Investment Transactions Report


This report can be created by selecting the Reports / Investment Transactions... command from within any window.


This report displays a list of all the transactions for a chosen investment or portfolio between the selected dates. The following columns are displayed for this report type:



Date of transaction


Type of transaction:

Buy Purchase of shares
Sell Redemption of shares
TxIn Transfer In of shares
TxOut Transfer Out of shares
RnvDiv Reinvested Dividend
Div Dividend
RnvSTCpGn Reinvested Short Term Capital Gain
STCpGn Short Term Capital Gain
RnvMTCpGn Reinvested Medium Term Capital Gain
MTCpGn Medium Term Capital Gain
RnvLTCpGn Reinvested Long Term Capital Gain
LTCpGn Long Term Capital Gain
RnvInt Reinvested Interest
Int Interest
RnvFee Account fee paid with redeemed shares
Fee Account fee
RnvRtrnCap Reinvested Return of Capital
RtrnCap Return of Capital
RnvOther Reinvested Other distribution
Other Other distribution
Note Comment
Alert Active alert
Alert_C Completed alert
Alert_E Expired alert


The share price for this transaction.


The number of shares acquired or sold for this transaction.


The fee or commission in dollars paid for this transaction.


The value of this transaction, including any fees.  For transfer type transactions, this is the "Market Value" of the transfer.

Exch Rate

When a transaction is recorded in the non-default currency, this is the exchange rate for this transaction between the currency of this investment and the default currency


The memo field associated with this transaction.

Shr Blnc

The total number of shares owned at the end of the specified transaction date.


The market value of the investment at the end of the specified transaction date. When the "All Investments In Portfolio" option is selected this column will be labeled as Portfolio Value and display the portfolio value (instead of the investment value) at the end of the transaction date.


Use the Report Preferences - Investment Transactions Dialog to specify which columns to display in this report.  There are also many filter options available in the Report Filter Settings dialog to control what type of transactions are included.

See Also

About Reports

Report Settings Dialog

Report Window - Menu Commands

Report Preferences

Memorized Report Dialog

Report Colors


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