value fields
  • Prevent display of asterisk for "Interpolated Price" on price/yield report fields when the interpolated price is due to a weekend, and Friday/Monday prices are recorded
  • Bug fix: Sub-portfolios with an ampersand character in their name would not have this character displayed in the "Portfolio" menu in graph windows
  • Bug fix: QIF imports of cash deposits with a transfer were incorrectly being double entered
  • Bug fix: User-defined custom report fields could cause fields used in equations to be reported incorrect in some cases
  • Bug fix: In the Portfolio Editor tree view, right mouse click menu for copy and retrieve selected price commands would operate on the selected sub-portfolio instead of on the clicked on sub-portfolio
  • Bug fix: Removed the "Risk/Reward Scatter" menu items from various popup menus in the Personal version

July 27, 2011 versions 11.3:

  • Changed the "Investment Properties... / Income / Dividends / Payment per Share" control to behave like a price, instead of a value.  Allows for entering more than 2 digits to the right of the decimal.
  • Added support for additional transaction codes in the Scottrade institutional interface
  • Bug fix: Quote module could not be updated
  • Bug fix: Personal version was hiding the wrong static group box in the capital gain preferences dialog for the wash sale rules
  • Bug fix: Rounding errors could cause differences between snapped cursor location and plotted cost
  • Bug fix: Right mouse clicking on a report column divider and then left clicking on the report would cause a vertical divider to be incorrectly drawn

May 17, 2011 versions 11.2:

  • Improved OFX importing routine to read "Shares Per Contract" when available for options, instead of always assuming 100
  • Bug fix: When manually creating a new investment and selecting a symbol from the drop-down list any changes to the investment properties were not being used when creating the new investment
  • Bug fix: When editing an alert's properties any alert fields in the Portfolio Editor were not automatically refreshed
  • Bug fix: Totals line item in the Portfolio Editor was not sized properly when a non-default font size was selected
  • Bug fix: When disclaimers had carriage returns there was not always sufficient vertical space allocated for properly displaying all of the text
  • Bug fix: Licensed users could sometimes be incorrectly notified that their trial period had expired
  • Bug fix: Auto-sized report columns would sometimes be too small for printing

April 21, 2011 versions 11.1:

  • Graph markers for weekend data points not displayed when weekends not being displayed
  • Bug fix: Under certain conditions data could become incorrectly split adjusted an extra time
  • Bug fix: Menu items under the "File" menu were missing, and some extras left for the Personal and Professional versions
  • Bug fix: Yields were sometimes being calculated with amounts rounded to a penny, and other times without rounding, leading to yield differences when amounts were small relative to a penny.  All yields are now calculated without any rounding.
  • Bug fix: Graph cursor would sometimes not snap properly to value based graphs

April 12, 2011 versions 11.0:

  • New "Link" sub-portfolios that are links to other sub-portfolios.  Link sub-portfolios can be useful to organize your same sub-portfolios into separate hierarchies.  Using link sub-portfolios allows you to have an exact mirror image of a different sub-portfolio, located elsewhere in the sub-portfolio hierarchy, without duplicating any data.  Link sub-portfolios can be graphed or reported on, just like regular sub-portfolios.  Link sub-portfolio contents are always exactly the same as their target sub-portfolio.  [more info]
  • New "Monthly Performance" report.  Shows performance by month in table format.  Each row is a year and there is one column per month, plus a total for the year.  Averages are displayed along the bottom.  Choose one of the performance metrics: ROI, TWR, %Gain, Gain, or Value.  [sample report]
  • New "Risk/Reward Scatter" graph types.  Plots reward (Time-Weighted Return) versus risk (Standard Deviation) for investments, asset types, investment goals, symbols, investment types, or sub-portfolios.  Overlay any number of indices on these graphs.  (Professional or Advisor versions only)  [more info]
  • Added option to automatically size report columns to exactly fit their contents, such that no report data is truncated and there is no extra white space.  Sizing can be done automatically, or only when requested.  See "Options / Report Preferences... / General / Auto-Size Columns When Report Data Changes" and "Window / Auto-Size Columns".
  • Portfolio Editor improvements:
    • Different icons are used for displaying different types of sub-portfolios.  Link sub-portfolios are shown with a purple icon.  Sub-portfolios that directly contain investments have a green arrow on their icon.  Sub-portfolios that do not directly contain investments have the standard yellow folder icon.
    • Totals are displayed along the bottom of the list view.  Totals can be turned on/off with "Options / General Preferences... / Portfolio Editor Display / Show Totals in List View".
    • Gridlines can be displayed on the list view.  Gridlines can be turned on/off with "Options / General Preferences... / Portfolio Editor Display / Draw Gridlines in List View".
    • Fields displaying performance based figures (gain, loss, yields, etc...) are color coded green for up and red for down to more easily visualize performance.
  • New "User-Defined" Custom report fields.  Define your own fields to include in Custom reports.  Write the equations yourself to calculate any metric you want.  An unlimited number of fields can be defined.  Equations can include numbers, built-in custom report fields, math operators, or a variety of available functions.  Each user-defined field is assigned a name, column headings, equation, number of significant digits to display, and comments.  To define fields, select the "Define Fields..." button in the Custom Settings dialog.  (Professional or Advisor versions only)
  • New "List By" choice in report settings dialog of "<None (Totals Only)>".  Use when sub-totaling to only show sub-totals, and not line item details.
  • New "Invoice" report.  This report displays like a letter, with an optional management fee summary along the bottom.  You can specify the letter's text.  A wide variety of fields can be inserted into the message text.  [sample report]  (Advisor version only)
  • New "Tax-Free" sub-portfolio property.  When turned on, all investments in this sub-portfolio will be tax-free.
  • 2 new graph types: "Pie Charts / Tax Status" and "Stacked Value / Tax Status" to display the tax-free versus taxable portions of your portfolio value on a certain date, or over any date range.
  • Transfer Between dialog can now create a new investment automatically to receive the transferred shares.  Previously the target investment had to be created first before using the Transfer Between dialog.
  • New Custom report fields:
    • Date owned, start (between)
    • Date owned, end (between)
    • Maximum drawdown  (Professional or Advisor versions only)
    • ROI yield (owned between)
    • Tax basis per share, Assigned Method
    • Tax basis unrealized gain per share, Assigned Method
    • Tax basis unrealized gain, Assigned Method
    • Tax basis, Assigned Method
  • New Portfolio Editor fields:
    • Basis (Uses assigned accounting method)
    • Basis Per Share (Uses assigned accounting method)
    • Unrlz Gain (Uses assigned accounting method)
    • Unrlz Gain Per Share (Uses assigned accounting method)
    • Unrlz %Gain (Uses assigned accounting method)
    • Value Change
  • New search feature to search for sub-portfolios by name, account #, or memo.  See "Edit / Find Sub-Portfolio..." in the Portfolio Editor.  (Advisor version only)
  • Added "New Investment Defaults..." button to the Internet Retrieve Settings dialog.  Allows you to specify the internet retrieve setting defaults for newly created investments.  Separate settings can be specified for each investment type (stock, bond, option, etc.).  Makes it easy to always use certain quote server settings for each investment type.
  • Changed determination of internal versus external transaction to allow finding a corresponding match on any investment anywhere in the sub-portfolio, and not just the default cash account within the immediate sub-portfolio.  Helpful for not counting inter-account buys/sells of cash as contributions/withdrawals when reporting at higher level.
  • Improved "New Investment" dialog.  The "symbol" field can either be entered manually, or selected from a list of existing symbols.  If an existing symbol is selected, the rest of the new investment properties are auto-filled in for that symbol.
  • Improved "Overlaid Investments" dialog to more easily find and select investments to overlay on graphs.  Ordering of overlaid investments is now also supported.
  • Improved log scale labeling in graph windows.  "Graph Display Options / Number of Y Axis Labels" option now applies when displaying log or linear scale.
  • Added option to display marker details in a popup tooltip while hovering cursor over a graph marker.  See "Graphs / Options / Display... / Display Marker Data in Popup Tooltip".
  • New lower graph indicator option of "Volume" was added to the "Technical Analysis" graph
  • Added graph option to scroll the investment stack when scrolling in investment based graphs.  Useful to keep graphs and reports in sync when reports are sorted by investment stack.  See "Graphs / Options / Display... / Scrolling Investment Based Graphs Changes Investment Stack Order".
  • Added graph option to determine whether or not the slices in the pie charts are sorted by value.  Useful to keep pie slices in the same order for different sub-portfolios, regardless of slice value.  See "Graphs / Options / Display... / Sort Pie Chart Slices by Value".
  • Added new optional graph legend text field of "percent change"
  • Editing a Sell or Transfer Out transaction will retain previously specified "Specific Lot" information if the date and shares do not change.
  • Added "Specify Lots..." button to the Buy/Sell and Transfer Out dialogs when the investment is using the Specified Lot accounting method.
  • Added yield interpolation range option "Only Report ROI Yields When Item is Owned for Entire Yield Term".
  • Added new optional fields for displaying the current date/time in report titles or sub-titles.  (Advisor version only)
  • When using keyboard shortcuts to change the date in the Buy/Sell dialog the default price is now auto-updated as the date changes.
  • Improved "Portfolio/Investment Overlay" graphing speed and memory usage.  Significant improvements for portfolios with a larger number of investments.
  • Added "Update Price..." button to the Symbol List dialog.  Use to manually update pricing data for all investments with the same symbol at once. (Advisor only)
  • Improved generic transaction import by adding ability to import distribution per share amounts when no shares are owned
  • When modifying transaction data before reconciliation date, and user choose to allow modification, the reconciliation date is reset.
  • Added option to control whether log files are created for OFX import and retrieve.  See "Options / General Preferences... / Other / Create Log Files When Importing Transactions".
  • Added "File / Close All Investments" menu command to close all open investments, leaving all sub-portfolios empty.
  • Changed label "Investments (all)" to "Transactions (all)" in the Data Register.  Changed default data type from "Prices" to "Transactions (all)".
  • Bulk reconcile dialog defaults the statement date to yesterday (Advisor only)
  • Set all dialogs to use "System Font" (MS Shell Dlg) for improved display consistency.
  • Improved OFX import to map TRANSFER transactions to Transfer In or Out instead of Buy/Sell.
  • Improved "restore" operation to not restore the automatic backup folder location if that folder specifies a non-existent path.
  • Improved QFX import for investment banking transactions that occur in the non-default currency.  The OFX was already correct, but QFX works differently from the OFX spec.
  • Improved Scottrade transaction import (Advisor only)
  • Improved QIF import to support Deposit and Withdrawal of cash using "Cash" for an action code
  • Prevented the display of error messages in "General Preferences... / Other" dialog due to insufficient permissions when no relevant changes made to file associations.
  • Improved default cash account editing when editing/deleting a corresponding transaction.  Previously, the first cash transaction with a matching type, amount, and date would be edited/deleted.  Now, if there are multiple matches, it also compares on the memo to modify most appropriate cash entry.
  • Changed "Hide Sold Investments" dialog to check for share balances any time within date range, not just end of day balances.
  • Minor improvements to the New Portfolio Wizard relating to setting up default cash account
  • Improved the "Investment Properties... / Statistics" dialog to make long filenames and portfolio hierarchies easier to read
  • Other minor improvements...
  • Bug fix: Bond YTM reported incorrect when bond was in a non-default currency and displayed in default currency
  • Bug fix: Under certain conditions, creating an Open Lots report could cause the program to crash.
  • Bug fix: When editing a reinvested distribution to be distributed and not modifying value or date, the default cash account would not be updated with distribution proceeds
  • Bug fix: Clients listed in the "Batch Print" and "Send By Email" dialogs were not always listed in alphabetical order

January 21, 2011 versions 10.9:

  • Improved the "Portfolio/Investment Overlay / Price + Dist." graph for hypothetical portfolio price.  Daily %gain changed to use previous 'price' to current 'price + dist.' instead of accumulated 'price + dist.'.
  • SchwabLink transaction and pricing import improvements (Advisor only)
  • Improved OFX import to support reconciling or importing account positions when there is only cash in the account.
  • Changed currency exchange rate adjustment for Transfer In transactions to use Acquired Date instead of Transfer Date for exchanging tax cost basis value.
  • Improved Portfolio Value report when displaying a price on a total line when filtering by symbol.  Now finds best price based on recorded date (not just first matching investment).
  • Bug fixes:
    • Income Schedule report would not display income from bonds that pay only at maturity when the report's start date was prior to the bond's issue date
    • Under certain conditions, editing a reinvestment transaction could change recorded cost basis information for later transfer in type of transactions
    • Fixed FIFO/AVG unrealized basis fields when wash sale rules were on and transactions were recorded after report date
    • Cursor position over graphs could sometimes be calculated incorrectly

October 13, 2010 versions 10.8:

  • Bug fix: The Open Financial Exchange (OFX) import/retrieve option to "Record Matching Purchase/Distribution as Reinvestment" was not always working properly.  When this option was on, it could sometimes incorrectly combine purchases/distributions from different investments.

