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Report only cash transfers to external bank account

Questions on using, creating, or understanding data in Fund Manager reports.

Postby Good_Vibe » Tue Jan 11, 2022 12:13 pm

Would like to make a multi-decade report which shows only major distributions from our brokerage (currently Schwab) to external bank accounts. The memo field has changed (TDA, Schwab, and over time within just Schwab). We are retired and periodically take money out of our portfolio for major projects (e.g., barn replacement, new car, etc.) and annually for RMDs. We want to be able to track the annual trend for such cash removal from our portfolio. Attempted to use investment transactions but have not been able to get meaningful results. Suggestions? Thank you, Phil
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Postby Mark » Tue Jan 11, 2022 4:14 pm

Hi Phil,

If you use an "Investment Transaction" report, and under the filter settings, choose:

Include Only Portfolio External Transactions (Contributions/Withdrawals)

You can see all these transactions. You can also use Contributions or Withdrawals in a Custom report, to get the sum of these over any time period you want.
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Postby Good_Vibe » Wed Jan 12, 2022 1:52 pm

Thanks for your suggestions. Using "Investment Transaction" and "Include only portfolio external transactions (Contributions/Withdrawals), the result is a blank report which contains the column headers and nothing else.

Using "Custom" and specifying only "Portfolio Parent", "Symbol", and "Withdrawals (Between)" in "Custom Settings", I get the total for each and every asset sold between January 2007 and 01/07/2022. But I don't get a report showing money removed from the brokerage.

I want a report showing cash withdrawn from the brokerage and transferred to our bank across the period specified.

Don't understand what else I could try. Thanks, Phil
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Postby Mark » Wed Jan 12, 2022 3:11 pm

Hi Phil,

If that Investment Transaction report was blank, then no money was withdrawn for the selected sub-portfolio and date range. Maybe you have the wrong settings for these?

This report will show un-matched transactions. For example, a sell of cash, and no matching buy anywhere else.
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Postby Good_Vibe » Thu Jan 13, 2022 12:26 pm

By detail examination of the "Data Register" for "~Cash", I can identify the specific cash withdrawals made from the portfolio (consisting of five accounts). It is a fact that there has been a wire transfer to our bank OR an electric transfer of $10,000 or more for each of the last ten years.

I want Fund Manager to provide explicitly only those transaction so I can graph just what we have withdrawn each year from our portfolio over the last ten years.

Please HELP! If I could screen on "Memo" it would be straightforward. I don't want the total for every asset we've sold over that time period (result of the "Custom" alternative.

Thanks, Phil.
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Postby Mark » Thu Jan 13, 2022 2:26 pm

Hi Phil,

Please email me some screenshots. If you have a sell of cash, with no other corresponding buy on that same date in some other investment, then those filter settings I provided (Include Only Portfolio External Transactions (Contributions/Withdrawals)) should show these transactions. Make sure you're reporting all investments, for a sub-portfolio that contains these transactions, and for a date range covering the time period in question.

Also, you can filter by memo. See the filter option:

"Include Only Transactions With Memo Contents:"
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Postby Good_Vibe » Thu Jan 13, 2022 3:53 pm


Thanks for your help. Finally just edited in the "Memo" field explicit information regarding cash exported from the brokerage to a bank (one transaction at a time). Then jumped on your suggestion to regarding the "Filter" option and simply gave the unique memo for each export.

Thanks, learned a lot about the memo field and filtering.
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