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Re: table view rather than graph

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Posted by Mark on January 20, 2003 at 19:18:08:

In Reply to: Re: table view rather than graph posted by llwb on January 20, 2003 at 18:29:53:

: : : : : : : Is there a way to create a simple list of ticker symbols with date of buy, number of shares, and cost of shares and then retrieve stock quotes from the internet for these stocks? I would like to be able to open this list of stocks rather than have to open one at a time each individual stock in the graph view. Can this be done? TIA llwb

: : : : : : Hi llwb,

: : : : : : You can use "portfolios" to open all the investments automatically that
: : : : : : you've assigned to that portfolio. That way, you don't have to open
: : : : : : the investments individually.

: : : : : : You can have a list (report), and have the fields you're describing.
: : : : : : The retrieve of prices occurs for all open investments, whether you
: : : : : : are viewing a report or looking at them in graphs. It sounds like what
: : : : : : you're needing is the portfolio feature.

: : : : : : You can search the online help for "portfoios", or you can walk through
: : : : : : our online tutorial. The tutorial walks you through setting up a portfolio.

: : : : : : Thanks,
: : : : : : Mark
: : : : : : --
: : : : : Hello Mark. Thank you. I am on the way to accomplishing what I want - I have set up a "custom" report with the following settings: Symbol, Investment Inception Date, Shares Purchased (between), Share Price(beginning), Share price(ending), Gain Per Share(between). When I add Value(beginning) to the settings, however, I get all zeros instead of the calculation of shares X price. Am I missing something?
: : : : : TIA
: : : : : llwb

: : : : Hi llwb,

: : : : The Value (beginning) field is:

: : : : The market value of this investment at the start of the beginning report date.
: : : : (This is the closing value from the date prior to the report's starting date.)

: : : : So, for example, if you first invested on 1/1/03, to get the value at the
: : : : end of 1/1/03, you would set the starting report date to 1/2/03. The
: : : : ending value on one date is the same as the starting value of the next day.

: : : : Thanks,
: : : : Mark
: : : :
: : : Mark, I think I do understand what you are saying here but my situation is that the stocks were each purchased on different days/years - so I just set the starting report date to the earliest purchase. The idea is that the report will list all the stocks with purchase date, number of shares, cost of share - and that these tickers can be updated by retieving quotes from the internet. I am getting the value for the date I retrieve but not the value for the date of purchase.
: : : TIA
: : : Laurel

: : Hi Laurel,
: : Since stocks can have multiple purchases/dates, do you want a list of all
: : the purchases? If so, this is in the Investment Transactions report. The
: : value on past purchase dates won't change, as you update the current price.
: : I think you are asking for a report that shows Value (end), # of Shares,
: : Cost, etc. For this, you can use a custom report. I may be missing your
: : question, so if you have some specific examples that may help.

: : Thanks,
: : Mark
: : --

: Thanks for your patience, Mark. Here is an example. Let's say I own 3 stocks and I make a Custom Report with Settings for symbols IBM, MMM, GE - Investment Inception Date 1/2/2000, 1/2/2001, 1/2/2003 - shares purchased 100, 100, 100 -
: Share Price(begin) $A, $B, $C - Share price(end) - to be retrieved from Internet. I would also like to see Value at beginning (100X$A, 100X$B, 100X$C). But instead my report shows all zeros for value at beginning. Is that clearer?
: llwb

Hi Laurel,
If you set the field of "Value (beg)" and start the report on 1/3/2000, you
will see the value at the end of the day for all investments on 1/2/2000. It
will show you the value of A, but B and C will still be $0, as on that date
you didn't own them yet. You could set the report to show multiple date
ranges, but you're limited to 6. There really isn't a good way to get
exactly what you're asking for. Are you trying to compare the current
value with the value you spent? If so, you can use the "Value (End)" and
the "Current out of pocket invested (ending)" fields.

If you just want to see the value spent for any particular purchase you
can use "Edit/All Data..." with the "Investments (all)" data type selected,
or use the Transaction Summary report.

Mark Beiley

Fund Manager, portfolio management software for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/00/XP

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