August 27, 2010 versions 10.7:

  • Added support for calculating and tracking bond accretion and amortization  (Professional or Advisor versions only)
  • New management fee method option "Report Fees at Account Level" for use with tiered percentages.  This option is useful when you want to calculate the fees at a household level, but report at the account level.  (Advisor only)
  • Improved logo display when logos are very wide (Advisor only)
  • Added confirmation prompt before closing investments from right mouse menu
  • Improved institutional interface price importing when importing multiple transaction files from a folder.  Now looks for all price files, not just those with matching base filename.
  • Added option to control whether or not to include Account Fees in tax cost basis.  See "Options / Report Preferences... / Capital Gains".
  • Changed calculation of portfolio turnover to exclude default cash account when determining Purchase and Sell totals
  • Added registry option for controlling APPID and APPVER when talking to an OFX server
  • Bug fixes:
    • Custom report field showing percentage of portfolio was incorrectly including whole investment when sub-totaling by asset type or investment goal, and that investment belonged in multiple asset types or investment goals.
    • Fixed bulk reconciliation when using with Scottrade
    • Print legend on Portfolio Value - Cost graph was not displaying properly
    • Fixed TWR calculations for short positions
    • Unrealized tax cost basis field was not including Return of Capital and Account Fees when wash sale rule was on
    • Transaction retrieve and OFX import option to combine purchase plus distribution into a reinvestment was not always working
    • Program could crash when showing the Default Cash Account dialog if the portfolio name was at maximum length

May 19, 2010 versions 10.6:

  • New "Bulk Reconciliation" feature to reconcile all accounts at once  (Advisor only)
  • Added support for importing/reconciling using Pershing files  (Advisor only)
  • Added support for importing/reconciling using Rydex files  (Advisor only)
  • Added support for importing/reconciling using Interactive Brokers files  (Advisor only)
  • New import/export commands for security properties, like Name, Symbol, CUSIP, and Investment Type.  Import formats include CSV and all of the institutional interfaces available in the Advisor version.  Export is available to the CSV format.
  • Improved importing of any file to be able to import while the file is open in another application.  Previously, the file had to be closed by all other applications, or a permission denied error would occur when importing.
  • Added option to exclude Account Fees from yield calculations.  See "Options / General Preferences... / Yields / Include Account Fees in Yield Calculations".
  • Bug fixes:
    • Sorting investment stack order was not resetting graph window's investment stack position, except when graphing the top-most sub-portfolio
    • Management fee method using a percentage by investment type was only allowing integers for the percentage.  Fixed to accept floating point numbers.

March 27, 2010 versions 10.5:

  • SchwabLink transaction import improvements relating to buying and selling bonds with accrued interest.  Now recorded as 2 separate transactions for bond value and accrued interest.
  • Improved error reporting when reconciling or importing/retrieving positions from an OFX source that did not contain an investment position list (missing INVPOSLIST)
  • Income Schedule report omits zero valued payments
  • Bug fixes:
    • Executive Summary report would draw the disclaimer text over other report text when the selected report font was too large for the report to fit on a single page
    • Program would crash when reading in an OFX file containing a CUSIP longer than 19 characters
    • "Internal" transactions could sometimes be incorrectly reported as "external"
    • Portfolio Editor columns could sometimes display data for wrong columns after using drag/drop to re-order the columns

January 29, 2010 versions 10.4:

  • When retrieving transactions or importing transactions from a QFX/OFX file, any specified pricing data is used to update closing prices
  • New "Importing Transaction Details" dialog to show more detail on importing transactions.  Right mouse click on any transaction in the "Preview Importing Transactions" dialog to access.
  • Added new option "Default Cash Account Distributions are Reinvested" to both the transaction retrieve and the QFX/OFX transaction import
  • Added new option "Record Matching Purchase/Distribution as Reinvestment" to both the transaction retrieve and the QFX/OFX transaction import
  • Improved QFX/OFX parsing robustness to better handle invalid characters
  • For calculating portfolio external cash flows, omit matching buy/sell transactions in the default cash account
  • Improved investment selection dialog for selecting a Benchmark or Exchange Rate Investments in the Currency dialog.  Instead of one long list, you can now select by sub-portfolio first, to narrow the choices.
  • Significant creation speed and memory usage improvements in certain reports.  Especially noticeable on larger portfolios.
  • Bug fixes:
    • Option to "Skip Transactions Already in Fund Manager" during import/retrieve was not always working properly.  In some cases an interest type of distribution would be re-imported even if it was already in Fund Manager.
    • Updated Scottrade Advisor transaction import for proper Short, Medium, and Long term capital gain assignment and also to use Transfer In/Out instead of Buy/Sell in some cases
    • Changing the "Accounting Method" option in the "Investment Properties..." dialog would not cause the "Apply" button to enable.
    • Yields above investment graphs would not refresh automatically in some cases
    • Newly created sub-portfolios would not always properly initialize "Management Fee Method" to "<No Assigned Method>"

December 16, 2009 versions 10.3:

  • SchwabLink interface improvements relating to CDs maturing
  • Scottrade institutional interface improvements related to expiring options
  • TD Ameritrade and BrokersXpress institutional interface improvements (added support for CJOUR/DJOUR transaction codes)
  • "Income" properties of new investments default to that of other existing investments with the same symbol when not explicitly specified
  • Bug fixes:
    • When creating a Management Fee report with an account using the "% of Average Value" method the program would hang
    • Selecting an investment to graph would sometimes graph the wrong investment when the option to not graph cash type investments was on
    • Data Register would not open when there were no other open windows
    • Turning on "View / Hidden Investments/Portfolios" would not always display investments hidden from the report option "Do Not Display Investments With Zero Shares Owned"
    • Parsing of an OFX file could sometimes miss a transaction or position in rare cases
    • When importing OFX or retrieving transactions and a new investment had an ampersand in the name, FM would leave the encoded "&amp;" value instead of replacing it with the intended ampersand character
    • "Edit / Symbol List... / Internet Retrieve / Multiply Retrieved By" was not being initialized properly when number formatting was set to 1.000,00 style

November 18, 2009 versions 10.2:

  • Updated Scottrade institutional interface
  • Bug fixes:
    • When using wash sale rules the unrealized tax cost basis and gain/loss figures could be incorrect in some cases
    • The status dialog would stay open after the import finished for the generic transaction import when any import error happened

November 9, 2009 versions 10.1:

  • Added option to use absolute value of investments when calculating managed value.  Helpful when managing short positions.  See Report Preferences... / Management Fees / Use Absolute Value of Short Positions for Managed Value Calculations.
  • Capital gains option to "Use Wash Sale Rules" now applies when displaying tax cost basis and unrealized gain/loss in the Portfolio Editor or a Custom report (Pro or Advisor)
  • Limit number of error messages when user does not have sufficient permissions to change file associations
  • Bug fixes:
    • Transaction could sometimes be incorrectly determined as external if multiple transactions for the same amount on the same date occurred
    • TWR calculations could be incorrect when internal transactions happened at a price different than the closing price
    • Corrected tab order in "commission" based buy/sell dialogs

October 23, 2009 versions 10.0:

  • Bond Support:
    • New "Income" investment properties.  3 styles of income:
      • None
      • Bond Interest: Enter Maturity Date, Coupon %, Payment Frequency, Day Count Basis, and Issue Date
      • Dividends: Enter # Payments/Year, Payment/Share, Dates of Payments
    • New "Bond Summary" report:
      • Choose fields to include:  Sub-portfolio, Account #, Price, Face Value, Current Yield, Yield To Maturity (YTM), Accrued Days, Accrued Interest, Accrued Interest per share, Next Coupon Date, Next Coupon Value, Next Coupon Value per share, Coupon Rate, Annual Income, Annual Income per share, Maturity Date, Payment Frequency, Day Count Basis, or Issue Date
      • List by Investment or Symbol
      • Sub-total by Sub-portfolio or Symbol
      • Filter by Symbol
    • New "Income Schedule" report:
      • Display for a specific investment, or a whole sub-portfolio
      • Includes payments from investments with either "Bond Interest" or "Dividend" income style
      • Lists each payment in date range, plus totals
      • Choose fields to include:  Sub-portfolio, Account #, Shares, Payment Date, Payment Amount, or Payment per share
      • Filter by Symbol, Asset Type, Investment Goal, Investment Type, or Income Style
    • Option to include accrued interest in ROI & TWR (new Time-Weighted Return) calculations.  On by default.  See "General Preferences... / Yields".
    • Updated "New Investment" dialog to allow for bond details to be entered when creating a new bond investment.  Can also edit under "Investment Properties... / Income" or "Edit / Symbol List...".
    • Option to enter any accrued interest paid when purchasing a bond or accrued interest received when selling.  Enter in same dialog as purchase/sell.
    • Optionally include accrued interest in Portfolio Performance and new Executive Summary reports.  See "Options / Report Preferences...".  When this option is on, the beginning/ending/gain values are inclusive of accrued interest.
    • New Portfolio Editor columns:  Income Style, Maturity Date, Coupon Rate, Payment Frequency, and Issue Date
  • Management Fees support:  (Advisor version only)
    • New "Management Fee Method" sub-portfolio property
    • Define any number of management fee methods and assign them names
    • Management fee method options include: No Fees, % of Beginning, Average, or Ending Value, or a Fixed Fee.  For percentage of managed values, use a Fixed %, Tiered %, or a Fixed % by investment type.
    • New investment property option to exclude from management fees.  See "Investment Properties... / Other / Exempt From Management Fees".
    • New "Management Fees" report:
      • Displays management fees and related information for sub-portfolios with an assigned management fee method
      • Optionally sub-total by client
  • New "Executive Summary" report:  (Advisor version only)
    • High level summary of client's portfolio
    • Portfolio Activity Summary shows starting balance, contributions, withdrawals, fees, gain/loss, and ending balance
    • Optionally show a pie chart by Investment, Symbol, Type, Asset, Goal, Sub-portfolio, or Currency
    • Portfolio Performance Summary shows return earned for a variety of time periods
    • Index Performance Summary shows returns of any number of indices for the same time periods for easy comparison of portfolio returns to the indices
  • New "Time-Weighted Returns":
    • GIPS compatible "true" Time-Weighted returns (TWR)
    • Calculate for a sub-portfolio, investment, symbol, asset type, investment goal, or investment type
    • Excludes effects of external cash flows
    • Ideal for looking at performance of intrinsic investment item
    • Complimentary to existing Return On Investment (ROI) yields which are both time and money weighted
    • New "Time-Weighted Return" report
    • TWR fields available in Custom, Investment Performance, and Executive Summary reports, and above portfolio based graphs
  • New "External Cash Flow" support:
    • View cash flows into/out of sub-portfolios.  Shows cash flows "external" to the account.  Excludes internal purchases/sells, reinvestments, and retained distributions.
    • New report fields: Contributions, Withdrawals, Withdrawn Distributions, Retained Distributions
    • Portfolio Performance and Executive Summary reports have new choices for "Cash Flow Style".  Choose from displaying fields:
      • Invested and Distrib. (previous version style)
      • Contributions, Withdrawals, and Withdrawn Distributions
      • Contributions, Withdrawals, Withdrawn Distributions, and Fees
    • New filter option for the Investment Transactions report to only show portfolio external transactions.  Makes it convenient to see details of additions/withdrawals.
    • See documentation on external cash flow for more details
  • Added 5 new types of distributions:
    • 5 new types: Foreign Tax, User-defined 1-4
    • All 13 distribution types can have their labels customized.  See "Options / Distribution Labels...".
    • New custom report fields for both the value and per share amounts for the new distribution types
    • Added ability to customize which distribution types are displayed in the Distribution Summary report.  By default, only non-zero distribution types are displayed.  You can also manually choose which distribution types to display.  See "Report Preferences... / Distribution Summary".
  • Windows 7 compatible
  • Logo support for reports.  Add your own logo into report headers.  See "Report Preferences... / Logo".  (Advisor version only)
  • Reports can now be directly exported to CSV files.  See "File / Export to CSV...".
  • New "Generic" transaction export.  Export desired data in any order using an export format string.  The format string is the same format as the generic transaction import.  Export for any date range.
  • Added option to prevent changes to reconciled data.  When modifying any transaction data for a date that has already been reconciled, a warning message will show.  You will be given the opportunity to choose whether or not to continue recording this data.  See "General Preferences... / Data / Warn When Modifying Reconciled Data".
  • Added ability to calculate turnover for any object: investment, symbol, asset, goal, investment type, or sub-portfolio.  Turnover is an annualized and normalized value, calculated from the lesser of purchases/redemptions divided by the average value.  For details see Turnover in the documentation.
  • Added ability to calculate standard deviation of returns for any object: investment, symbol, asset, goal, investment type, or sub-portfolio.  Calculation on objects with multiple investments incorporate covariance between objects to obtain meaningful measure of volatility or risk.  (Professional or Advisor versions only).  For details see Standard Deviation of Returns in the documentation.
  • Improved Asset Type and Investment Goal categories:
    • Increased number of categories from 25 to 100
    • Increased maximum category label length from 20 to 50
  • Added "Reconciled" to portfolio properties dialog to display last reconciled date.  Optionally reset by clicking on hyperlinked date.
  • Improved Backup/Restore.  Now global preferences from the registry are always included in the backup.  Restoring registry settings maintains current permissions.  Previously backups could only include registry preferences when running as an admin, and not under all versions of Windows, or under Vista with UAC on.  Also, restoring from one user to a different user could fail due to permission problems.
  • Option to omit weekends from graphs.  See "Graphs / Options / Display...".  By default, weekends are omitted, to show better graph resolution for actual recorded data.
  • Option to not display "Cash" investment types on investment based graphs.  See "Graphs / Options / Display...".
  • Added Heikin-Ashi Candlestick graph type to the Technical Analysis graph  (Professional or Advisor versions only)
  • Added new quote server: Association of Mutual Funds in India (AMFI)
  • Added new quote server: Finra - Bonds
  • Optional "Audit Log".  Records details of every change to the data, including user who made changes, date, time, and specific change.  See "General Preferences... / Data / Enable Audit Trail Logging".  (Advisor version only)
  • Added option to filter out tax-free investments from Open Lots and Investment Transactions reports
  • Added support for importing Transfer In and Transfer Out transactions to the generic transaction import
  • Improved method for determining currency for new investments automatically created during an import or retrieve.  First looks for other investments with the same symbol, second looks at other investments in the sub-portfolio.
  • Added more details to "Wash Sale Adjustment" lines in Capital Gains reports:  investment name, number of replacement shares, and date replacement shares were purchased.  Previously only showed the amount of the disallowed loss.
  • Improved "New Investment" dialog to not require a Name or Symbol
  • Added option to log yield calculation details (both ROI and TWR) to a file.  See "General Preferences... / Yields".
  • Improved Batch Printing:  (Advisor version only)
    • Reports can be output to any combination of: Printer, JPEG Image file, EMF Image file, CSV file
    • Graphs can be output to any combination of: Printer, JPEG Image file, EMF Image file
    • Select output folder and format choices under "File / Batch Print... / Options..."
  • Improved price export to have ability to filter by date and control whether or not hidden investments are exported
  • Improved Preview Importing Transactions dialog so multiple transactions can be selected/un-selected for import at once.  Select using Ctrl and Shift keys.  Right mouse click to choose whether or not to import selected transactions.
  • Increased maximum report disclaimer text length from about 400 characters to 4096
  • Progress bar displayed when saving investments
  • Progress/status dialog displayed when importing large number of transactions
  • New option to specify default accounting method for new investments.  See "General Preferences... / Other".
  • Improved "New Portfolio Wizard" when retrieving investment banking transactions.  Previously these were ignored until there was a default cash account established.
  • Rebalance targets can be specified as decimals.  Only integer values were allowed previously.
  • QIF import improvements
  • Hide Sold Investments dialog is initialized with the last used settings
  • When closing a sub-portfolio the warning dialog displays the total number of investments in the sub-portfolio.  Especially helpful in the case where there are hidden investments.
  • Portfolio files (*.mm4) remember the 'restored' size of all open windows, in addition to maximized/restored state.  Previously if windows were maximized the restored window size was not saved.
  • Opening a portfolio file with no saved windows will now open the Portfolio Editor.  Meant to help avoid confusion when opening a portfolio where no windows are part of the portfolio.
  • New "Custom" report fields:
    • Accrued interest (beginning) and (end)
    • Accrued interest days (beginning) and (end)
    • Contributions (between)
    • Coupon rate
    • Current yield
    • CUSIP
    • Face value
    • Foreign Tax distributions (between)
    • Foreign Tax distributions per share (between)
    • %Gain-AI (between)
    • Gain-AI (between)
    • Income style
    • Management Fee Method
    • Maturity date
    • Next income date
    • Next income value
    • Payment frequency
    • Projected annual income
    • Out of pocket basis with AI (between)
    • Owner
    • Redemptions out of pocket (between)
    • Retained dist. distributions (between)
    • Standard deviation of returns (ending)
    • Standard deviation of returns annualized (ending)
    • Time-weighted return (between)
    • Time-weighted return (inception)
    • Time-weighted 3 months (ending)
    • Time-weighted 6 months (ending)
    • Time-weighted 1 year (ending)
    • Time-weighted 3 years (ending)
    • Time-weighted 5 years (ending)
    • Time-weighted 10 years (ending)
    • Transfer In, OOP (between)
    • Transfer Out, OOP (between)
    • Turnover
    • User-defined 1 distributions (between)
    • User-defined 1 distributions per share (between)
    • User-defined 2 distributions (between)
    • User-defined 2 distributions per share (between)
    • User-defined 3 distributions (between)
    • User-defined 3 distributions per share (between)
    • User-defined 4 distributions (between)
    • User-defined 4 distributions per share (between)
    • Withdrawals (between)
    • Withdrawn dist. distributions (between)
    • Yield to maturity (YTM)
  • Miscellaneous minor improvements
  • Bug fixes:
    • Move Up/Down buttons in Custom Report Settings dialog were not always properly enabled/disabled

