Graph Colors Dialog


This dialog is available from the Options / Colors... menu command under the Graphs window.


This dialog box allows you to customize the look of each different graph type category. There are three graph type categories for the purposes of setting colors, NAV + DIST., NAV, and VALUE. These color selections will be saved in your portfolio. Choose the item you would like to edit the color for from the drop-down combination box. The sample graph shows your current settings, and is changed to reflect any changes you make. For each graph type category (NAV + DIST., NAV, and VALUE) you can edit the following items:



background color for graph


line color used for drawing the border of the graph


color used for drawing data line


text color used for drawing graph text

tick marks

color used for drawing tick mark lines when the grid lines are off

buy marker

line color used for drawing buy markers

sell marker

line color used for drawing sell markers

distribution marker

line color used for drawing distribution markers

split marker

line color used for drawing split markers

note marker

line color used for drawing note markers

trend line

line color used for drawing trend lines

grid lines

line color used for drawing grid lines






For the price (NAV) and price plus distribution (NAV + DIST.) graph categories there is an additional line style:


overlaid investment (1-20)

line color used for drawing the investment overlay graph types. For more than 20 overlaid investments, line color 20 will be used. Overlaid investment lines 1-6 are also used for drawing the moving average lines. Overlaid investment line 1 is also used when drawing the overlaid share price cost.


For the value (VALUE) graph category there is an additional line style:


overlaid line

line color used for drawing the overlaid cost value


In addition to the graph category colors, the following colors are available, and apply to all graph categories:


Main Window Background

background color of the graph window

Yield text

color used for yield text, above the graphs

Axis label text

color used for labeling the axis, to the sides of, and below the graphs


Customize the Pie chart and Stacked Value graph segment colors using the "Pie Slice" choices:


Pie Slice (1-100)

Colors used in the Pie charts and Stacked Value graphs


Use the Red, Green, and Blue scroll bars, or the 'Choose Color' button, to assign a color to the currently selected item. To make the changes take effect for the currently selected item, select the 'Change' push button. To restore any particular item to it's default value, select the 'Default' push button. To restore all items to their default values, select the 'All Defaults' push button. When finished making changes, select the 'Done' push button. Select the 'Help' push button to get this help topic.

See Also

Graphs Window

Report Colors Dialog



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