Vanguard Transactione Retrieve Error
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Thanks for the idea quercus. Something we may investigate...
For what it is worth I received the same "standard" answer from Vanguard yesterday too.
I heard back from my colleague who was looking into our ability to make our website compatible. They informed me that the adjustments to our website to modernize it caused a lot of software like the one you use to lose compatibility. Since the updates that caused it are related to fortifying our security we are unable to make it work with the software you were using. Since this has had a negative impact on you I have submitted feedback to our continuous improvement team on how we can make things easier for you. You are not the first person to have feedback like this and the more they hear the feedback to higher chance for change to come. Please let me know if I can look into anything else for you.
Hi Bsrr,
Thanks for sharing that. Unfortunately, it appears Vanguard is blocking smaller apps like Fund Manager. If Vanguard intentionally blocks us, there isn't much we can do. The next best solution is to download and import. They do make it convenient to use the Download Center through their website and download a single .QFX file for all your accounts. You can import transactions for all accounts from this, and also use it to reconcile against. See this for some more specifics: viewtopic.php?p=27079#p27079 It is less convenient than the automatic retrieve, but is a reasonable alternative.
I am also affected by the lack of Vanguard transaction download. I appreciate the workaround that was provided to download and import the .ofx file, and I am using that for now. However, I am hopeful that you will consider the suggestion to use Plaid or some other service that Vanguard supports to resolve the issue.
Hi Cole,
You can read about the steps needed to download/import/reconcile here: https://www.fundmanagersoftware.com/faq_vanguard.php Hi m4boys27, Thanks for the feedback. We are planning to investigate Plaid as an option.
Hi Houstonwb,
Associating an app with a file extension just makes that the app that opens if you open or double click on a file with that extension. You can still use that file type in another program by initiating the action from within the program. For example, even if you don't have .QFX associated with Fund Manager you can still import a .QFX file into Fund Manager by using "File / Import / Transaction / Open Financial Exchange (*.OFX, *.QFX)..." and browsing to the file you want to import. It just makes it a bit easier if it is associated. If it is associated you can just double click on the .QFX file to open this file in that dialog box. If you're concerned, just leave the associations the way they are now, and use the menu commands in Fund Manager to initiate the import.
Better news from Vanguard!
Hi fmuser,
Thanks for sharing that. This is wonderful news! I too can confirm that Vanguard is once again working with Fund Manager in our testing.
This is wonderful news. I have been scrambling to find something that does what Fund Manager does, and while there are lots of financial and portfolio tools out there, I have yet to find one that does what FM does in the way that it does. So, I am indeed happy that I can stay with FM. Thank you, Mark.
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