September 18, 2009 versions 9.7:

  • QIF import improvements.  Supports transfers and cash transactions can optionally be imported into the default cash account.
  • Bug fixes:
    • Transfer IN transactions that were closing a short position would have an incorrectly reported cost per share
    • Transfer transactions were not being adjusted by an assigned exchange rate
    • When importing transactions with option to "skip transactions already in Fund Manager", value based comparisons were being done to 6 significant digits instead of 2

May 21, 2009 versions 9.6:

  • Bug fixes:
    • Toggling "View / Exchange Rate Adjusted" would not cause any yields above portfolio based graphs to refresh
    • Fixed memory leak when creating any Capital Gain, Open Lot, or Investment Transaction report
    • Program could crash under certain conditions
    • Report option to "Hide totals in footer" was not honored in the ROI Yield and Fund Performance Yield reports.  The option was also not being correctly retained when switching report types.

March 2, 2009 versions 9.5:

  • Bug fixes:
    • Program could crash in some cases when Preview Transactions dialog was being sorted by investment name
    • Price based fields in reports were not being displayed with thousands separator (comma or period)
    • Program could crash when importing certain .QIF files
    • Program could crash when closing an investment via right mouse menu in a report sub-totaled by anything other than sub-portfolio
    • Cost basis, unrealized gains, and % gain numbers were sometimes being incorrectly reported as "N/A" in the Portfolio Editor

January 6, 2009 versions 9.4:

  • Added Vista x64 to list of supported/compatible operating systems
  • Added "This Server Requires Secure Connection (SSL)" option in the email configuration dialog for sending email alerts through a mail server
  • Prevent Transfer Between wizard from transferring between investments in different currencies (not supported currently)
  • Updated the "Open Lots" report to use original purchase date/price for Transfer transactions, instead of the transfer date/price
  • When opening a portfolio with older version investments and the user selects to not convert the investments to the new format, Fund Manager does not automatically save your portfolio on exit when that option is on.  User is prompted instead.  Meant to prevent accidentally saving an empty portfolio.
  • File / Restore... command only offers/attempts to restore registry settings when the user has sufficient permissions
  • Suspend auto-save and automatic price retrieve while working in the New Portfolio Wizard
  • Bug fixes:
    • Program could crash when using the "Transfer Between..." wizard
    • When printer didn't have any "Source" options, none of the other page setup options could be set
    • Disabled "Next" buttons after first press in several wizards (New Portfolio Setup, Transaction Retrieve, and Reconciliation), to help prevent performing same operation twice

September 24, 2008 versions 9.3:

  • Bug fixes:
    • When opening a portfolio with "View / Exchange Rate Adjusted" on, any investments assigned to currencies in the new 9 through 25 positions under "Options / Currency Settings..." would be incorrectly exchanged.
    • The preference to remove "Name" or "Symbol" from the Portfolio Editor list view would not be properly recalled after re-starting
    • The "% of Portfolio" Portfolio Editor list view field would sometimes incorrectly show a value when the selected sub-portfolio has a zero balance

September 15, 2008 versions 9.2:

  • Added support for BrokersXpress broker/dealer interface
  • Added support for T. Rowe Price Retirement Plans
  • Added new keys to the generic transaction import for CUSIP, investment account number, investment description, accounting method, and tax-free status
  • Bug fixes:
    • In some cases Fund Manager would incorrectly report it was not able to update pricing from a quote server
    • In some cases the "Transfer Shares Between Investments" dialog would not allow you to transfer all owned shares
    • Quote/Transaction updating module (fmadmin.exe) would fail when download had a CRC value greater than 2G

September 2, 2008 versions 9.1:

  • Added support for retrieving transactions from Oppenheimer
  • Added support for new "Fund Library (Canadian Mutuals)" quote server
  • Improved user interface for controlling when to hide sold investments in reports
  • Bug fixes:
    • Graph markers not always displayed at the proper value in the investment gain graph, when in the current cost mode
    • Program could crash in some cases while opening a portfolio
    • Program could crash during a restore if the Portfolio Editor was open, and the number of displayed Portfolio Editor columns was changing due to the restore
    • Capital gains on short sales would sometimes incorrectly show all zeroes

August 19, 2008 versions 9.0:

The change list for versions 9.0 is grouped into the following categories:

General Improvements
Graph Related Improvements
Report Related Improvements
Portfolio Editor Related Improvements
Minor/Other Improvements

General Improvements

  • New "Transfer" transactions:
    • Transfer In: Add shares to an investment.  Separate the market value and transfer date from the cost basis and purchase date.  Useful in many cases such as receipt of gifted shares, account transfers, spin-offs, class conversions, etc.
    • Transfer Out: Remove shares without generating a capital gains event.  Use when gifting shares, or transferring between accounts.
    • New "Transfer Shares Between Investments" wizard.  Transfer shares in a tax-free manner between investments, while maintaining cost basis.  Especially helpful when transferring multiple lots.
  • Data Register improvements:
    • Copy/paste prices and transactions.  Useful for moving data to a different investment.  Use the right mouse menu or the new down arrow button to copy and paste.
    • New "down arrow" button for quick access to related commands
    • Dialog can be resized
    • Size and position are memorized, and restored when re-opening
    • Dialog can be maximized
    • Adjustable font
    • Negative values can be displayed in user-defined color (default is red)
    • Alternate rows can be shaded a different color for easier viewing
    • See "Options / General Preferences... / Data Register Display"
  • Improved Backup and Restore:
    • Now includes all Fund Manager data: Portfolio file, investment files, registry preferences, and client database for the Advisor version
    • Backup is now a single *.FMB file.  Easier management of multiple backups, and prevents confusion on accidentally opening data files from a backup.
    • Restore allows you to pick select items to restore or to pick everything
    • Restore to original location, or specify any alternate location
    • Auto-backup also uses same new .FMB file format
    • Auto-backup supports saving multiple revisions.  Specify maximum number of revisions to keep under "Options / General Preferences... / Data".
  • Improved New Portfolio Wizard.  Added the following choices for setup:
    • Retrieve Transactions & Positions
    • Retrieve Transactions Only
    • Retrieve Positions Only
    • Manually Enter Positions
    Provides more flexible 'getting started' options.  "Retrieve Transactions & Positions" allows retrieval of all available transactions, and then any necessary adjustments to get to current positions are automatically created.  Helpful when the full transaction history of an account is no longer available on the OFX server.
  • Added a "Manually Reconcile" choice in the Reconciliation Wizard.  Allows you to manually reconcile your sub-portfolio for any date you choose.
  • Added a second, parallel quote server, called the "Historical Quote Server".  Useful when you use more than 1 quote server often.  Works just like the primary quote server, but has its own set of menu commands and toolbar button, so you don't have to switch the default quote server back/forth.  Can be used for any quote server, not only historical.
  • New quote servers:
    • Bloomberg (Historical)
    • Google (Historical)
    • Google (Real-Time) (Professional and Advisor versions only)
    • Yahoo (Real-Time) (Professional and Advisor versions only)
  • Improved printing.  New "Print" dialogs allow selection of printer, properties, and choice for number of copies.  New "Page Setup" dialogs offer improved flexibility and option to go straight to printing or previewing.  Printing of Data Register data (prices, investments, distributions) allows specifying any date range.
  • New "Symbol List" editor.  Allows modifying properties of multiple investments at once that have the same symbol.  Also allows manually recording the same split transaction in these investments.  Useful to make bulk edits to investments when some property changes, or a split occurs. (Advisor version only)
  • Improved currency support.  Increased maximum currencies within a portfolio to 25.  Currency symbols can now be up to 5 characters long.
  • Improved Spin-off wizard:
    • Added tax-free spin-off support
    • Improved taxable spin-off support
    • Added support for separate cost basis and market value in spun-off child
    • Utilizes new "Transfer In" transaction types to allow spun-off market value and cost basis to be separate
    • Uses 2 distributions in parent (Return of Capital and Other) to record the transfer of cost basis and market value.  Return of Capital accounts for the spun-off cost basis.  The Other distribution accounts for the difference between the cost basis and market value of the spin-off.  Accurately reflects performance of parent.
  • New, more colorful, toolbar icons
  • Improved "Specify Lots" dialog:
    • Added 'checkmark' icon to help visually see which redemptions are fully specified and which purchases are completely used
    • Dialog can be resized
    • Added a 'Price' column in the redemption list
    • Eliminated the need to press 'Update' after changing specified share quantity
    • Double click on any purchase to use/un-use those shares
  • Added investment property to multiply retrieved price by any multiplier before updating.  Helpful in cases where price is only available in pence/pounds, and you want pounds/pence.  See "Investment Properties... / Internet Retrieve / Multiple Retrieved Price By:".
  • New global preference for investment description.  Choices are: Name, Symbol, or (Symbol) Name.  See "Options / General Preferences... / Display".

