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Muliple currencies & bank accounts per share

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Posted by Paul King on January 18, 2006 at 22:50:39:


I am struggling with some shares that are paid for and sold using one account and currency, but unfortunatly must have divdends converted to another currency and deposited into another account

I face this for a number of shares, so would would like to be able to set up some importing "rules" to automate the process on a per share and per transaction type basis & correctly adjust the bank balances in each currency & bank acount - even when using retieved distributions from Yahoo

AS a first step, when editing a transaction, and user is asked "do you want to adjust your XYZ account accordingly" (or words to that affect) - instead of a yes / no answer, can we be presented with a drop down list of accounts & currencies to choose from, for any given transaction?

The ability to enter an actual currency $A type payment figure into a currency $B domiciled/purchased shareholding is also important.

Currently without these features it ia a nightmare dealing with bank account reconciliations for tax accounting purposes !

A second issue - can we have a bank reconciliation report/data entry screen giving running totals every line after every transaction? Reports would need to be possible on a per bank account basis, rather than on a per portfolio basis.
MUCH easier to trace errors, and more logical to correct info in such a view


Paul King

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