Reconciliation Wizard


Reconcile share balances in your accounts using this wizard, available from the menu command Edit / Reconcile....


See the Video Tutorial on Reconciling in Fund Manager.


Sub-Portfolio and Statement:

The first step in reconciliation is to choose which sub-portfolio you want to reconcile, and the source of your statement.  If you choose the "Retrieve from Broker/Fund Company" option, Fund Manager will automatically retrieve your statement from the broker/fund company you have set under the transaction retrieve settings for this sub-portfolio.  Other statement sources require you to enter the location of the statement file.


When using "Retrieve from Broker/Fund Company", the option "Also Reconcile All Sub-Portfolios" will be available.  When this option is selected, all the sub-portfolios with transaction retrieval enabled under the currently selected sub-portfolio will be reconciled, one account at a time.  After each account is reconciled, press "Finish" to complete the reconciliation for that account, and retrieve/reconcile the next account.  If you want to skip reconciling an account, press "Cancel" to move to the next account, without marking the current account as reconciled.


Share Balances:

The second step in reconciliation is to make sure all the share balances match between what is recorded in Fund Manager and what is reported on your statement.  This page of the wizard displays share balances for Fund Manager, your statement, and the difference between these two for all the investments in the selected sub-portfolio.  In order for reconciliation to be complete, all of the investments must balance, resulting in a difference of zero shares.  Use the "Edit..." button to open the Data Register for the selected investment, so you can view and modify any transactions recorded in Fund Manager.  The "Hide Balanced Investments" option will not display any investments that are already balanced, so you can more easily see any investments that need editing.  To force an investment to always match, you can override individual investments in the reconciliation process by turning on their Ignore When Reconciling option.


Other Instructions:

Manually Reconciling:  When choosing the "Manually Reconcile" statement source, the share balances in Fund Manager will be displayed for the statement date you specify.  Adjust the statement date in Fund Manager to match the date of the statement you are comparing against.  The "Statement" and "Difference" columns will be left blank when using this reconciliation method.  Manually compare your statement to the share balances in Fund Manager.  Choose the "Hide Investments With Zero Shares" option to not display any investment with zero shares.  If everything matches, click the Finish button to update your last reconciled date for this sub-portfolio.


Generic Position File:  When choosing the "Generic Position File" statement source you must also provide an "Input Format" string describing the format of the supplied position file.  The position file has one position per line.  The input format string uses the same syntax as the generic transaction import, with the following required keys:

The TAB and XX keys can also optionally by used.  No other keys are allowed.  All positions within a file must have the same date.  Reconciling with this statement source outputs a log file upon any error, which is available under Help / Logs / Generic Position Import....

See Also

Advanced Reconciliation Options

Data Register

Transaction Retrieve Settings Dialog

Video Tutorial on Reconciling in Fund Manager


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