Graph Related Improvements

  • Added "Date Range" combo box to toolbar for easy access to changing date ranges
  • New "Crosshair" cursor type.  See "Graphs / Options / Cursor Type".
  • Made graph borders 'frameless' so data at edges is easier to read
  • Added option to  clear background in legend area for easier reading.  See "Options / Graphs / Display / Legend Text is Opaque".
  • Added more keyboard shortcuts, and improved shortcut documentation
  • Improved legend scrolling:
    • Pie chart doesn't flicker when scrolling the legend
    • In addition to keyboard shortcuts, you can now mouse click on the arrows  to scroll the Pie and Stacked graph legends
  • Added "Clear All" button to Investment and Portfolio Overlay dialogs

Report Related Improvements

  • New "Rebalance" report:
    • Compare your actual allocations against targets you've specified.  Displays Actual %, Target %, Delta %, and Delta Value.
    • You can define any number of named allocation targets, and then when you create the report, you choose which allocation target to compare against
    • Allocation targets can be defined based on Investment Type, Asset Type, Investment Goal, or Currency.
  • New "Open Lots" report:
    • Lists information on each un-sold lot for a given investment, or all investments within a sub-portfolio
    • Customize what data fields (columns) to display.  See "Options / Report Preferences... / Open Lots".
    • Choose accounting method to use (Assigned Investment Property, FIFO, AVG, or Specific Lot)
    • Advanced filtering capabilities.  Filter by Symbol, Investment Type, Asset Type, Investment Goal, and Memo contents.
    • Option to exclude cash investments.
  • Improved "Investment Transaction" report:
    • Sort by any displayed column (Sort menu)
    • Select which fields (columns) are included in report (Options / Report Preferences... / Investment Transactions)
    • Added "Investment" and "Account" columns when displaying more than one investment
    • Advanced filtering capabilities.  Filter by Symbol, Investment Type, Asset Type, Investment Goal, Transaction type, and Memo contents.
    • Option to exclude cash investments.
  • Custom report headers: (Advisor version only)
    • Specify the text to use for the sub-title and default title
    • Headers can include "mail merge" fields, to insert a wide variety of fields into report headers, like client's name, tax ID, etc.
    • Sub-title can be any number of lines long
    • See "Options / Report Headers..."
  • Added ability to "List By" and "Filter By" Currency in the Portfolio Value report
  • New option to limit the maximum number of levels of hierarchy displayed when sub-totaling.  Useful when a higher level summary is all you want.  See "Limit Hierarchy to X Levels" in the Report Settings dialog.  (Advisor version only)
  • Investments now have a new property for their accounting method under "Investment Properties... / Other".  Enables Capital Gain and Open Lot reports to support multiple accounting methods within a given report.    The settings for these reports allow you to choose an "Accounting Method".  Choose from:  Assigned Investment Property, First In First Out, Average Cost, or Specified Lots.  By choosing the "Assigned Investment Property" method, each investment can use its own accounting method.  By choosing any of the other accounting methods the report is calculated using that method, overriding the investment's property.
  • Consolidated different Capital Gain reports into 1, with choice of accounting method 
  • Option to automatically not display sold investments (without having to make them hidden).  Options available to not display investments with zero shares owned only on the ending report date, or over the entire date range.  See "Options / Report Preferences / General / Do Not Display Investments With Zero Share Balance".
  • Improved "Portfolio Performance" report.  Choose which performance metrics to include.  See "Options / Report Preferences... / Portfolio Performance".
  • New custom report fields:
    • Account of parent portfolio
    • Alert distance (ending)
    • Alert distance percentage (ending)
    • Alert trigger price (ending)
    • Highest value (between)
    • Historical quote server
    • Lowest value (between)
    • Price trend
    • Purchases out of pocket (between)
    • Transfers In, market value (between)
    • Transfers Out, market value (between)
  • Improved "Distribution Summary" report by adding option "Do Not Display Line Items With No Distributions".  See "Options / Report Preferences / Distribution Summary".
  • Improved reporting flexibility when filtering by symbol.  Calculate/display all share based figures for sub-portfolio lines in Custom reports that are filtering by symbol.  Calculate/display Price and Shares on sub-portfolio lines in Portfolio Value reports that are filtering by symbol.  Helpful when trying to find summary information on a given symbol.

Portfolio Editor Related Improvements

  • Improved appearance:
    • Adjustable font
    • Negative values can be displayed in user-defined color (default is red)
    • Alternate rows can be shaded a different color for easier viewing
    • See "Options / General Preferences... / Portfolio Editor Display"
  • Portfolio Properties... dialog now displays the assigned "Owner".  Assignment is a hyperlink for easy editing.  Choose an owner from anyone in your client list.  (Advisor version only)
  • New list fields:
    • # Transfers In
    • # Transfers Out
    • Historical Quote Server
    • Alert Trigger
    • Alert Distance
    • Alert Distance %
    • Price Trend
    • OOP Historical Basis Per Share
    • OOP Historical Gain Per Share
    • OOP Current Basis Per Share
    • OOP Current Gain Per Share
    • FIFO Basis Per Share
    • FIFO Unrlz Gain Per Share
    • AVG Basis Per Share
    • AVG Unrlz Gain Per Share
    • Spec Lot Basis Per Share
    • Spec Lot Unrlz Gain Per Share
  • Documented list field definitions in online help
  • Added option to apply 'hidden' sub-portfolio attribute to all lower level sub-portfolios

Minor/Other Improvements

  • Improved calculation speed
  • Improved Quote and Transaction module update to be Vista compatible.  Module updates can now be performed without running Fund Manager as an administrator.
  • Increased maximum value for all the 'volume' fields from 4E9 up to 1E19.  Some indices can have volumes larger than 4E9, so the new maximum was needed.
  • Improved OFX position retrieve/import to put "available cash" into a cash investment
  • Account numbers, usernames, and passwords are stored encrypted in the portfolio file (*.mm4)
  • Right mouse menu commands added in Reconciliation Wizard to quickly access Data Register and Investment Properties...
  • Currently assigned quote server is displayed in toolbar's tooltip and in the status bar when selecting price retrieve menu command.  Helpful to remember your currently assigned default quote server.
  • Added support to utilize Vista's "Default Programs" interface to associate Fund Manager with .MM4, .DAT, .OFX, or .QFX files
  • Added option to associate .MM4 and .DAT files with Fund Manager under "Options / General Preferences / Other"
  • Improved generic transaction import with new import keys:
    • ACCT: Portfolio account number to import into
    • CURRENCY: Currency for new investments
    • ASSET: Asset type for new investments
    • GOAL: Investment goal for new investments
    Also added option to "Skip Transactions Already In Fund Manager"
  • Added a selection for "investment in scrolling position" to the investment overlay selection dialog.  Allows choice of which investment will be scrolled with keyboard shortcuts.
  • Improved Southwest Securities transaction import (Advisor version only)
  • Fixed issue where having an offline network printer could cause report creation to take a long time
  • Bug Fixes:
    • Graph legend field [[EINVPRICE]] was incorrectly being allowed on portfolio based graphs.  When used, would cause Fund Manager to crash.
    • Custom report 'Shares (ending)' would sometimes be wrong on sub-total lines when sub-totaling by symbol
    • Yield column in Portfolio Performance report was not honoring filter settings.  (It was always including all investments, even when they should have been fully or partially filtered out.)
    • Color printing of reports with the background shading turned on was not printing the background shading properly

March 18, 2008 versions 8.10:

  • Improved Southwest Securities import to handle more option cases
  • Bug fixes:
    • "Gain" column was sometimes incorrect in Portfolio Performance report when filtering was turned on
    • Email alerts being sent directly through a mail server would fail when running under Vista with User Account Control (UAC) turned on

February 7, 2008 versions 8.9:

  • Bug fixes:
    • Incorrect percentage of portfolio value could sometimes be displayed in Portfolio Value report when a very small fractional share amount was owned
    • Yield term could sometimes be off by 1 day when spanning a leap year
    • In a custom report being sub-totaled by Asset Type or Investment Goal investment values were reporting the full amount, instead of the scaled amount for the percentage owned in that Asset Type or Investment Goal
    • When importing transactions caused a new sub-portfolio to be created, different accounts could be combined into a common sub-portfolio if the account names matched (even when account numbers were different)

December 10, 2007 versions 8.8:

  • Bug fixes:
    • Investment property to "Ignore When Reconciling" was not being saved/recalled
    • Reconciliation was not accounting for situation where there were multiple instances of the same investment in a sub-portfolio
    • Right mouse clicking on an investment in a report and selecting to graph it would not always display the selected investment
    • Advisor version: Reconciliation sources were not listing FOLIOfn
    • Advisor version: Some option and margin interest transactions from the Scottrade B/D interface were not importing properly

September 6, 2007 versions 8.7:

  • Added support for calculating %gains on investments that are both long and short within the time period being calculated
  • Improved generic price import: skips non-matching lines and improved error reporting
  • Improved TD Ameritrade B/D interface for importing bonds and options
  • Added %Gain-F and Fund Performance Yield simple averages to sub-total lines in the custom report
  • Improved Scottrade B/D transaction import
  • Bug fixes:
    • Generic price import could crash the program in some cases
    • %Gain-F and Fund Performance Yield simple average sub-totals in the Investment Performance report were ignoring filter settings
    • When multiple graph windows were opened, only 1 was being closed prior to opening a new portfolio
    • Out of pocket %gains were not properly handling negative cost basis components

July 23, 2007 versions 8.6:

  • Improved speed when filtering by symbol, especially for large portfolios
  • Added new generic transaction import keys: MEMO, DIST_O, and REINV_O
  • Added support for importing from FOLIOfn for advisors
  • Added calculating %Gains on short positions
  • Improved Scottrade and Fiserv ISS imports
  • Bug fixes:
    • Fixed bond transaction/position importing from OFX.  Was previously importing with 100X shares.
    • If an investment/portfolio starts or ends in a short position, ROI yields will not be displayed

May 14, 2007 versions 8.5:

  • Purchases (between) and Average Purchase Price (between) fields in the custom report were changed to include commission fees
  • Scottrade B/D interface improved to support foreign taxes paid
  • Graphs maintain their investment stack position in more cases when creating/opening/moving investments in other sub-portfolios
  • Vista security compatibility updates
  • Changed location where temporary log files are created from the folder when Fund Manager was installed to the current user's Application Data\Fund Manager folder
  • Improved error reporting when failing to update quote or transaction modules because of permission problems under Vista
  • Bug fix - Web News/Account Fee/Spin-off commands from the right mouse menu in the Graphs window were not always bringing up the correct investment

April 2, 2007 versions 8.4:

  • Improved Fidelity Advisor CHANNEL import to optionally map 'manfee' transactions to account fees deducted from the default cash account
  • Bug fixes:
    • Program could crash when pressing "Move Down" or "Move Up" in the "Investments / Order..." dialog when the investment was already at the bottom or top of the stack
    • Program could crash when using some of the export commands

March 18, 2007 versions 8.3:

  • Added a new investment property "Ignore When Reconciling".  See "Investment Properties... / Other".  Useful for cash or other investments not reported by broker/fund company when retrieving an online statement for reconciling.
  • Reconciliation improvement.  Some brokers list cash balances as "Available Cash", but not as a specific position.  In these cases FM will reconcile the "Available Cash" against the default cash account.
  • Added a "Graph" right mouse menu command to investments and sub-portfolios in the Portfolio Editor.  Renamed existing "Graph" popup menu to "Graph As".  Use the "Graph" menu to graph the item with the current graph type.  Use the "Graph As" popup menu to graph the item using a new graph type.
  • "Hide Sold Investments" command improved.  Can now enter a date range, instead of a single date.  Added a new option to "Turn On Price Retrieve for Non-Sold Investments".
  • Added support to the generic transaction import for "Return of Capital" distributions
  • Added option to exclude weekends from the portfolio value export
  • Added a "Show All" button to the New Portfolio Wizard - Default Cash Account page.  Turning off this option will only list available investments from the current sub-portfolio, instead of all sub-portfolios.
  • New option to cancel opening a portfolio where one or more investments were not opened due to password protection
  • Scottrade interface for advisors supports both 8 and 10 character account numbers, so the same accounts can be used with both the OFX server as well as the Scottrade downloads for advisors
  • Improved Southwest Securities interface for advisors to handle more transaction types
  • Bug fixes:
    • When scrolling through investments with keyboard shortcuts in a graph window, the statusbar was not being immediately updated
    • Right mouse menu graphing from within the Portfolio Editor was not always displaying the proper investment
    • "Delete Price - All Investment" right mouse popup menu commands were not working in the Portfolio Editor and Report windows
    • Yield term calculation could be off by 1 day in some cases where starting year was a leap year and ending year was not a leap year
    • Program could crash when selecting which portfolios to overlay in the graphs
    • "Scale Price" dialog was not honoring international comma/period preferences when entering a scale factor
    • Under Vista, all list views had the sort arrow showing in all columns, instead of just the one column controlling the sort order
    • Reconciling using Scottrade .PS1 files as the statement source was not always using the statement date for calculating share balances
    • Sub-portfolio date range settings for graphing were not always being memorized/recalled properly

December 9, 2006 versions 8.2:

  • Bug fixes:
    • Option to "Apply to All Investments With Matching Symbol" in the Investment Properties - Asset Type and Investment Goal pages was applying changes to all investments, not just those with a matching symbol
    • Graphing an investment from a right mouse menu menu would not always display the proper investment
    • Keyboard shortcuts for adjusting date range and vertical scale of investment based graphs were not always being applied to the correct investment
    • Earliest price and transaction date range choices were not always setting the graph dates properly
    • Program could crash when displaying multiple Technical Analysis graph windows at the same time
    • Current out of pocket cost could be graphed incorrectly when "View / Split Adjusted" was turned off

November 21, 2006 versions 8.1:

