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Graphing portfolio liquidity

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Posted by Tim on January 22, 2007 at 12:22:44:

First, would just like to say that I'm an EXTREMELY satisfied user of approximately 7 years. Have always very much appreciated your graphing functions, in particular the ability to compare my own portfolio against indexes over any arbitrary interval, and likewise the "stacked value" functions. Great for retrospective analysis.

The types of companies I tend to invest in are rather small and illiquid. While the portfolio has delivered a 7 year compound ROI >50%, I have long recognized that the speed with which I could dispose of a position (or indeed, the entire portfolio) is an important risk consideration.

With that as background...

How difficult would it be to add a liquidity graphing function? I might envision a graph of "days to liquidate" or something of that nature, comparing one's current share count to a moving average of daily trading volume. Of course for the entire portfolio, it could be a weighted average for all securities.

Don't have much interest in technical analysis, but do this and I will upgrade tomorrow! What do you think?

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