Keyboard Shortcuts


Many menu commands are available by using keyboard shortcuts. These shortcuts are shown next to each menu item that has a shortcut available.


There are other keyboard shortcuts to perform various operations not available from the menus. Depending upon which window type has the input focus there are different keyboard shortcuts:

Jump To:

Graph Windows Report Windows Date Controls Price Edit Boxes


Graph Windows



Rotates through the different cursor types


Changes the number of displays to 1


Changes the number of displays to 4


Changes the number of displays to 9


The number of displays will rotate up ( 1 - 4 - 9 - 1)


The number of displays will rotate down ( 1 - 9 - 4 - 1)

Investment Based Graph Types:

(Share Price, etc...)  See List

Page Down

Scrolls investment stack downward by the number of displays (1, 4, or 9)

Page Up

Scrolls investment stack upward by the number of displays

Scrolls investment stack downward by 1 investment

Scrolls investment stack downward by 1 row (1, 2, or 3)

Scrolls investment stack upward by 1 investment

Scrolls investment stack upward by 1 row (1, 2, or 3)

Portfolio Based Graph Types:

(Portfolio Value/Cost/Gain) 

Page Down, ,

Scrolls active sub-portfolio downward by 1

Page Up, ,

Scrolls active sub-portfolio upward by 1

Overlay Based Graph Types:

(Portfolio/Investment Overlay and Investment Overlay) 

Page Down, ,

Scrolls first overlaid investment to next displayed investment

Page Up, ,

Scrolls first overlaid investment to prior displayed investment

Pie and Stacked Value Graphs:



Scrolls legend all the way to the top/bottom

Page Down

Scrolls legend downward by a page


Scrolls legend downward by 1

Page Up

Scrolls legend upward by a page


Scrolls legend upward by 1

Scatter Plots:



Scrolls legend all the way to the top/bottom

Page Down,

Scrolls first overlaid investment to next displayed investment

Page Up,

Scrolls first overlaid investment to prior displayed investment

Scrolls legend downward by 1

Scrolls legend upward by 1

The following keyboard shortcuts are used to manipulate the X and Y axis settings. Lowercase keys affect only the topmost investment. Uppercase keys affect all investments. The arrow/home/end/<number> keys only affect the topmost investment

(Ctrl/Shift) + →

Scrolls X axis to the right when holding down one or both of the Ctrl or Shift keys. Ctrl = 1 day, Shift = 1 week, Ctrl and Shift = 1 month

(Ctrl/Shift) + ←

Scrolls X axis to the left when holding down one or both of the Ctrl or Shift keys. Ctrl = 1 day, Shift = 1 week, Ctrl and Shift = 1 month

(Ctrl/Shift) + ↓

Scrolls Y axis down when holding down one or both of the Ctrl or Shift keys. Ctrl = 1 percent, Shift = 5 percent, Ctrl and Shift = 10 percent

(Ctrl/Shift) + ↑

Scrolls Y axis up when holding down one or both of the Ctrl or Shift keys. Ctrl = 1 percent, Shift = 5 percent, Ctrl and Shift = 10 percent

(Ctrl/Shift) + <number>

Set X axis to last <number> years/months to date. Ctrl = years, Shift = months. (Only the year shortcuts (Ctrl) work when using the number pad. Both Ctrl and Shift work when using the regular number keys.)
Advanced: The number of years for each Ctrl+<number> shortcut can be customized via registry options. Under the registry key "Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Beiley Software\Fund Manager\CurrentVersion\graphs" add a string value with a name of ctrlkey<number>. Set the string value to any number between 1 and 99 for how many years to use for this shortcut. For example, create a value with the name ctrlkey5 and assign it a value of 15 to have the Ctrl+5 keyboard shortcut be 15 years to date.


Changes beginning of X axis to earliest recorded price


Changes ending of X axis to latest recorded price, on or before today's date

x or X

Revert X axis to full date history (earliest to date)

y or Y

Revert Y axis to auto-scale

r or R

Revert both X and Y axis to full date history and auto-scale

Scrolling and zooming the X or Y axis with the following commands can further be controlled by using either the '2' or '3' modifier shortcuts.  A modifier shortcut is a key pressed within 2 seconds prior to the desired keyboard shortcut.  When using the '2' modifier, the ending X axis date remains fixed for shortcuts controlling the X axis, and the maximum Y axis value remains fixed for shortcuts controlling the Y axis.  The '3' modifier is the same, but keeps fixed the starting X axis date and minimum Y axis value.  For example, pressing the '2' key and then pressing the 'd' key within 2 seconds will scroll only the beginning X axis date one day earlier, leaving the ending date un-changed.  Modifiers remain active for 2 seconds after any modified keyboard shortcut. So for example, if you want to scroll the beginning X axis date back 3 days, but leave the ending date un-changed you can press 2-d-d-d, which is the same as 2-d-2-d-2-d.  Each press of the 'd' character must be within 2 seconds of the prior character.  Modifiers do not apply to shortcuts that set specific date ranges, like 'q', which is "Set X axis to one quarter to date".