  • Added support for retrieving transactions from many more brokerages and mutual fund companies
  • Option to hide totals in footer of reports.  Allows adding benchmarks to a report, without report totals including the benchmarks.
  • Added "Apply To All Investments With Same Symbol" option when setting the Asset Type or Investment Goal of an investment.  Makes it easier to set all securities with the same symbol to the same asset/goal allocation values.
  • Portfolio based graphs are now scrollable with the mouse wheel and same keyboard shortcuts as investment based graphs.  The active sub-portfolio is scrolled.
  • Option to exclude tax free and cash investments from the Distribution Summary report.  See the new "Distribution Summary" tab in the Report Preferences dialog.
  • New Custom report fields:
    • Invested (between) - same as field in Portfolio Performance report
    • Expected dividend yield (ending) - Forward looking dividend yield, based on most recent dividend.  See online help.
  • Improved Buy/Sell/Distribution dialogs when using the "Percentage Load Fees" transaction entry preference
  • Added portfolio filename (*.mm4) to top level Fund Manager window, so it is always visible
  • Quick-zoom on a line in the asset/goal allocation reports now creates a new Portfolio Value report filtered by that line item
  • When an import or retrieve creates a new investment automatically, and the import source does not specify the investment type/asset type/investment goal, the defaults are set based upon other existing investments with a matching symbol
  • The graph windows are not reset to the top of the investment stack when closing an investment
  • DST Fan Mail position import supports importing multiple files at once
  • Bug fixes:
    • Could get false warnings for a "13942" error upon program startup
    • Graph menu commands "Investments / Select..." and "Investments / More..." were not working
    • Quote server override combo box in "Investment Properties... / Internet Retrieve" was not displaying/selecting properly
    • When investment type was an ETF or Future, the ticker symbol lookup in the New Investment dialog was incorrectly searching in the stock area
    • Double clicking an investment in the Portfolio Editor would not always graph the correct investment
    • Pie chart legend scroll arrow would sometimes be displayed when there was nothing to scroll
    • Very small number of owned shares could cause an incorrectly large %Gain-F
    • New portfolio wizard would allow multiple investment property dialogs to be opened at once, prevent wizard from closing properly at completion
    • Right mouse clicking on a note marker would not always bring up the right note

October 24, 2006 versions 8.0:

The change list for versions 8.0 is grouped into the following categories:

General Improvements
Graph Related Improvements
Report Related Improvements
Portfolio Editor Related Improvements
Minor/Other Improvements

General Improvements

  • Reconciliation Wizard. Reconcile sub-portfolio balances against statements from broker or mutual fund company. Statements can be retrieved automatically from a wide variety of brokers and mutual fund companies. Statements can also be read from downloaded files in a variety of formats.
  • Print Preview. Preview the printout of any graph or report prior to printing.
  • "Skins". Easily memorize and recall multiple display themes. Skins store/recall all color, font, and pen sizes, and are available across all portfolios.
  • Data Register improvements:
    • Multiple items can now be selected at once, which is helpful for quickly deleting multiple transactions
    • Increased size of dialog for improved readability
    • Investments listed alphabetically instead of by stack order
    • Portfolio listing indented to show sub-portfolio hierarchy for easier sub-portfolio navigation
  • Improved New Portfolio Setup Wizard. Positions can now be retrieved from your broker or mutual fund company.
  • New investment types:
    • Exchange Traded Fund
    • Treasury Bill
    • Annuity
    • Future
    • Other
  • New quote servers:
  • Sub-portfolios can now be marked as "hidden"
  • Batch Printing. Print specified graphs/reports for any number of clients at once. (Advisor version only)
  • All report column labels can be customized to any desired text. (Advisor version only)
  • Improved client management (Advisor version only)
    • Associate each client with a sub-portfolio
    • Improved contact management: added Tax ID, Date of Birth and Phone/E-Mail/Address for both home and work
  • Increased maximum number of investments that can be open at once to 50,000 (Advisor version only)
  • Added "Southwest Securities" interface for importing positions, transactions, and prices (Advisor version only)
  • Added "DAZL" interface for importing positions, transactions, and prices (Advisor version only)
  • Option to hide "interpolation asterisk" from reports (Advisor version only)

Graph Related Improvements

  • Any number of graph windows can now be open at the same time. Each graph window is independent, so active portfolio, graph type, date range, overlaid items, etc.. can be set separately for each graph window. Graph windows and their settings are memorized as part of portfolio files (*.mm4).
  • Custom legends. Enter any text and choose from a wide variety of fields to insert into each graph's legend. Customize independently for each graph type.
  • Mouse click on any stacked graph segment or pie slice to create a quick-zoom report or open the Data Register detailing that item.
  • New graph types:
    • Pie Charts - Sub-Portfolio
    • Pie Charts - Currency
    • Stacked Value - Sub-Portfolio
    • Stacked Value - Currency
  • Date range and scale are memorized for each sub-portfolio. When setting the date range and scale you can choose to apply to only the active sub-portfolio or to all sub-portfolios.
  • New top level "Portfolio" menu for quickly selecting the active sub-portfolio
  • Improved legends for the pie charts and stack value graphs. Legends are now scrollable when too large to fit on the screen. Increased readability of stacked value legends.
  • Colors for currently selected overlaid portfolios/investments are maintained when changing overlaid items
  • Hovering mouse over stacked graph legend item displays that item's details in the status bar
  • Improved cursor snap operation to be more "smooth", with less flicker

Report Related Improvements

  • Reports can now be sub-totaled by any of the following:
    • <none> (sub-totaling is off)
    • Sub-Portfolio
    • Symbol
    • Asset Type
    • Investment Goal
    • Investment Type
  • Report filters. Filter reports by Investment Type, Asset Allocation, Investment Goal, or Symbol. Only the filtered item will be displayed in the report.
  • Quick zoom. Click on any Sub-Portfolio, Investment Type, Asset Allocation, Investment Goal, or Symbol to create a new report detailing that item.
  • Advanced statistics as custom report fields (Professional and Advisor versions only):
    • Alpha
    • Beta
    • Correlation
    • R-Squared
    • Sharpe Ratio
    • User-definable benchmark investment, comparison period, and "risk-free" rate of return.  See "Options / Report Preferences... / Benchmark".
  • New custom report fields:
    • Change in price (between)
    • Change in value (between)
    • Latest reconciliation date
    • Latest price date
    • Normalized standard deviation of price (between)
    • Normalized standard deviation of price (inception)

Portfolio Editor Related Improvements

  • New list fields:
    • Last Reconciled
    • First Price
    • Last Price
    • First Transaction
    • Last Transaction
    • Last Distribution
    • Last Purchase
    • Last Redemption
    • Acquired - Start
    • Acquired - End
  • Removed requirement of having at least one open investment in order to use the Portfolio Editor

Minor/Other Improvements

  • Improved import speed
  • Added "Only Delete Prices When No Shares Are Owned" option to the "Delete Price Range" commands
  • Preview Transaction Import Dialog shows path and filename of any newly created investments
  • Replaced portfolio filename with sub-portfolio name in pie chart default legend. Legends are now also user-customizable.
  • Default values for handling OFX/QFX files checks first to see if any other application is already associated
  • Option to re-map investment path when opening a portfolio and the investment(s) can't be found
  • Whenever an investment selection is required, they are now listed alphabetically instead of by stack order
  • Increased CUSIP field maximum to 20 characters so ISIN number can also be used in this field
  • New installation program
  • Improved web tutorial
  • Other minor improvements
  • Bug fixes:
    • Program could crash when canceling an internet retrieve
    • Program could crash when copying report text for a multiple date range, single field custom report
    • Resetting colors to their defaults was not working for all color options
    • Investments in a portfolio file (*.mm4) located on a network path were always being saved as an absolute path (instead of possibly relative to the portfolio file).
    • Right mouse menu commands on stacked value graphs to move sections up/down were not always working properly
    • Path to client's associated portfolio file in client list could sometimes be displayed incorrectly

September 9, 2006 versions 7.8:

  • Improvements in Advisor version B/D interfaces: Fiserv ISS, Scottrade, and TD Ameritrade
  • Improvements in retrieving option transactions from OFX servers
  • When prompting for action on default cash account for a newly created sub-portfolio during import, only list each unique investment once
  • Bug fixes:
    • Tax basis, FIFO (ending) and related fields incorrectly include Return of Capital and Account Fees recorded after the ending report date.
    • Schwablink transaction import menu command unavailable
    • Setting vertical scale relative to other investments wasn't working properly for NAV + DIST graph types
    • ROI yields for investments with no owned shares could sometimes be reported incorrectly (should be "N/A")

April 23, 2006 versions 7.7:

  • All internal links updated to new web location (
  • New options to control whether yields less than 1 year and greater than 1 year are annualized or not. See "Options / Preferences... / Yields". By default, yields for terms less than 1 year are not annualized, and yields for terms greater than 1 year are average annualized.
  • New options to have Fund Manager be the default application associated with .OFX and .QFX files. See "Options / Preferences... / Other". Makes downloading and importing such files more convenient.
  • When retrieve or import causes a new sub-portfolio to be created, user is given the option to assign a default cash account
  • New Open Financial Exchange "position" import command
  • Added Scottrade import for investment advisors (Advisor version)
  • Improved Broker/Dealer interfaces (Advisor version):
    • Improved Legacy Ameritrade, DST FAN Mail, Fidelity Advisor CHANNEL, Fiserv ISS, SchwabLink, Scottrade, and Legacy TD Waterhouse
    • New "position" import commands to import positions. Useful for reconciliation, or initializing starting data.
    • New price import commands for each interface. Useful for securities not available on quote servers.
    • Transaction imports also import available pricing and security information
  • Improved Open Financial Exchange transaction retrieve/import to also import investment type when creating new investments
  • Added QIF price import command and improved QIF transaction import to import any available prices in QIF
  • Improved price retrieve to eliminate duplicate requests for the same symbol from the same quote server
  • Improved symbol lookup when creating a new investment (search includes investment type)
  • Improved display of online help file, so it can be displayed while still working in Fund Manager
  • Improved error reporting when attempting a retrieve while "working offline"
  • Removed obsolete price import commands
  • Bug fixes:
    • Email alerts using the SMTP sending method could cause Fund Manager to crash
    • Option to disconnect DUN after a retrieve could fail under some older operating systems

February 11, 2006 versions 7.6:

  • New commands to import and export category allocation information
  • Added CUSIP and Tax Free investment properties as available fields in the Portfolio Editor's list view
  • New options for the Hide Sold Investments command
  • Improved QIF import and QIF export
  • Improved importing of Fiserv ISS reinvested distributions (Advisor version)
  • Improved importing of TD Waterhouse files (Advisor version)
  • Removed the Yahoo Transaction retrieve feature.  No longer available...
  • Bug fixes:
    • Investments marked to not retrieve prices would get updated if any other retrieved investment had the same symbol
    • Graph auto-scale not always set properly upon opening of portfolio

November 17, 2005 versions 7.5:

  • Added support for importing from Fiserv ISS (Advisor version)
  • New Custom report fields: "Portfolio hierarchy" and "Portfolio parent"
  • New "Show All" option on the Portfolio Properties dialog for the listing of investments to use as the default cash account.  Turning off this option makes it easier to pick an investment within that portfolio for the default cash account.
  • New option to speed up portfolio based plotting when using exchange rates.  See "Graphs / Options / Display... / Allow Fast Exchange Rate Interpolation for Portfolio Graphs".  Press the "Help..." button for further explanation.
  • Automatic backup now also backs up the portfolio file (*.mm4).
  • Improved error reporting when an investment file fails to open
  • Bug fixes:
    • Return On Investment (ROI) yields for portfolios in the yield report were not following the "Allow Interpolation Prior to First Recorded Data" yield interpolation option.
    • Upon failing to open a portfolio, an error message was not always displayed
    • Report's "Sort" menu item "Investment Stack" did not display a check mark after being selected in some cases
    • When sorting a report by a displayed field, the investment stack was not always updated properly when the "Options / Report Preferences... / General / Update Investment Stack When Sorting Reports" option was on

August 22, 2005 versions 7.4:

  • Improved transaction retrieve:
    • Retrieved transaction are now matched up with investments based on the new CUSIP field.  If a match could not be found based on CUSIP the matching reverts to using the symbol, so existing investments will continue to retrieve without modification.  Using the CUSIP for transaction retrieves will allow you to specify a different symbol for price retrieves, in the cases where the price server uses a different symbol than your broker or mutual fund company.  The CUSIP is also more reliable, as not all retrieved transactions report the symbol, but all transaction do have a CUSIP.
    • Creates additional log files for help in debugging.  See "ofxretr.txt", "xmldump.txt" and "ofxmemtrandump.txt" in the Fund Manager folder.  [more info]
  • Added option to update the investment stack based on the report sorting order. See the new "Update Investment Stack When Sorting Reports" option in the Report Preferences - General Dialog.
  • Added a "All (*.*)" file filter option in all of the Browse... dialogs
  • Changed the behavior of yield interpolation settings for Return On Investment ROI yield calculations.  Renamed the "Allow Interpolation Prior to First Recorded Price" option to "Allow Interpolation Prior to Earliest Recorded Data".  For Fund Performance yields this is still the first recorded price.  For ROI yields this is now the first recorded transaction (not price).
  • All "overlay" style graphs are now inclusive of changes that happen on the starting graph date
  • Bug fixes:
    • The menu command Graphs / Options / Display... was not being displayed in the Personal version
    • Error message displayed when opening an old text portfolio file with missing investments was not displaying properly
    • Was allowing a non-existent folder to be specified when creating new investments
    • The Portfolio Editor divider could be dragged off the left side of the window, so that it couldn't be seen or moved anymore
    • If multiple sub-portfolios had the same account number, retrieved or imported transactions could be placed in the wrong sub-portfolio in some cases
    • The Date Range dialog was not always initialized to the proper values for the selected investment
    • Deleting a price while "View / Exchange Rate Adjusted" was on would leave the data un-exchanged
    • Toggling the "View / Exchange Rate Adjusted" command did not automatically refresh the Data Register
    • The tab order on the New Investment dialog had the portfolio selection control in the wrong order
    • Deleting multiple sub-portfolios at once could leave unreferenced sub-portfolios in the internal database, which could later cause the program to crash
    • Portfolio value and gain graphs could plot incorrectly in rare circumstances when using exchange rate adjusted investments

