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Small focus issues (Portfolio Editor)

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Postby Djobydjoba » Fri Dec 01, 2023 9:23 am

Hi Mark,

With the Find command, maybe the behavior of the focus could by slightly improved:

Initial state: the focus is on the left side of the Portfolio Editor, ie. a sub-portfolio is selected.
In the Find command, search for an investment and double-click on it in the results to reach the investment in the Portfolio Editor
>> the focus remains on the left side of the Portfolio Editor, selecting the sub-portfolio that contains the investment. IMO it could (should) be moved to the right part to directly select the investment aimed by the search.

Initial state: the focus is on the right side of the Portfolio Editor, ie. an investment is selected.
In the Find command, search for a sub-portfolio and double-click on it in the results to reach the sub-portfolio in the Portfolio Editor
>> the focus seems to be nowhere, it is not completely on the searched sub-portfolio but not in an investment either. IMO it could (should) be moved to the left side and directly selects the sub-portfolio aimed by the search.

Maybe another focus problem too:
1. Initial state: the focus is on the right side of the Portfolio Editor, an investment is selected.
2. Open the Data Register window (eg. from the button on the toolbar), OR the Find dialog.
3. Come back in the Portfolio Editor by left clicking in the right side of the Portfolio Editor (not directly in any investment but in an empty area)
>> the focus should be back on the investment selected in the initial state, but it is not.

NB: when the focus is on the left side of the Portfolio Editor (a sub-portfolio is selected), then the Data Register or Find dialog is open, then we left click again in the left side of the Portfolio Editor the focus is back to the sub-portfolio selected, so in this case it is fine.

PS: It can be reproduced just like this too:
1) In the right side of the PE, select an investment.
2) Left-click on the left side of the PE in an empty area > The focus goes just right on the active sub-portfolio
3) Left-click on the right side of the PE in an empty area > the focus should go back to the investment selected at step1. You can see he's trying to select it but seems to fail to do it.
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Postby Mark » Fri Dec 01, 2023 10:15 am

Hi Djobydjoba,

Some of these issues are because the Tree View (left side of PE) always requires that something be selected. You can't have nothing selected in the Tree View. This is because, the right List View displays the contents of whatever is selected on the left Tree View.

However, the right List View can have nothing selected. This is what happens when you click on an empty area in the List View, or the List View is populated but nothing has been selected. This is the case in your example where you search for a sub-portfolio. The focus is still on the List View (like in the first case), but nothing is selected, as the sub-portfolio isn't in the List.
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