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How to memorize Investment Overlay graph?

Questions on using, creating, or understanding data in Fund Manager graphs.

Postby twaw » Tue Sep 30, 2014 5:28 am

Hi Mark, I've been using FM since the early 90s or so. Stopped for several years then started using it again about 6 months ago. I'm pretty sure it used to save the Investment Overlay graph. Now, if I close the graph before saving/closing, I lose the selected investments I'd saved in the graph. So each time I open the graph I have to re-add the investments I want to graph. This is pretty frustrating... what's the fix? Thanks!
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Postby Mark » Tue Sep 30, 2014 7:27 am

Hi twaw,

Select the investments you want to overlay, and then use "File / Save Portfolio". The overlaid investments are stored there as defaults. Each graph window is also capable of memorizing its own overlaid investments. If you keep a graph window open and save the portfolio, it will be re-created when you re-open that portfolio file next time.
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Postby swisspm » Mon Jun 05, 2023 7:05 am

Hi Mark, Reopening this old post, I wanted to check the following: I realise that it is possible to keep a number of graph windows open and then save them for future use, but it could be more effective to be able to save them, just like reports. I am sure that there is a reason why you have not done this, but is it something that you would envisage for future versions of FM?
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Postby Mark » Mon Jun 05, 2023 3:31 pm

Hi swisspm,

Yes, this is still something we hope to add in a future update, but we haven't done so yet. Thanks for the feedback.
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