May 9, 2005 versions 7.3:

  • Improved report sorting.  New top level "Sort" menu on reports allows sorting by any available column, or with the default sorting.  Sort ascending or descending.
  • Added "File / File Operations / Hide Sold Investments..." menu command to easily hide all investments that have been sold.
  • Added custom report fields:
    • Out of pocket basis (between)
    • % Gain (between)
    • %Gain (inception)
  • Updated labels for Out Of Pocket (OOP) related fields so they are all next to each other in the Custom Settings Dialog
  • Added an "Out Of Pocket" online help topic
  • Improved QIF import to auto-detect date format in the QIF file (MM/DD/YY or DD/MM/YY), so the user doesn't have to specify
  • Added option to specify the weekend days.  (For use in locations where the markets are closed on days other than Saturday/Sunday).  See "Options / Preferences... / Other / Weekend Starts On".
  • Bug fixes:
    • Sorting the investment stack by % Gain in the Investment Performance Report did not work
    • The custom report field "ROI yield (inception)" was not calculated properly

March 24, 2005 versions 7.2:

  • Added option to update "Investment Banking Transactions" for the transaction retrieve and the OFX transaction import
  • Changed reports so they use yield interpolation settings rather than always using "step" type interpolation
  • Added new NAME and ITYPE keys to the generic transaction import.  Clarified the online help for this feature.
  • Miscellaneous speed/performance improvements
  • Bug fixes:
    • Incorrect yield values could be reported when opening a portfolio
    • Sorting investments by %Gain and Yield from within a report window did not work correctly
    • Disclaimer in the Portfolio Value report would not be printed in some cases
    • Attempting to open a portfolio with more investments than allowed for that version would cause the program to crash
    • When importing transactions if you used the Back and then Next buttons to re-import the last set of transactions were still shown

January 31, 2005 versions 7.1:

  • New mechanism to allow you to retrieve transactions without storing your password in the portfolio file (*.mm4).  If the transaction retrieve password is blank you will be prompted at the time of retrieve for the password to use for the current retrieve.  The password entered at the time of retrieve is only used for the current retrieve and is not stored in the portfolio file.
  • New option to control action when double clicking on an investment in the Portfolio Editor.  Choose from displaying the Investment Properties, showing the Data Register, or Graphing the investment.  See Options / Preferences... / Other.
  • New option for specifying the initial "Data Type" in the Data Register.  See Options / Preferences... / Other.
  • When retrieving transactions if the Symbol field is empty, comparison is done on the Name field for matching transactions with existing investments
  • Transaction retrieve and OFX import forces any required consistency rounding into the "Price" field (instead of "Value")
  • Bug fixes:
    • Remembers last retrieve date for a top level portfolio that was retrieved hierarchically, even though that portfolio itself was not retrieved
    • "%Gain-V (inception)" field in custom report was always reporting as N.A..  Fixed so start date for this calculation was the end of the transaction inception day.
    • Yields above portfolio based graphs were not refreshed when the active portfolio changed
    • In the Portfolio Properties dialog the "Created" and "Last Saved" dates and times were not displayed properly under Windows 95, 98, and ME
    • "Portfolios Store and Recall Reports" option was not being honored, they were always recalled
    • "Change in price from previous" field in custom report was calculating from day before report start date instead of day before end date
    • Check mark under the Graphs window on the "Investments / Set Active Portfolio" menu was not always on the correct sub-portfolio
    • "% of Portfolio" field in the Portfolio Editor was using each investment's default ending date for calculating the portfolio value.  Led to inconsistent values when investments had varying default ending dates.  Switched to always use the default ending date for the portfolio.

January 1, 2005 versions 7.0:

  • Direct transaction retrieve from your broker or mutual fund company.
    • Eliminates manual data entry of your transactions (buys, sells, distributions, splits)
    • Preview transactions before recording
    • Automatically creates new investments as needed
    • Broker / Fund Company information stored on a per-portfolio basis
    • See "Edit / Internet Retrieve / Transactions..."
    • Support for the following brokers / fund companies:
      • A.G. Edwards
      • Accutrade
      • American Express Brokerage
      • Ameritrade
      • AmeriVest
      • AmSouth Investment Services
      • Ariel Mutual Funds
      • AXA Advisors
      • Banc of America Investment Services
      • BrownCo
      • Charles Schwab
      • E*TRADE
      • Fidelity Investments
      • Fidelity NetBenefits
      • GunnAllen Financial
      • Harrisdirect
      • Hewitt Associates
      • Morgan Keegan
      • myStreetscape
      • Northern Trust - Investments
      • OptionsXpress
      • Penson Financial Services
      • Peremel & Company
      • Pershing IMS
      • Prudential Retirement
      • RBC Dain Rauscher
      • Ryan Beck & Co
      • Scottrade
      • Securities America
      • Smith Barney - Investments
      • Strong
      • T. Rowe Price
      • TD Waterhouse
      • The Investment Center
      • UBS Financial Services
      • Vanguard Group
      • Wall Street Access
  • Portfolio Related Improvements:
    • New "Portfolio Editor" window (see next section for details)
    • New "New Portfolio Setup Wizard" (see below for details)
    • Unlimited number of portfolios can be open at once
    • Portfolios can now be hierarchical
    • Portfolio properties available to each open portfolio:
      • Name, Account #, Default Cash Account, Memo
      • Transaction Retrieve Settings:
        • Enable for retrieve
        • Broker
        • User ID and password
    • Portfolio files (*.mm4) are now saved in a binary format. These new portfolio files cannot be opened in prior versions of Fund Manager.
    • Overlay portfolios as well as investments in the "Portfolio / Investment(s) Overlay" graph. See "Graphs / Options / Overlaid Portfolios...".
  • New "Portfolio Editor" Window:
    • Windows Explorer-like view of portfolios and their investments
    • Left-hand side shows a tree view of all portfolios, and their hierarchy
    • Right-hand side shows a list of all sub-portfolios and investments in the selected portfolio
    • Right-hand side can be customized to display a wide variety of data on each investment and sub-portfolio. See "View / List Columns..."
    • The sub-portfolios and investments can be sorted by any displayed column of data.  Just click on the column's header.  Click the header again to switch between ascending/descending.
    • Makes opening, closing, moving investments much easier
    • Copy/Paste and Drag/Drop to manipulate investments and sub-portfolios
    • See "View / Portfolio Editor..."
  • New "New Portfolio Setup Wizard":
    • Walks you through setting up a new portfolio and the new investments in this portfolio. Makes creating many new investments at once quick and easy. See "File / New Portfolio Wizard...".
    • Use to create either a new top level portfolio, or a sub-portfolio
  • Report Improvements:
    • Reports can now be listed by "Investment", "Symbol", "Investment Type", "Asset Allocation", or "Investment Goal". Previously reports were always listed by "Investment".
    • Reports can optionally be sub-totaled by sub-portfolios
    • Create a report for any open portfolio
    • Improved right mouse popup menus for more operations on selected item
    • Made more commands available from the Reports windows
  • Increased the maximum number of investment files that can be open at one time:
    • Advisor: 5,000
    • Professional: 2,000
    • Personal: 500
  • Transaction Import Additions/Improvements:
    • QIF Transaction Import Improvements:
      • Preview transactions prior to import
      • Optional new "S" field for specifying a particular sub-portfolio. Can create new portfolios automatically.
      • Import results logged to file "ImportLog.txt"
      • Import the investment name and memo in the same case as supplied in QIF file
    • Generic Transaction Import Improvements:
      • Option to create new investments automatically as needed
      • Preview transactions prior to import
      • Optional new "PORT" key for specifying a particular sub-portfolio. Can create new portfolios automatically.
      • Import results logged to file "ImportLog.txt"
    • New "Open Financial Exchange" (OFX/QFX) Import:
      • See the wizard at "File / Import / Transactions / Open Financial Exchange..."
      • Create new portfolios/investments automatically
      • Preview transactions prior to import
      • Import results logged to file "ImportLog.txt"
    • New Fidelity Advisor CHANNEL Import (Advisor):
      • See the wizard at "File / Import / Transactions / Fidelity Advisor CHANNEL ..."
      • Import transactions exported using the Centerpiece export driver
      • Create new portfolios/investments automatically
      • Preview transactions prior to import
      • Import results logged to file "ImportLog.txt"
    • New Ameritrade Import (Advisor):
      • See the wizard at "File / Import / Transactions / Ameritrade ..."
      • Import downloaded t*.dat files
      • Create new portfolios/investments automatically
      • Preview transactions prior to import
      • Import results logged to file "ImportLog.txt"
    • New TD Waterhouse Import (Advisor):
      • Compatible with TD Waterhouse TRN file downloads
      • See the wizard at "File / Import / Transactions / TD Waterhouse ..."
      • Create new portfolios/investments automatically
      • Preview transactions prior to import
      • Import results logged to file "ImportLog.txt"
    • SchwabLink Transaction Import Improvements (Advisor):
      • Import multiple files at once
      • Date filtering
      • Create new portfolios as needed
      • Added support for "Advent" transaction file format
    • DST FAN Mail Transaction Import Improvements (Advisor):
      • Import multiple files at once
      • Date filtering
      • Create new portfolios as needed
  • Added a "Spin-off" transaction
  • Re-worked menus and toolbars to be consistent across Main Graph, Reports, and Portfolio Editor windows. Makes all relevant menu commands available from any of these windows.
  • Added "Retrieve Selected Prices" popup menu commands to be able to update only selected investments with an internet retrieve.  Available when right clicking on an investment in a report or the Main graphs window.  Also available when right mouse clicking on any selection in the Portfolio Editor window.
  • Quote Server Module Improvements:
    • Added new "MSN (Historical)" quote server
    • Added new "Advice For Investors (Canadian Mutuals)" quote server
    • Added new "Canada Stockwatch (3M Historical)" quote server
    • Improved "Yahoo (Historical)" server:
      • Eliminated 200 quote per request limit
      • Added option to control whether retrieved dividends are recorded as reinvested or distributed. (Professional / Advisor)
    • Removed defunct quote servers:
      • Quicken
      • Quicken - Canada (Canadian mutual funds)
      • Yahoo - Korea
    • New module available for Fund Manager 7.x versions only (not compatible with 6.x or earlier)
  • New Moving Average Alerts (Professional / Advisor)
    • Adjustable number of weeks for moving average
    • Alert when crossing above or below specified average
  • New "Tax Free" Investment Property
    • See "Investment Properties... / Other / Tax Free"
    • Exclude from Capital Gain reports using "Options / Report Preferences... / Capital Gains / Exclude Tax Free Investments"
  • Custom Report Improvements:
    • Added a "Category Filter" for filtering the list of available fields
    • Available fields are displayed alphabetically
    • The selected field's detailed description is displayed in the dialog box.
    • Added new fields:
      • Highest High (between)
      • Lowest Low (between)
      • Lots fully specified
      • Default cash account
      • Alert count (active)
      • Alert count (complete)
      • Alert count (expired)
      • Latest purchase date
      • Latest redemption date
      • Latest distribution date
      • Latest transaction date
      • Exchange rate (beginning)
      • Exchange rate (ending)
      • Date acquired, start (ending)
      • Date acquired, end (ending)
      • Quote server
      • Description
      • Account
      • Tax basis, Specific Lot
      • Tax basis unrealized gain, Specific Lot
      • Tax basis per share, Specific Lot
      • Tax basis unrealized gain per share, Specific Lot
      • %Gain-V (between)
      • %Gain-V 3 months (ending)
      • %Gain-V 6 months (ending)
      • %Gain-V 1 year (ending)
      • %Gain-V 3 years (ending)
      • %Gain-V 5 years (ending)
      • %Gain-V 10 years (ending)
      • %Gain-V (inception)
      • Moving average 20 weeks (ending)
      • Moving average 25 weeks (ending)
      • Moving average 30 weeks (ending)
      • Moving average 35 weeks (ending)
      • Moving average 40 weeks (ending)
      • Moving average 45 weeks (ending)
      • Moving average 50 weeks (ending)
  • Mouse wheel support. Same usage as the up/down arrow keys in both the report and main graph windows. In report windows the data lines are scrolled up and down. In the main graph window the investment stack is scrolled, or the topmost overlaid investment is scrolled, depending on the graph type.
  • Added context sensitive popup menus to the portfolio based graphs and the investment overlay graph types
  • Capital gain reporting on short sales improved to be more consistent with reporting from your broker
  • New "Window / Tile Down" menu command
  • Added shortcut keys to scroll through indicators on the Technical Analysis graph. (Professional / Advisor)
    • { and } for the upper indicator
    • [ and ] for the lower indicator
  • Improved the Buy/Sell and Distribution dialogs, so that if 2 of 3 fields between Value, Shares, and Price are filled in, the 3rd field is auto-calculated, without you having to "tab" to that field
  • Improved legend for overlay style graphs to better utilize available space
  • Added a memo when proceeds are transferred from the default cash account due to a new investment file
  • When manually (File / New Investment...) creating new investments the last investment type is used as the default for next time
  • When using the /I /Q command line options the prompt to download any updated retrieve modules is suppressed
  • When creating an "Investment Transactions" report, the option to create the report for the "Entire Portfolio" was made into its own check box, and removed from the "Investment" drop down combo box. This makes it more obvious this choice is available for this report type.
  • Improved autoscale for graphs when a trendline is partially within the date range. Uses max/min of trendline within graph date range, instead of always just using trendline end points.
  • Added option to suppress additional message boxes when opening a portfolio that is not able to find some of its investment files.  Previously you were required to press OK for each missing investment file.
  • Added option to the "Copying newer file" warning dialog to not display again
  • "GPH" yield uses close of date prior to beginning date for the starting value.  This way, gains on the beginning graph date are included in "GPH" yield.
  • Improved error reporting when "File / Send By Email..." isn't provided with a valid email address (Advisor)
  • Internet retrieve log location is based on executable location, rather than installed directory from registry
  • Updated the America Online price import. See "File / Import / Prices / America Online..."
  • Revamped the online help.  Changed format to be HTML based.
  • Utilize Windows XP Visual styles when available
  • Bug Fixes:
    • Holding period for capital gain calculations. Starts counting the day "after" shares acquired, instead of the day they were acquired.  Example: Buy on 7/28/03, sell on 7/28/04 is a one year holding period.
    • When the Investment Transaction report was displayed for the entire portfolio, and the text was copied to the clipboard, the 2nd column could be truncated
    • When copying report's text to the clipboard the investment name column was truncated to 35 characters, sometimes chopping off longer investment names.  Increased this width to 50.
    • When zoomed into a graph with a relatively very wide trendline, the graph could plot the trendline at the wrong value due to internal rounding errors

