Risk/Reward Scatter Plot


These graph types are only available in the Professional/Advisor versions of Fund Manager.


These graph types plot the reward on the Y axis, and the risk on the X axis.  Reward is calculated as Time-Weighted Return (TWR), and risk is calculated as the standard deviation of the monthly returns.  These graphs are available for plotting the risk/reward of investments, asset types, investment goals, sectors, symbols, investment types, or sub-portfolios.  You may also overlay an index or any other investment on any of these graphs.


These plots help to quickly identify which items are performing well (or poorly) for the amount of risk being taken.


To adjust the comparison period for these graphs use Graphs / Options / Risk/Reward Options....  To adjust the ending date of the comparison period, use View / Dates....


When there are too many items to fit in the legend, use the right/left arrow keys to scroll the legend.  Use the up/down arrow keys or the mouse wheel to scroll the topmost overlaid investment.

See Also

About Graphs

Keyboard Shortcuts

Sample Scatter Plot


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