d or D

Scroll X axis one day earlier

a or A

Scroll X axis one day later

w or W

Scroll X axis one week earlier

e or E

Scroll X axis one week later

m or M

Scroll X axis one month earlier

o or O

Scroll X axis one month later

l or L

Scroll X axis twelve months (1 year) earlier

v or V

Scroll X axis twelve months (1 year) later

. (period) or >

Zoom out the X axis 10% (make the date range greater (>))

, (comma) or <

Zoom in the X axis 10% (make the date range less (<))

f or F

Set X axis to last one month to date ("date" is the date of the last recorded price on or before today's date)

j or J

Set X axis to last three months to date

k or K

Set X axis to last twelve months to date

h or H

Set X axis to one month to date

q or Q

Set X axis to one quarter to date

i or I

Set X axis to six months to date

t or T

Set X axis to one year to date

p or P

Scroll Y axis up 5%

n or N

Scroll Y axis down 5%

b or B

Zoom out the Y axis 10% (make range bigger)

s or S

Zoom in the Y axis 10% (make range smaller)


Scrolls Technical Analysis graph's selected lower indicator up


Scrolls Technical Analysis graph's selected lower indicator down


Scrolls Technical Analysis graph's selected upper indicator up


Scrolls Technical Analysis graph's selected upper indicator down


Undo the last mouse zoom. (After zooming with mouse use this command to revert back to the previous X and Y axis settings)


Set Y axis for all investments to largest relative min/max. (see Scale Dialog)


Adjusts the global display option for "Number of Y Axis Labels for Upper Graphs" towards "More"


Adjusts the global display option for "Number of Y Axis Labels for Upper Graphs" towards "Less"


Toggles on/off the display of the percentage labels along the right Y axis


Report Windows


(Ctrl/Shift) + →

Moves all dates forward when holding down one or both of the Ctrl or Shift keys. Ctrl = 1 day, Shift = 1 week, Ctrl and Shift = 1 month

(Ctrl/Shift) + ←

Moves all dates backward when holding down one or both of the Ctrl or Shift keys. Ctrl = 1 day, Shift = 1 week, Ctrl and Shift = 1 month

(Ctrl/Shift) + <number>

Set first date range to last <number> years/months to date. Ctrl = years, Shift = months. (Only the year shortcuts (Ctrl) work when using the number pad. Both Ctrl and Shift work when using the regular number keys.)
Advanced: The number of years for each Ctrl+<number> shortcut can be customized via registry options. Under the registry key "Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Beiley Software\Fund Manager\CurrentVersion\graphs" add a string value with a name of ctrlkey<number>. Set the string value to any number between 1 and 99 for how many years to use for this shortcut. For example, create a value with the name ctrlkey5 and assign it a value of 15 to have the Ctrl+5 keyboard shortcut be 15 years to date.

Ctrl + Home

Set first date range's starting date to earliest recorded price

Ctrl + End

Set first date range's ending date to latest recorded price, on or before today's date

x or r

Revert first date range to full date history (earliest to date)

Moving and zooming dates with the following commands can further be controlled by using either the '2' or '3' modifier shortcuts.  A modifier shortcut is a key pressed within 2 seconds prior to the desired keyboard shortcut.  When using the '2' modifier, the ending date remains fixed.  The '3' modifier is the same, but keeps the starting date fixed.  For example, pressing the '2' key and then pressing the 'd' key within 2 seconds will move only the beginning date one day earlier, leaving the ending date un-changed.  Modifiers remain active for 2 seconds after any modified keyboard shortcut. So for example, if you want to move the beginning date back 3 days, but leave the ending date un-changed you can press 2-d-d-d, which is the same as 2-d-2-d-2-d.  Each press of the 'd' character must be within 2 seconds of the prior character.  Modifiers do not apply to shortcuts that set specific date ranges, like 'q', which is "Set first date range to one quarter to date".


Move all dates one day earlier


Move all dates one day later


Move all dates one week earlier


Move all dates one week later


Move all dates one month earlier


Move all dates one month later


Move all dates twelve months (1 year) earlier


Move all dates twelve months (1 year) later

. (period) or >

Zoom out the date range 10% (make the date range greater (>))

, (comma) or <

Zoom in the date range 10% (make the date range less (<))


Set first date range to last one month to date ("date" is the date of the last recorded price on or before today's date)


Set first date range to last three months to date


Set first date range to last twelve months to date


Set first date range to one month to date


Set first date range to one quarter to date


Set first date range to six months to date


Set first date range to one year to date


Date Controls



today's date


Forward one day


Back one day


Forward one weeK


Back one Week


First day of the month. Previous month if the current day is already the first day of the month.


Last day of the month. Next month if the current day is already the last day of the month.


First day of the year. Previous year if the current date is the already the first day of the year.


Last day of the year. Next year if the current date is already the last day of the year.


Price Edit Boxes


These keys are set so that when the right hand is in the standard typing position, the pointer finger controls the pennies, the middle finger controls the dimes, and the ring finger controls the dollars.


Plus 1 cent


Minus 1 cent


Plus 10 cents


Minus 10 cents


Plus 1 dollar


Minus 1 dollar

See Also

Mouse Shortcuts



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