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Re: Relative % Graph

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Posted by Mark on December 06, 2002 at 19:33:20:

In Reply to: Re: Relative % Graph posted by Bob Chaphe on December 06, 2002 at 19:27:36:

: : : : : : Mark
: : : : : : If it's in help, I didn't see it..sorry!

: : : : : : Is there a way to have all open symbols graphed on Relaive % basis.
: : : : : : *The user defines the time period
: : : : : : *All open symbols start at zero % gain/loss for the period specifed
: : : : : : *The % Performance results for each symbol on their "relative graph" can be compared to all others that are open.
: : : : : : Thanx & Nice Job on the Upgrade!
: : : : : : Bob

: : : : : Hi Bob,

: : : : : There are 2 options here. First, you can use one of the 'Investment
: : : : : Overlay' graph types. This will put all overlaid investments on the
: : : : : same graph, and plot their prices, normalized to the starting graph date.
: : : : : The second option is to scale each graph individually. You can use the
: : : : : new command "View/Scale.../Use Largest Relative Min/Max for All Investments"
: : : : : to scale all the graphs to the same relative amount. From within this
: : : : : dialog you can choose the "Help" button for a more detailed explanation
: : : : : of the scaling options.

: : : : : Thanks,
: : : : : Mark
: : : : : --
: : : : : Mark Beiley
: : : : :
: : : : : Fund Manager, portfolio management software for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/00/XP
: : : : : /XP
: : : : :

: : : : Mark
: : : : I tried that before & the screen comes up blank.

: : : : Is there a way "convert" open symbols price (NAV) to a % performance over the period viewed relative to each other on their individual graph?
: : : : If you had 10 open symbol graphs, arrow down to each one, showing the % gain/loss, starting at zero for the period displayed.
: : : : Bob

: : : Bob,

: : : Which method did you try that came up blank? Did you specify your investments
: : : to overlay under "Graphs/Options/Overlaid Investments" if you used the
: : : Investment Overlay graph type? The investment overlay graph type does what
: : : you are describing, but on a single graph. To do this on each of their own
: : : graphs you can use the 'View/Scale...' command I described above. If some
: : : investments have a really large movement, this can cause some of your other
: : : investments with smaller movement to get graphed towards one extreme or the
: : : other in their own graph. They are all plotted on the same relative scale, so
: : : if investment A changed from 1 to 100 during the same time period investment
: : : B changed from 1000 to 1001, the scale for investment A would be set to
: : : 1 -> 100 and investment B would be from 1000 -> 100,000 (both set for a 100X)
: : : increase from their starting value). This would make B look relatively flat
: : : at 1000, which it was compared to investment A.

: : : Thanks,
: : : Mark
: : : --
: : : Mark Beiley
: : :
: : : Fund Manager, portfolio management software for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/00/XP
: : : /XP
: : :

: : Mark
: : The Overlay is very good when you're looking at 5-8 symbols, but if your trying to look at 20+ symbols (e.g., ETFs), the single chart is busy.
: : Maybe on your next Beta, you could make each "symbol page" relative to zero [or 100] (as a Vertical/Graph-Option). This would eliminate the "flat" graph you mention above.
: : It would make the "page-by-page visual experience" relative to all symbols & visually comparative.
: : Thx
: : Bob

: Mark
: Stop the presses!
: If I go to overlaids & don't select ANY overlaids, set the verticel scale for min/max, then I can scroll thru all open symbols with the same "relativity".
: So if that was what you were trying to tell me, I had my blinders on. Thanx!!
: PS you should be able to "right-click" on an open overlay graph to open a date/scale/?? window to change them.
: Thanx Again
: Bob

Hi Bob,

Well, that wasn't what I was trying to say, but that is another option. From
the online help for the Overlaid graph type:

Usage Tip: You may also use the arrow and page up/down keys, as well as their equivalents on the toolbar, to scroll through which investments are overlaid. The investment which has its label on the left side of the legend (this is also the topmost investment listed in the Overlaid Investments... dialog) will be scrolled to the next/prior displayed investment. This operation skips over other investments already selected for overlay. This feature is particularly useful if you have some investments (like the S&P 500 and the Dow for example) that you would like to compare to all the other investments in your portfolio. Using this feature you can quickly scroll through each investment, comparing it against the latter investments selected for overlay.

Mark Beiley

Fund Manager, portfolio management software for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/00/XP

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