Copying Graphs/Reports to the Clipboard


To copy a graph image to the clipboard use Edit / Copy to Clipboard from the Graphs window. To copy a report image to the clipboard use Edit / Copy Picture from any Report window. The images will be copied to the clipboard in the Enhanced MetaFile (.emf) format.  You can paste this format into many common applications including Microsoft Word and PowerPoint.  The EMF format is re-sizeable, and memory efficient.


In addition to being placed on the clipboard, the images are also stored to files in the “Images” sub-folder inside your Application Data\Fund Manager folder.  The file will be available in both .emf and .jpeg formats.  The filenames will be clipboard.emf and clipboard.jpeg.  Copying graph/report images to the clipboard is available only in the Advisor version.


In addition to copying a specific graph/report to the clipboard you can save images to files in bulk using batch printing.


In addition to copying images you can copy the report text to the clipboard using Edit / Copy Text from within any report window.  This text can be pasted into a text file.  To transfer report text to a spreadsheet application (such as Excel), use File / Export to CSV....  These features are available in all Fund Manager versions.


Notes on Image Size:
When copying a graph window, the image size (pixel dimensions) will be the same as the window size.  To make the image larger, size your window larger.  To make the image smaller, size your window smaller.

When copying a report window, the image size will be whatever size is necessary to display all of the report.  (Window size does not matter when copying report images.)

See Also

About Graphs

About Reports

Batch Printing

Batch Printing Options

CSV Files


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