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investments turned off unexpectedly

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Posted by Mark on January 07, 2007 at 08:41:13:

Hi Mark,
I have two FM files, one for Active and one for Cumulative investments. I am having a problem with the Cumulative file, which has one master porfolio, with 11 subportfolios, and additional subportfolios below most of the 11, for a total of 26.

It seems that all of the investments have been closed out in all porfolios of the Cumulative file, with the exception of those investments that begin with the letter 'A', in one case 'B', and one other case a new investment added last week. My guess is that some process started, or almost completed, that was terminated.

I have hidden investments checked. I also have a password on the application. The only thing I can think of that happened out of the ordinary is that whenever I close the Cumulative file, I receive a mesage ' C:Program Files\Fund Manager?\Autoback\MasterxPortfolio_FRK.dat was modified later than C:\Program Files\Fund Manager7\My_Data\FRK_dat. Copy Anyway? ' Unfortunately, I'm not sure how I might have responded to this consistently the last few times I had FM open.

All of the investments which are also in the Active file are unaffected.

I do have an off-line backup from October which could help to recover, if necessary.


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