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Questions on using, creating, or understanding data in Fund Manager graphs.

Postby 4Profits » Mon Jan 30, 2023 7:07 am

I have a few questions on graphs today.
1. When FM retrieves the closing price for the day does it use the normal retrieve server or the historical default server.
2. I never paid much attention to the types of historical default server, weather it was just the Historical or the Historical Adjusted. Why would you want the closing price to have dividends subtracted (Historical Adjusted). That would not give the true closing price.
3. And finally I would like to address the gains that are displayed at the top of graphs. For some reason they don’t display what I calculate as the actual gain or loss of the share price. Correct me if I am wrong but isn’t the gain the difference between the opening and closing periods divided by the opening price.
I ask this since I was noticing gains or losses that were much greater than the graph tended to graphically show So I calculated them and in all cases my calculation was different. For example , APPLE 3 Month chart
• I click on Apple in the portfolio editor.
• I select 3M from the title bar drop down for the three charts I have up:
i. CST-Price.
ii. Share Price with 10 and 40 wk overlays.
iii. Technical Analysis.
• Start value $155.695 on 10/28/22.
• End value $146.68 on 1/27/23.
• Yields a difference of $9.015
• Divide $9.015 by $155.695 = -.058 = -5.8% but the 3M ticker shows +1.23% that is a
difference of 7.03% over a 3 month period.
• For a 6 month span with a Start close at $156.877 I calculate -6.5% loss header shows
• For a 1 year span with a start close at $168.02 I calculate -12.7% loss but header shows
• For all of these I click on the graph then select the span from the drop down for each
graph and all graphs show the same header data.
4. Any idea as to the differences between the display values and calculated values. This is for every stock I have checked so far. Am I misunderstanding the performance calculations at the top of the screens?
5. Finally, When I am traveling I run FM on my laptop and have noticed that the closing prices for stocks are different from my home computer using the same servers. Do the closing prices change from the servers some how based on the time they are collected?

Thanks, Jim
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Postby Mark » Mon Jan 30, 2023 10:28 am

Hi Jim,

1) It depends on what menu command you're using. There are 2 commands, one for the default quote server and one for the default historical quote server. I'd suggest watching this tutorial on retrieving prices for much more detail.

2) If you want the true closing price, don't use the "adjusted" servers. Some people may want to use the adjusted prices if they don't have the actual distribution data, and want to see performance. If you have distributions recorded, then, yes, you want to use the non-adjusted, actual closing prices.

3 and 4) The numbers above the graphs are not %Gain, they are either ROI or TWR yields, depending on your setting at "Options / Yields". Depending on your recorded transactions within the period and type of yield, the yields can differ significantly from %Gain. To understand how yields are calculated, please read this documentation.

5) It could be you're getting an after hours price? What quote server are you using?
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Postby Ilikemybu » Mon Jan 30, 2023 10:38 am


Just to add onto this with one question, If I select a 3 month period for my graph, the 3 month performance is different than the gph performance, (not always, but sometimes). The same thing happens when I select other period ie 6 month, 1 yr and compare with the gph number? (Does it matter which yeild is selected?)

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Postby Mark » Mon Jan 30, 2023 10:51 am

Hi Dave,

Next time this happens, try this:

1) Turn on "Options / General Preferences... / Log Calculation Details for ROI/TWR Yields". Choose the appropriate one, for the type of yield you're displaying along the top of the graphs (Options / Yields).

2) Make a change to the graph's dates, forcing a re-calculation of the yields.

3) Look at "Help / Logs / ROI/TWR Yield Calculations..." and see why they are different. Maybe the starting date is not the same?
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Postby 4Profits » Mon Jan 30, 2023 12:07 pm

I changed my Yield Calculations to 1,2,3 Mo and 3 and 10 year.
For my Yield Calculation I selected TRW
I looked at APL for the last month - Apple had no distributions and I made no transactions during the month.
From your equation (EMV - BMV) / BMV I have
BMV = 128.715 12/31/22
EMV = 143.4 1/30/23
this yields (143.4 - 128.715) =14.685 / 128.715 = .114 = 11.4% the screen shows 10.37 a difference of almost 1%.
I am trying to capture a number that corresponds to the stock performance over the month.
What am I doing wrong?
Is This something I cannot do?
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Postby Mark » Mon Jan 30, 2023 1:27 pm

Hi Jim,

Turn on yield logging, set the dates to the graph, and then go look at the log. It will show you the dates/numbers, etc, so you can see any deviation from your calculations. See "Options / General Preferences... / Yields / Log Calculation Details for TWR Yields".
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Postby 4Profits » Tue Jan 31, 2023 7:47 am

Thanks for the help. I have been using FM for over 10 years and that is the first time I realized what the yield calculations actually were. I bet if you could take a survey 90 % of the people would think the yield numbers were the stock performance only. Thanks for the education. I still would like a yield calculation based on the stock price only but I can find that other places.

Thanks again for your help and support. I think it is great how you support your users even when we are a little dense at times.
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Postby Ilikemybu » Tue Jan 31, 2023 8:46 am


Thanks for the response, after turning on the logging and refreshing the graphs, the numbers match up. It is amazing that you have the capability built into the logging to actually see the numbers used to calculate the results, (and have thwe thorough documentation of the logic.

My problem is that I learndetails like this, then don't need it for a while, then forget where to find it again.

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