Moving Average - Price plus Distributions Graph


This graph shows moving averages of the Price plus Distributions Graph.


The number of moving averages, as well as the length of time to average over, are adjustable with the Moving Average for Graphs Dialog.


The graph will be labeled with MA-NAV + DIV to stand for Moving Average - Net Asset Value plus Distributions. The ending moving averages are displayed on the legend and will be labeled with the length in weeks of the moving average. The change in these values from the previous day is also displayed in parenthesis. The legend for each line is shown in the same color as the associated moving average line. The colors of each moving average can be adjusted with the Graph Colors Dialog and the "Overlaid/MA" line selections.


If the yields are turned on (View / Yields) they will be displayed above the graphs. See Yield Calculations for information on the reported yields.

See Also

About Graphs

Changing Date Range

Changing Vertical Scale

Mouse Commands

Keyboard Shortcuts

Display Options Dialog

Moving Average for Graphs Dialog

Cursor Types


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