General Preferences - Display Dialog


This dialog is available from the Options / General Preferences... menu command.


This dialog page allows you to customize display related settings. These preferences are memorized from session to session. They include:


Date Format

Choose a desired format for displaying dates. The list of available formats includes the fields:
D day 01 or 1 as determined by "Leading Zeros in Dates"
M month 01 or 1 as determined by "Leading Zeros in Dates"
Y year 15 or 2015 depending on which format Fund Manager thinks most appropriate
YY year 15 always shown as a 2 digit year
YYYY year 2015 always shown as a 4 digit year

<Windows Format> is also a choice, and will use the format specified in Windows as your "Short Date" format.

The date format used for entering dates always uses your Windows "Short Date" preference.

See the Control Panel / Regional Settings / Date in Windows to view or edit this "Short Date" format.

Leading Zeros in Dates

Toggle on/off leading zeros in months and days less than 10.  Example: 02/01/15 versus 2/1/15

Number Format

Specify the delimiters to use when displaying and entering numbers. One setting uses the comma to separate groups of 3 digits, and the period for the decimal point (e.g. 1,000.00). The alternate setting uses the period to separate groups of 3 digits, and the comma for the decimal point (e.g. 1.000,00).

Share Digits

Number of digits past the decimal point to display when showing share values. Used for controlling the display in the Graph windows, the Portfolio Editor, and the Data Register.  Allowable values range from 0 to 8.  (To control share digits in Report windows see the Report Preferences - General Dialog.)

Price Digits

Same as 'share digits', but used to control the display of prices.

Percent Digits

Number of digits past the decimal point to display when showing percentages.  This preference applies to all windows (Graphs, Reports, Portfolio Editor, and the Data Register).  Allowable values range from 0 to 3.

Cents in Dollar Values

Toggle on/off cents when displaying values.

Confirmation Notices

When turned on you will receive confirmation notices (message boxes) after each recorded entry. To speed up data entry you may turn off this feature, thus bypassing the message boxes.

Investment Description

Specify how investments should be labeled.  Controls the display in dialogs, graph legends, the Data Register, and the investment column of reports listing by investment.

See Also

General Preferences Dialog

General Preferences - Data Dialog

General Preferences - Yields Dialog

General Preferences - Toolbar Dialog

General Preferences - Menus Dialog

General Preferences - Other Dialog

General Preferences - Data Register Display Dialog

General Preferences - Portfolio Editor Display Dialog

General Preferences - File Types Dialog


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