Alert Options Dialog


This dialog is available from the Options / Alerts... menu command


This dialog allows you to specify which actions Fund Manager will perform when an investment price or date alert or daily portfolio price(s) alert is triggered. The following options are available:


Display Popup Window

A dialog box will be displayed showing the alert information.

Send E-Mail Notification To

An e-mail message will be sent to the specified address (example: Multiple recipients can be specified by separating the email addresses with a comma.  The e-mail message body will contain the alert information.  Select the "Configure..." button to set up how e-mail should be sent.  Press the "Test" button to send a sample e-mail notification with the current settings.

Play Sound (*.WAV)

The specified sound file will be played.




Alerts are ideally suited to be used with the automatic price retrieval from the internet. (Of course, alerts will work with any method of updating prices.) After a price retrieval it is possible to have multiple price alerts triggered. The e-mail message and display popup window will contain data on all the triggered alerts.


For the daily portfolio price(s) alert only the e-mail alert options are used. You can enable/disable the daily portfolio price(s) alert feature and specify the time of day it should be performed under the Preferences - Other Dialog.

See Also

Alert Dialog

Preferences - Other Dialog


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