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Missing Buy / Sell Markers on Graphs

Questions on using, creating, or understanding data in Fund Manager graphs.

Postby ballardian » Wed Mar 17, 2021 1:41 pm

I just noticed a strange behavior that some of my investments are missing Buy / Sell markers on Portfolio Value - Cost graph.

One first pass it appears that any buy or sells in 2021 for issues where I already owned shares are not showing buy/sell markers on the graph. However, I see buy / sell markers from previous to this year on the graphs.

Any issues I bought NEW since the beginning of this year I see a marker on the inital purchase and for the 2 issue where I bought it new AND bonught a second round of shres -- I don't see that 2nd share buy marked on the graph.

Aslo strange and what actually caught my attention is two issue shows a buy (in 2017 and 2020) when I initiated my position but it is just a red circle and not the green circle with a red one around it I'm used to seeing at the first purchase on the graph.

I can't say for certain the issue is "2021" but my last buy or sell in 2020 in June I can see on the graph and my next Buy / Sell on Jan 2021 in an issue I already owned I don't see the marker.

Also strangely, is the cash investment shows buy / sells after Jan 1 2021 ok. I have also recently upgraded to the newest version.

Any ideas what is happening?
Posts: 43
Joined: Tue Sep 21, 2010 7:52 pm

Postby Mark » Wed Mar 17, 2021 5:14 pm

Hi ballardian,

1) That graph type doesn't have markers. Portfolio based graphs don't display buy/sell markers, only investment based graphs. Maybe you mean a different graph type?

2) Make sure you have markers turned on. You can turn them on/off under "Options / Markers..." from within the graph window.

3) Make sure the date range and vertical scales are either auto, or manually set wide enough so that you see where they are plotted.
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Postby ballardian » Wed Mar 17, 2021 5:23 pm

1) Oy. Yes I meant Price + Distributions graph for each investment. Sorry about that in my attempt to be thourough I said the wrong thing.

2) I confirmed all markers are enabled

3) I have confirmed both the axis are wide enough for the date and price of purchase
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Postby ballardian » Wed Mar 17, 2021 5:28 pm

I think I just figured out the issue. I have marked my transactions on a Sunday so they will not show. I suspect I got a date transcribed wrong the first one and all the transactions got placed on the wrong day.

Let me confirm this but this by far makes the most sense.
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Joined: Tue Sep 21, 2010 7:52 pm

Postby ballardian » Wed Mar 17, 2021 6:07 pm

That was it. A slew of transactions off by one date.

Thanks for your help as always even if this was solidly my own mistake.
Posts: 43
Joined: Tue Sep 21, 2010 7:52 pm

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