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Graphs: close price line alternative for better accuracy

Comments, critical feedback, praise, or suggestions for new features.

Postby Djobydjoba » Fri Feb 02, 2024 5:46 am

Hi Mark,

A problem with the standard close price line displayed in graphs is that, when a price movement is up or down for several consecutive days you don't see clearly the separation between each day inside the movement, and what is the close price at the end of each day.


20240202-ven.13h19-01.png (17.04 KiB) Viewed 2810 times

How many days have lasted the movements in the screenshot above, what was the close price at the end of each day inside those movements? You don't have a clue at a glance, you have to move the mouse cursor along a movement to get an idea of its decomposition into days and its progress each day, and this process is very tedious and quite inaccurate. For price analysis this is however very important information.

So there is an alternate way of displaying close prices, stepped line. It can be seen eg. in the TradingView plateform.

That would be great to add this way to display the prices, as an option, it would improve the accuracy of price analysis a lot.


PS: for the pleasure, another screenshot:
IMO this is quite definitely a better way to display close prices. Thanks for considering!
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Postby Mark » Fri Feb 02, 2024 3:29 pm

Hi Djobydjoba,

Thanks for the idea/feedback. I understand, and can see why you'd want that. Making it a display option sounds good.
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Postby Djobydjoba » Fri Jul 12, 2024 6:46 am

A thought: maybe the Stacked Value graph could take advantage of the "stepped lines" too. Currently this graph is hard to read because it's hard to see clearly the separation between each day. Inclined lines to link the close value of each day cause very disturbing effects IMO, they generate intermediate oblique color zones to link two days that don't correspond to anything.

In this screenshot, I've framed three of these disturbing areas to illustrate, but in reality there are of course plenty of them.

That and the fact that currently there is no vertical crosshair or magnet effect to clearly distinguish between each day in the graph area make this graph very hard to read IMO.

My guess is that this graph would be MUCH better with stepped lines. Each day would be perfectly separated vertically from each other, no oblique lines used. Something like that :

20240712-ven.15h42-01.png (2.95 KiB) Viewed 1827 times

But it's an idea and I'm not completely sure it could work well.

Edit: found on the web (animated gif) :
The vertical cursor with a tooltip with the values is nice too...

See here too the stepped line graphs: ... _Chart.htm
(and click on the two links at the bottom of the page too :
20240712-ven.16h45-01.png (1.87 KiB) Viewed 1820 times
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Postby Mark » Mon Jul 15, 2024 8:35 am

Hi Djobydjoba,

Thanks very much. Very helpful feedback as usual.
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Postby Djobydjoba » Mon Jul 15, 2024 11:11 am

Glad you like this idea too, and thanks to you for the desire to constantly improve the program (and in the little things too), and therefore for this openness to all the feedback. I have to believe that this inspires me a lot!
Posts: 780
Joined: Tue Mar 09, 2010 9:39 am

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