Advanced Import Options


This dialog is used to set the advanced import options when retrieving from your broker/fund company or when importing an OFX file.  You can access this dialog by pressing the Advanced Options... button in either the transaction retrieve wizard or the OFX import wizard.


Record Matching Purchase/Distribution as Reinvestment

Specify if you would like Fund Manager to combine separate but matching Purchase and Distribution transactions into a Reinvestment transaction.  Some mutual fund companies report reinvested distributions as 2 transactions (Purchase + Distribution).  Using this option records this case as a single reinvestment.  Either method is equivalent in terms of performance and gain/loss calculations, but a reinvestment is clearer documentation of the actual transactionThis option is normally left on.

Default Cash Distributions are Reinvested

Specify if distributions in the default cash account should be recorded as reinvested.  Any distributions (dividends, interest, etc) paid from the default cash account are reinvested back into the default cash account when this option is on.  If this option is off, the distributions are paid out of the portfolio in cash.

This option will also cause any reported 0 share reinvestments in any cash type investment to be recorded as reinvested.  The reinvested shares will be determined from the value of the reinvestment instead of the reported shares.  Some brokers report reinvested cash as only the value, and 0 for the shares, so this option will properly record them as reinvested based off the value.  If this option is turned off in this case the distribution will be recorded as distributed.

This option is normally left on.

Record "Transfer In/Out" Transactions as "Buy/Sell" Transactions

Select this option to import any Transfer In/Transfer Out transactions as Buy/Sell transactions.  Some brokers/fund companies report transactions as transfers you may prefer to have recorded as regular buy/sell transactions.  See Transfer Transactions for the differences between Transfer and Buy/Sell transactions.  This option is normally left off.

Update Closing Prices:

Choose whether or not closing prices are updated from the broker or OFX file.  Additionally you can control whether the updated price comes from the reported price, or to use market value divided by units owned.  The market value / units option can be useful for certain investments such as TIPS that have a price factor included in the market value calculation.  This option is normally left on, and set to the "Using Price" update method.

This is a global option, and enables/disables the price updates for all investments when retrieving transactions.  You can also control this on a per-investment basis in the Investment Properties - Internet Retrieve Dialog.  If you wish to only disable the transaction retrieve price update for specific investments, use the investment property instead of this global option.

Import "Investment Banking Transactions" into Default Cash Account(s):

Specify if "Banking Transactions" should be imported.  If enabled, Banking Transactions are imported into your default cash account.  These are transactions such as interest on your cash balance, checks you wrote, or other deposits and withdrawals from your cash account.  This option is normally left on.

This option is displayed here when importing from an OFX file, but not when retrieving transactions.  When retrieving transactions you can set this option separately for each account being retrieved.  See the Advanced... options in the Transaction Retrieve Settings dialog.


Press the Reset Defaults button to restore all these options to their default values.

See Also

Retrieving Transactions

Open Financial Exchange Import


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