Income Schedule Graph


These graph types plot a bar chart of either "expected", "actual", or "historical expected" income versus time.  An equivalent report is also available in the Income Schedule Report.


The graph's bars can be for monthly, quarterly, or yearly income.  The bars of income can optionally be broken down by tax status (tax-free or taxable) or income type (dividend or interest).


To adjust the income break down option and choose which type of income calculation to plot, use Graphs / Options / Income Schedule Options....  Each income calculation is described here:


Income Investment Properties (Expected)

Expected income are payments from investments with their Income Style property set to either "Bond Interest" or "Dividends"

Dividend/Interest Transactions (Actual)

Actual income is from recorded Dividend and Interest Income type distribution transactions

Estimated from Last Year's Transactions (Historical Expected)

Historical expected income is calculated by looking at the per-share distributions from last year's transactions, and applying that to the number of shares owned this year.  This is an approximation, and assumes the per share distributions will be the same or similar from last year to this year.



To adjust the date range plotted, use View / Dates....  This graph type always auto-scales the vertical axis.


Use Options / Colors... to edit the colors.  For the bar colors, set "Pie Slice 1" and "Pie Slice 10".  All other colors use the "VALUE" category of colors.

See Also

About Graphs

Keyboard Shortcuts

Income Schedule Report

Sample Income Schedule Graphs


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