June 28, 2004 versions 6.8:

  • Removed all email addresses from documentation, replaced with contact form at Attempting to address spam problems...
  • Bug fixes:
    • When using AVG cost accounting and wash sale rules, the capital gain calculation could add in disallowed wash sale losses at an incorrect time under some circumstances.
    • Custom report field "Average Volume" could be incorrect when report date range was very long.
    • Recalling a memorized report with an ending date of 2/29/xxxx didn't work.
    • Portfolio / Investment(s) Overlay / Value graph used the closing price rather than the transaction price to calculate money invested in the portfolio.

September 21, 2003 versions 6.7:

  • Added option to send Email alerts using SMTP (Options/Alerts.../E-Mail/Configure...)
  • Bug fix:
    • Alerts and Trendlines were not displayed adjusted for exchange rate

August 3, 2003 versions 6.6:

  • Change required for abcbourse quote server update
  • Store/recall constant exchange rate ratios to greater significant digits (12)
  • Bug fix:
    • Currency conversion when no price is recorded for a date, but there is a conversion price recorded.

May 17, 2003 versions 6.5:

  • Improved internet access. More robust, better error reporting. Proxy settings can now be specified manually, or determined from Windows.

February 16, 2003 versions 6.4:

  • Bug Fix:
    • Professional/Advisor only: Wash sale adjustments on AVG capital gain report could report incorrect in some cases

February 11, 2003 versions 6.3:

  • Bug Fixes:
    • Custom report "Gain-Current" field reported wrong for short positions
    • Professional/Advisor only: Wash sale adjustments on specific lot capital gain report could report incorrect in some cases

January 11, 2003 versions 6.2:

  • Improved install program, creates shortcuts more reliably
  • Advisor only: Import transaction and prices from SchwabLink
  • Professional/Advisor only bug fix:
    • Capital gains reports when using wash sale rules and shorts, was reporting incorrectly

December 7, 2002 versions 6.1:

  • Printing transactions from Edit/All Data... includes memo field
  • Improved transaction retrieve from internet to support more formats
  • Bug Fixes
    • Capital Gain - Specific Lots when View/Split Adjusted is off reported incorrect basis
    • Printing to a printer with a name longer than 32 characters
    • Printing custom reports could chop off bottom line(s)

October 19, 2002 versions 6.0:

  • Export capital gain data to tax preparation software, such as TurboTax
  • Internet transaction retrieve. Allows you to retrieve transactions from the internet from many popular brokerage and mutual fund companies.
  • New Y axis scaling options to put all graphs on the same relative scale
  • Marker enhancements:
    • New "Alert" markers
    • New "Un-specified lot" markers. These show lots not yet sold when using the specific lot ID method.
    • New "marker cursor" makes it easier to put the cursor over a marker
    • Adjust existing trendlines by clicking/dragging end points
    • New "delete" options in right mouse button popup menu allows quick removal of unwanted transactions, trendlines, alerts, or notes
    • New edit/delete popup menu commands when cursor is over a portfolio trendline
  • New Custom report fields:
    • % Gain (current)
    • Purchases out of pocket (current)
    • Distributed distributions (current)
    • Average out of pocket purchase price (current)
    • Distributed dist. per share (current)
    • Average volume (between)
    • Shares purchased (between)
    • Shares redeemed (between)
    • Shares reinvested (between)
    • Shares acquired (between)
  • Support for multiple date ranges within a single report
  • New "Investments/Revert Order" command to put investments back in originally opened order
  • Option to exclude the default cash account and/or cash type investments from capital gain reports
  • Imported and retrieved transactions have proceeds transferred to default cash account if one is assigned
  • Price pruning
  • Shortcut added for web symbol lookup on new investment dialog
  • X axis date range restrictions relative to recorded prices is removed
  • Stacked graph types show section value under the mouse in the status bar
  • Re-order investment value stacked graph sections with right mouse menu
  • Removed 0.00% entries from pie chart labels
  • Removed obsolete CompuServe retrieve function
  • Other miscellaneous/minor improvements
  • Bug fixes:
    • "Edit/Copy" for reports included hidden investments
    • Gain graph scale ignored user settings
    • When opening an investment the default settings were not always applied to its scale
    • Alert pager dialing didn't always wait long enough when sharing the modem with an internet connection
    • Portfolios didn't recall stacked graph types other than by investment
    • Quicken transaction import ignored duplicate entries in QIF if skip identical option was on
    • Cursor position reported in status bar when over a log scale was not displayed correctly
    • Portfolio recalled reports didn't honor "start date relative to end" option

Professional Version Only:

  • All Personal 6.0 improvements and features
  • Wash sale support. See "Options/Report Preferences.../Capital Gains/Apply Wash Sale Rules"
  • Trailing stop loss alerts

Advisor Version Only:

  • All Personal and Professional 6.0 improvements and features
  • Client management support. See "Edit/Client List...".
  • "File/Send by Email..." command. Easily send graphs and reports by e-mail to your clients.
  • Copy graphs and reports to the clipboard as resizable images. Useful for publishing graphs/reports in PowerPoint or Word documents.
  • Customizable report disclaimers. See "Options/Report Preferences.../Disclaimer".
  • DST FAN Mail import (transactions, distributions, and prices)

November 11, 2001 versions 5.3:

  • bug fixes
    • portfolio trendlines - duplicates from opening portfolios
    • Yield menu check mark not always initialized correctly

April 14, 2001 versions 5.2:

  • new compiler/optimizations provide faster execution
  • added last and change to Technical Analysis legend for each field
  • exporting to SuperCharts includes Open
  • added option to use exact min/max for graph autoscale
    • Graphs/Options/Display.../Autoscale Y Axis Using Exact Min/Max
  • other miscellaneous improvements
  • bug fixes
    • long filename not always displayed when opening from command line
    • crash under certain circumstances when calculating report data
    • time could be off by an hour for 1 week after DST

February 19, 2001 versions 5.1:

  • bug fixes

February 4, 2001 versions 5.0:

  • Specific Lot ID Capital Gains
    • choose the shares you want to sell
    • new report: "Capital Gains - Specific Lot"
  • New Reports
    • Asset Allocation
    • Goal Allocation
    • Capital Gains - Specific Lot
  • Trend Lines
    • draw directly on the graphs or enter numerically
    • displays yield while drawing
    • are a new marker type, can turn on/off
    • adjustable colors
  • Internet Retrieve Improvements
    • new investment property: quote server
    • use the global quote server or override with a specific server
    • servers retrieve "Open" price
    • more automated DLL updates when a new module becomes available
    • faster "Cancel" of a retrieve
  • Improved Date Range Selection for Graphs and Reports
    • pre-defined list of common date ranges
  • More/Improved Keyboard Shortcuts for Manipulating Graphs
    • scroll or adjust to common pre-defined date ranges
    • scroll vertical axis
    • see Help/Keyboard... menu command
  • More Automated Import from Quicken and Money
    • new investment creation requires no interaction
  • Generic Price Import Can Create New Investments Automatically
    • bulk new investment creation
  • Improved Portfolio/Investment(s) Overlay Graph
    • "Value" and "Price + Dist." sub-types
    • new "Value" sub-type plots equivalent investment(s) value vs. actual portfolio value
    • portfolio keeps same position in legend
  • Y axis label improvements
    • more logical increments between labels
    • adjustable number of labels
    • independent control of upper/lower graph sections
    • see Graphs/Options/Display... menu command
  • Now Tracks "Open" Price
  • Improved Memorized Reports
    • save as new or overwrite existing
  • New Internet Retrieve Quote Servers
    • Yahoo - Argentina
    • Yahoo - Brazil
    • Yahoo - China
    • Yahoo - Denmark
    • Yahoo - France
    • Yahoo - Germany
    • Yahoo - Hong Kong
    • Yahoo - India
    • Yahoo - Italy
    • Yahoo - Korea
    • Yahoo - Mexico
    • Yahoo - Norway
    • Yahoo - Singapore
    • Yahoo - Spain
    • Yahoo - Spanish
    • Yahoo - Sweden
    • Yahoo - Taiwan
    • Brussels Exchanges
    • Cyprus Stock Exchange
    • abcbourse (French Historical)
  • Price Scaling Function
    • useful for EURO conversion
    • see File/File Operations
  • Export Daily Portfolio Value To Text File Function
  • Additional Custom Report Fields
    • current out of pocket invested (ending)
    • current out of pocket invested per share (ending)
    • gain (current)
    • OOP gain per share (historical)
    • OOP gain per share (current)
  • Other Miscellaneous Improvements

Professional Version Only:

  • Technical Analysis
    • graph options:
    • Candlesticks
    • 1, 2, or 3 simple moving averages
    • 1, 2, or 3 exponential moving averages
    • Bollinger Bands
    • Accumulation/Distribution
    • Average True Range
    • Chaikin Money Flow
    • Commodity Channel Index
    • MACD
    • Money Flow Index
    • On Balance Volume
    • Relative Strength Index
    • Stochastic Oscillator
    • Williams %R
    • all indicators are fully adjustable as appropriate
  • New Internet Retrieve Quote Server
    • Yahoo (Real-Time)
  • Internet Retrieve Historical Stock Dividends and Splits
    • uses "Yahoo (Historical)" server

May 10, 2000 version 4.7:

  • Capital Gain reports now support short positions
  • Generic transaction and price imports support months by name
  • Other miscellaneous improvements

March 2, 2000 version 4.6:

  • Bug fix: day of week calculation was incorrect after 2/29/2000

February 6, 2000 version 4.5:

  • New historical stock quote server - Dreyfus (Historical)
  • Bug fixes:
    • Totals in Distribution Summary report for Other and RofC columns
    • Wrong date used for Beg NAV in Investment Performance report

January 23, 2000 version 4.4:

  • New key (ED) for generic importing of date in YYYYMMDD format
  • Added menu item and shortcut for new web based tutorial
  • Bug fixes:
    • QIF format for dates past 1/1/2000
    • Uninitialized investment transaction memo when creating new investment
    • Crashing after selecting investments for overlaid graph types
    • New retrieve module (216) fixes retrieving Yahoo quotes with parenthesis in name

December 26, 1999 version 4.3:

  • New internet module (212)
    • Support added for Canada Stockwatch quote server, offering Canadian stocks and mutual fund quotes
    • Fixed Mobilecomm internet paging
    • Fixed request format for historical Yahoo servers (Y2K update)
  • Printer orientation preference memorized from session to session
  • Backup and Restore commands can now span multiple removable disks
  • Other miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes

October 18, 1999 version 4.2:

  • New "Web News..." feature for quick access to news on your investments
  • Added "Cursor Snap" feature
  • Daily Portfolio Price(s) Alert
    • send prices via e-mail or pager at specified time each day
  • Historical or Current cost mode option for cost based graphs
  • "<Entire Portfolio>" option for Investment Transaction report
  • Added optional timed automatic investment save feature
  • Support added for new internet retrieve quote servers
  • Shortcut keys added for date controls
  • Added "File/Hide to Tray" command for keeping FM running, but out of the way
  • Improved status bar
  • Other miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes

June 12, 1999 version 4.1:

  • New quote servers
  • Changed tab order of edit controls in transaction entry dialogs to make recording transactions without rounding errors easier
  • Improved stacked graph legend
  • Bug Fixes

April 10, 1999 version 4.0:

