Importing Prices from Southwest Securities


This dialog is available in the Advisor version from the File / Import / Prices / Southwest Securities... menu command.


Select the Southwest Securities file you wish to import pricing data from.  Transaction, pricing and position data can be downloaded from Southwest Securities.  You will be able to download transaction activity (BPS_Act_<xx>_mmdd.rpt) and position (BPS_POS_<xx>_mmdd.rpt) files.  You can import pricing data from these BPS_POS_<xx>_mmdd.rpt position files using this command.


All open investments will be updated.  Pricing updates are done based on matching the symbol recorded for each investment with the symbol provided in the import file.

See Also

Price Updates

Importing Prices

Retrieving Prices

Importing Southwest Securities Transactions

Importing Southwest Securities Positions


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