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Yahoo UK - broken again

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Posted by Michael Burgess on April 18, 2000 at 17:12:18:


I am afraid that Yahoo UK appears to be broken again (18 April 2000). A further redesign of their page seems to have upset the retrieve process.

Requests for data are met with no response (it was working as normally as it ever did yesterday). Perhaps as soon as you have a moment you could have a look at the problem.

I was, in any event, going to ask you if you had any idea why some prices from Yahoo UK get stuck for a few days (ie although the market price of the stock has changed and is shown correctly on their web page the closing price retrieved by Fund Manager remains unchanged from that of the previous day. The problem seems to come and go and applies to different stocks at different times with no apparent pattern.

Finally an enhancement request.

Would it be possible to make the graph displays scroll down with the mouse wheel (ie do the same as pressing the page up or page down keys).

I am so used to using the wheel for browsing and with other programs that it always comes as a surprise that nothing happens in Fund Manager.

Many thanks for your help


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