  • Price Alerts
    • set high/low targets
    • notification via e-mail
    • notification via pager (using either modem and/or internet)
    • notification via popup window and/or sound file
  • Internet Price Retrieval Improvements
    • automatic periodic retrieval option for any time interval
    • added command line options to enable unattended updates
    • quote server preference stored in portfolios
    • added support for proxy authorization (username/password)
    • added option to disconnect DUN after retrieval
  • New Graph Types
    • Portfolio/Investment(s) Overlay
    • Portfolio Gain
    • Investment Gain
    • Stacked Portfolio Value
      • By Investment
      • By Asset Type
      • By Investment Goal
      • By Symbol
      • Investment Type
    • Investment type allocation pie chart
  • Improved Reports
    • adjustable column widths
    • adjustable colors
    • optional alternate row highlight
    • optional hot mouse tracking
    • data register zoom by clicking on report line
    • added popup menus for convenience
    • improved scroll bars
    • more printing preferences
    • added 16 new optional custom report fields
    • added option for relative start date on memorized reports
  • Additional Investment Types Added
    • Bond
    • Option
    • Cash
    • Index
    • Exchange Rate
  • New Investment Properties
    • control which style to enter transactions (commission, no fee, %load)
    • assign percentages of asset type and investment goal categories
    • hidden
    • internet retrieval updates price
    • invert price when updating
    • statistics
  • Memo field added for transactions
  • Additional Distribution Types Added
    • Return of Capital
    • Other
  • New customizable toolbar with optional display styles
  • Improved Data Register (Edit/All Data...)
    • adjustable column widths
    • adjustable column order
    • right aligned numbers
    • sort data by any column
    • state icons for improved visualization
    • right mouse popup menu
  • More Global Preferences
    • number of significant digits to display
    • more control of when/where to autobackup
    • open last portfolio at startup
    • control tab order in multiple price update dialog
    • user definable number of most recent portfolios under "File" menu
    • user definable number of investments listed under "Investments" menu
    • user definable number of memorized reports listed under "Reports" menu
    • adjustable background color of main graphs window
    • more control over graph colors
  • Open multiple investments at once with File/Open Investment(s)...
  • Added File/Save Investment As... command
  • Added File/Page Setup... command for greater control of printing
  • "Live default price" feature in Buy/Sell/Distribution dialogs
  • Portfolio Improvements
    • path of investments in portfolio stored relative to portfolio file
    • store and recall reports
    • store and recall window positions/sizes
  • Improved generic transaction import by adding "SYMB" key
  • Quicken's QIF Transaction Import/Export Improvements
    • added export capability
    • imports from multiple QIF files and multiple securities in single import
    • imports into multiple investments and creates new investments as needed
    • date range filter
    • option to prevent duplicate transactions on import
  • Export prices to SuperCharts format
  • New date entry controls
  • Improved calculator accessibility
  • Investment Overlay Graph Type Improvements
    • scroll top overlaid investment with keyboard shortcut
    • investment name under cursor displayed in status bar
  • Support for tracking distributions in investments you don't own any shares in
  • Added more asset type and investment goal categories (25)
  • Added change from previous day to graph legends
  • Open or close investments from within the "Order..." dialog

September 24, 1998 version 3.4:

  • Bug fix

8/29/98 version 3.3 for Windows 95/98/NT:

4/5/98 versions 10.2 for Windows and 3.2 for Win95:

3/22/98 versions 10.2 for Windows and 3.2 for Win95:

3/8/98 versions 10.2 for Windows and 3.2 for Win95:

  • Updated CNN, ASX, and CheckFree quote servers
  • Added support for 2 new quote servers:
  • Moved internet retrieve functionality into new FMINTENG.DLL
  • Integrated ability to download updated FMINTENG.DLL as available
  • Documentation reflects new Web address:
  • Documented online registration capability
  • Documentation reflects new support e-mail: not shown here
  • Documentation reflects new registration e-mail: not shown here
  • Help menu shortcuts to FM related web pages
  • Added keyboard accelerator for importing from CompuServe
  • Modified multiple price dialog to tab across instead of down
  • Bug fixes and other minor improvements

11/29/97 versions 10.1 for Windows and 3.1 for Win95:

  • Moved non-winsock related functions into new fmsprt.dll

11/28/97 versions 10.0 for Windows and 3.0 for Win95:

  • Copy report text to clipboard
  • Memorized reports
  • Added support for 4 more Internet quote servers
  • Multiple currency support
    • up to 8 different currencies supported
    • adjustable symbols
    • view data exchange rate adjusted on/off
    • flexible exchange rate options
  • Date format option (MM/DD/YY or DD/MM/YY)
  • Value format option (1,000.00 or 1.000,00)
  • Default cash account and automatic transfer of funds option
  • Capital gains reports separate short/long term gains
    • long term range user adjustable
  • New "Investment Goal" category for investments
  • New graph types
    • Pie Chart - Investment Goal
    • Pie Chart - Symbol
  • CompuServe retrieve from GQUOTES (global quotes)
  • Automatic backup feature
  • Addition of more keyboard shortcuts
    • scrolling dates
    • zoom/unzoom
    • undo mouse zoom
  • Popup menu on graphs for investment specific actions
  • Addition of note and split markers
  • Marker data displayed in status bar when cursor passes over
  • Uninstall program added
  • Generic transaction import
  • Maximum size of ticker symbol increased to 49 characters
  • Instructions/support for importing from
  • User adjustable default yield terms
  • Portfolios store more user preferences
  • Generic price import improvements
    • remembers last 6 format strings
    • support for tabs and comments
  • Option to view data split adjusted (on/off)
  • Check status of Internet quote servers feature
  • Addition of more custom report fields
  • Improved color selection
  • Export prices to a MetaStock formatted text file
  • More investment sorting capabilities
  • Other minor improvements

5/3/97 versions 9.4 for Windows and 2.4 for Win95:

  • Updated PC Quote internet retrieve for changed reply format

3/24/97 versions 9.3 for Windows and 2.3 for Win95:

  • Added support for QuickStock
  • Internet retrieve more robust

2/17/97 versions 9.2 for Windows and 2.2 for Win95:

  • Edit/Update Prices/Retrieve - Internet retrieves and updates your investment prices via the Internet in a single step (added to toolbar also)
  • Options/Internet Settings . . . allows specification of preferences for the internet retrieval
  • Edit/Update Prices/Export - CSV . . . command to export all prices to a comma separated text file (Quicken compatible)
  • Edit/Delete Price commands to delete prices for a specified date range
  • Interpolation range options added (linear/step interpolation and whether to interpolate prior to inception)
  • Added instructions in the online help for importing prices from the Microsoft Network
  • Winsock functions moved to newly included fmintrtv.dll
  • Added %Gain-V to Portfolio Performance report
  • Terse option for Edit/All Data register in Windows version
  • "Notes" edit box stops accepting input when 255 character storage limit reached
  • Generic import supports fractionally formated prices

10/23/96 versions 9.1 for Windows and 2.1 for Win95:

  • Bug fixes
    • CIS retrieve more robust
    • Report printing
    • NAV+DIST overlay line colors
  • Other minor improvements

10/2/96 versions 9.0 for Windows and 2.0 for Win95:

  • New Report type:
    • Custom (over 100 fields for user to choose from)
  • New Graph types:
    • Asset Allocation - Pie
    • Volume/High/Low
  • Automatic price retrieval/updates from CompuServe
  • Toolbars
  • Log scale graphing option
  • Investment data format changed:
    • All investment transaction data independent of price data
    • Tracks volume, high, and low (not required)
    • Tracks asset type
    • Distributions can be recorded when 0 shares owned
    • Backward compatible
  • Maximum open investment limit increased to 500 (Win95 only)
  • User definable maximum number of pie slices
  • Increased number of unique overlay line colors to 20
  • Added more keyboard shortcuts for date and price data entry
  • Autosave portfolio on exit option
  • Portfolios remember additional information
    • Custom report settings
    • Max pie slices, log scale, and font style (bold, italic)
    • Portfolio autosave setting
  • Black and white printing improved
    • Pie charts use hatch marks instead of greyscale
    • Overlayed lines printed with different line styles (dashed...)
  • Notes added to 'Investment Transactions' report
  • 'Distribution Summary' report now value based
  • Nine price update dialog scrollable
  • Mouse zooms improved
  • Internet price importing options and instructions in online help
  • Bug fixes and other minor improvements
  • Discontinued historical price service
  • Visa and Mastercard payment option added

5/24/96 versions 8.6 for Windows and 1.3 for Win95:

  • Added support for AOL's second new price portfolio format

5/12/96 versions 8.5 for Windows and 1.2 for Win95:

  • Added support for AOL's new price portfolio format
  • Disable/enable interpolation range option added

12/22/95 versions 8.4 for Windows and 1.1 for Win95:

  • Added equivalent functions to 8.4 version previously in only 1.0 for Win95 version:
    • Added 'Portfolio Value - Cost' overlay graph type
    • Improved drawing speed on several graph types
    • Created a new "Reports" main menu item
    • Yield reports utilize interpolation range
    • Reports created "maximized" if Main is currently maximized
    • Bug fix: cost-value graph with very small owned shares
    • Bug fix: deleting split didn't auto update existing reports
  • Pie chart values displayed in status bar
  • Improved default date processing for reports
  • Default date for data entry uses most recent date entered
  • Compuserve price import supports symbols with spaces
  • Grid Both/Neither menu commands
  • Bug fix: printing bug in 1.0 Win95 version

11/10/95 version 1.0 for Win95 (32 bit):

  • Ported to a 32 bit version for Windows 95
  • Use of long filenames, multitasking, and other benefits of Win95
  • Added 'Portfolio Value - Cost' overlay graph type
  • Improved drawing speed on several graph types
  • Created a new "Reports" main menu item
  • Yield reports utilize interpolation range
  • Reports created "maximized" if Main is currently maximized
  • Bug fix: cost-value graph with very small owned shares
  • Bug fix: deleting split didn't auto update existing reports

9/25/95 version 8.3 (16 bit):

  • Bug fix

9/24/95 version 8.2 (16 bit):

  • Bug fixes

8/28/95 version 8.1 (16 bit):

  • Bug fix in Portfolio Performance report

8/20/95 version 8.0 (16 bit):

  • New Report types
    • Investment performance
    • ROI yield
    • Fund Performance yield
    • Capital Gains - FIFO
    • Capital Gains - AVG
  • New Graph types
    • Cost - Value
    • Cost - Price
  • Investment data format changed
    • Faster performance
    • More effecient data storage
    • Backward compatible
  • Account Fee transaction type added
  • Data backup/restore
  • Quick Zoom with mouse
  • Quick UnZoom with keyboard shortcuts
  • Fund sorting by alphabet, value, yield, gain...
  • Comma and cents formatting options for reports
  • Color printing support for reports
  • Improved password protection
  • Starts in last state (Maximized or Restored)
  • Ending value added to graph legend
  • Expanded/improved generic import
  • Multiple investments allowed in importing CIS - historical
  • Bug fixes and other minor improvements
  • Historical prices service expanded

3/4/95 version 7.2 (16 bit):

  • Maximum investments in a portfolio increased to 100
  • Color printing
  • Bug fixes

1/22/95 version 7.1 (16 bit):

  • New reports use last specified font as default
  • Bug fix in 'portfolio value - pie' graph

1/17/95 version 7.0 (16 bit):

  • New Report types
    • Distribution summary
  • New Graph types
    • Portfolio value - pie
    • Bar chart of the yields
  • Created 4 distribution types
    • Dividends
    • ST Cap Gains
    • LT Cap Gains
    • Interest Income
  • Status bar with help and locator
  • Splits are a memorized transaction
  • Reinvestment of stock dividends
  • Investment notes
  • Investment data format changed
    • Binary file
    • Only one file per investment
    • Faster performance
    • More effecient data storage
    • Backward compatible
  • Export investment data to ascii files
  • Import prices from any generic text file
  • Import prices from Quicken
  • Import transactions from Quicken
  • Vertical scale of graphs user definable
  • Independent horizontal and vertical grid lines
  • Double right click on any marker to edit transaction
  • Password protection
  • Bug fixes and other minor improvements
  • Historical prices service offered


  • minor bug fixes, still called version 6.2


  • minor bug fixes, still called version 6.2

6/29/94 version 6.2 (16 bit):

  • Bug fix - Fund Overlay - share price graph type

6/12/94 version 6.1 (16 bit):

  • Multiple Document Interface (MDI)
  • Reports added
    • Portfolio Value
    • Portfolio Performance
    • Investment Transactions
  • New Graph types
    • Overlay normalized NAV
    • Overlay normalized NAV+DIST
  • Improved on-line help
  • Split transaction added
  • Common open/save dialogs
  • Import historical prices from CompuServe
  • Open portfolio name in title bar
  • Most recent portfolio list
  • Calculator
  • Browse... files to import
  • Remember window size/position
  • Remember last open/save directory
  • Bug fixes

3/9/94 version 6.0a (16 bit):

  • Bug fix - inactive Print button on cost basis dialog
  • Bug fix - bad error message on first investment

3/3/94 version 6.0 (16 bit):

  • 3 investment categories
    • No Load Mutual Fund
    • Loaded Mutual Fund
    • Stock or Bond
  • All transactions modify memory, added File/Save Data
  • New, Edit, Delete options added to Data dialog box
  • Fund rearranging capabilities enhanced
  • Printing of data in Data dialog box
  • Interpolation range made a user-definable variable
  • Portfolio Value graph dates are adjustable
  • Portfolio Return On Investment calculated
  • Percent gain on investment calculations
  • Percent gain on fund calculations
  • Accepts fractional format of prices
  • Import from Dow Jones
  • Import from Fund Manager
  • Menu commands rearranged and renamed to be more logical
  • Password registration
  • Graph date range changing made simpler
  • Bug fix - markers off graph
  • Bug fix - case sensitivity with importing prices

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