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Portfolio Performance report

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Posted by Jay Hegener on September 28, 2001 at 13:49:57:

I have a couple stocks that I bought on 1/26/00 and sold on 1/29/01. When I set the date filters to 'year to date' (1/1/01 to 9/28/01) during a portfolio performance report the values for these two stocks are way off. It says I invested almost $9000 for one when I really invested $4500. The starting value is off by nearly as much too. As a consequence the report is wholly inaccurate. Is this a bug? Or am I just trying to do something the report is not designed to do?

What's the best report to run to get an annualized rate of return for both individual investments and the overall portfolio, regardless of whether most of the stocks have been sold off over the years?

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