Custom Investment Properties Dialog


This dialog is available by selecting "Custom Investment Properties..." from the top level "Options" menu item in any window.


This dialog allows you to specify the labels and types of data that will be available when setting custom investment properties.


Each of the 10 available properties can be renamed, and set to one of three data types: Text, Number, or Date.  For Number and Date data types a "Combination Method" is also specified.  The combination method determines how custom investment properties are combined.  For example, when reporting a custom investment property for a sub-portfolio, asset type, investment goal, sector, investment type, etc the custom investment properties of the investments in that group are combined based on the specified combination method.  For Number data types the number of decimal places to display is also specified.


Custom investment properties can be displayed in a Custom report or in the Portfolio Editor window.  Custom investment properties are also available for use in User-Defined Custom Report Fields.

See Also

Custom Investment Properties


Fund Manager Home