Advanced Reconciliation Options


This dialog is available by selecting the "Advanced Options..." button on either the individual account reconcile dialog or the bulk reconcile dialog.  These options are stored separately for each reconciliation data source.


Re-Map File:  Use this option to map a security in your statement file to a security in Fund Manager.  A re-map file is a plain text (*.txt) file.  Each line in the re-map file maps a single security to a different security.  Each line has 2 symbols (or CUSIPs depending on the data source).  The 2 symbols are separated by a tab character.  The first symbol is the security to re-map, and the second symbol is the target security.  For example, if your statement file has a position for a security with the symbol CASHP but you want to map this to a Fund Manager investment with a symbol of USD, create/assign a re-map file as shown here:




where the space between CASHP and USD is a single tab character.  The re-map file can have any number of security maps.


Ignore Default Cash Account Errors:  Use this option to allow your default cash account balance to be incorrect by the specified number of shares.


Reconcile To X Digits:  Set to any number of digits between 0 and 8.  An investment's share balance must match with the statement share balance to this number of significant digits to the right of the decimal point to be considered reconciled.  The default value is 6.


These options are stored separately for each reconciliation data source.

See Also

Reconciliation Wizard

Bulk Reconciliation Wizard


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