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Re: unknown connections on Mozilla to this website

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Posted by Mark on September 12, 2007 at 10:13:43:

In Reply to: unknown connections on Mozilla to this website posted by Dave Henderson on September 12, 2007 at 02:52:17:

: Hello. I am a new user of this program, and have a concern or question. Since installation, whenever I now load my email client or browser (Thunderbird and Firefox) they both immediately open nearly 10 ports to "" though I cannot figure out how this happens, why, and how to stop it.

: It happens regardless of FM.exe being loaded. And before I check mail, go to a web page or anything.

: from DOS BOX, enter "netstat" to see all network connections active. They go away soon as I close the mail or browser.

: Dave

Hi Dave,

This definitely isn't normal... I don't know how Fund Manager would have anything to do with your browser. Installing or using Fund Manager doesn't make any modifications to any other program on your computer.

Is it possible that Firefox has some setting where it tries to remember the last configuration, and you last closed Firefox with these 10 windows/tabs to our site open? What if you close all of the windows, browse somewhere else, and then exit Firefox. If you re-start now, does it still come back to our site?

Do you have any outgoing mail queued up to us? Maybe this is why your Thunderbird is connecting to our domain?

Another possibility... Please check the shortcut you are using to start Firefox. Maybe somehow it got modified, and has some command line arguments pointing to our web site?

Hope that helps...

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