Insufficient Memory Error
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I have the Fund Manager software installed on my home PC and on my work PC and when I try to print my reports I am getting an error message that there is insufficient memory and the printed report is BLANK. Have tried printing to a printer and also printing to a PDF and I get the same message.
Hi ElGordo,
1) What version of Fund Manager are you using? See "Help / About...". 2) Do you get this same error on both of your PCs? 3) Is this error happening only on a certain report, or on all reports? For example, if you create a simple Portfolio Value report on a small account, does that print? 4) Can you print a graph window okay? Can you print from "File / Print / All Transactions..." okay?
Hi Mark,
I read through the threads for "Insufficient Memory" and notice that my issue was not covered. I'm trying to print a memorized Custom Report that I've printed before but now I get either: a. an "Insufficient Memory" error and no display b. a display of the Preview but prints a blank page c. when I unchecked "Scale Down" it will print but of course truncates rightmost columns. HOWEVER, a newly opened Report (it's memorized) prints OKAY. Sure, I can simply close the offending report and reopen it but I'm wondering if there is some sort of permanent fix. Not a big deal but I thought you might have some insights as the issue comes and goes. Thanks, ThomasK NOTES: - I was rearranging my reports when the error occurred - I have the following open on 4 monitors/4k monitor: - the portfolio editor - an 8-column custom holdings report (printed on letter, portrait) - a 5-column custom alerts report (printed on letter, portrait) - and the offending 21-column custom everything report (printed on legal, landscape) - FM version 2018.15.5.100 - I'm using a pretty decent ThinkPad workstation BUT I keep a lot of stuff open so that I sometimes get to 70% memory used and the issue resolved itself after reopening the report
Hi ThomasK,
The first thing I would ask is if the problem can be reproduced on the latest version? I would also check to see if the problem changes when you print to a different printer, or to a lower resolution?
Hi Mark,
I too have the Insuffisent Memory Error pop-up with a Report Print Preview or when launching the printing to the Microsoft Print to PDF printer. The report is a Portfolio Performance report (not custom) with maybe 200 lines. My computer has 32 GB of RAM, 15Go used currently...
Hi Djobydjoba,
1) Did this used to work? 2) What screen resolution are you using? 3) If you turn off "File / Page Setup... / Scale Down to 1 Page Wide When Necessary", does that fix the issue?
Hi Mark,
I can't reproduce the problem anymore. A few days ago he often repeated. What I noticed then: - It was working with lighter reports (less lines) - It was working with "File / Page Setup... / Scale Down to 1 Page Wide When Necessary" turn off, but not when turned on. - It was working with Exchange Rate Adjusted ON, but not with Exchange Rate Adjusted OFF (I played at least 5-6 times with this setting to confirm, I was happy to find this but, maybe after a FM restart, the problem has gone). My screen resolution : 1920*1200 I can't reproduce it now, I will try again in the future (even if it's not a feature I use much)
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