Changing Minimum and Maximum for Graphs


This dialog is available from the View / Scale... menu command under the Graphs window.


This dialog box allows you to specify the minimum and maximum y-axis values of the graph. There are three categories of graphs:






The current changes affect all graph types within the current category. The changes can be applied to all open investments or just the current investment by selecting the appropriate radio button. Auto-scaling can be re-invoked by selecting the appropriate radio button.


Apply Specified Min/Max Only to This Investment:

Applies the minimum and maximum values you entered to only the specified investment.
Auto-scale Only This Investment: Turns on auto-scaling for the specified investment. With auto-scaling Fund Manager will figure out the minimum and maximum for you to display the whole range of data. To control the vertical padding when using auto-scale use the option "Auto-scale Y Axis Using Exact Min/Max". This option is available under Graph Display Options Dialog.
Apply Specified Min/Max To All Open Investments: Applies the minimum and maximum values you entered to all investments.
Apply Relative Min/Max To All Open Investments: Applies the minimum and maximum, in terms of percentage of the graph’s starting value, to all investments. This option is useful to set all the graphs on the same relative scale, so that you can graphically see relative performance of different investments. Example: If the specified graph has a starting value of $100 and you set the minimum to 60 and the maximum to $140, all other graphs will have their minimum set to 60% of their own starting value, and the maximum will be set to 140% of their starting value. Specifically, if another investment had a starting value of $50, the minimum would be set to $30, and the maximum would be set to $70.

In the case of graphs that have multiple lines overlaid (such as the Cost – Value graph type), the share price or value will be used to determine the starting value, whichever is appropriate for the current graph type.
Use Largest Relative Min/Max For All Investments: This is similar to the above option, except that Fund Manager determines the minimum and maximum percent of starting value to use. These percentages are determined by finding the extreme minimum and maximum percent changes for all open investments.
Auto-scale All Investments Individually: Turns on auto-scaling for all open investments.


Some commonly used keyboard shortcuts include:

The shortcut key 'y' will revert the topmost investment to auto-scale.

The shortcut key 'Y' will revert all investments to auto-scale.

The shortcut key 'r' will revert the topmost investment to auto-scale and full history.

The shortcut key 'R' will revert all investments to auto-scale and full history.


See Also

About Graphs

Changing Date Range

Mouse Commands

Keyboard Shortcuts


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