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Help! I think I screwed up my Fund Manager

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Postby Good_Vibe » Sat Feb 17, 2024 12:15 pm

Dear Mark:

Well, I really need your help. On 02/13/2024 I added a new investment to the portfolio (XLU “Utilities Select Spider” ETF) by entering the following in Fund Manager:
Name: ETF Utilities Select Spider XLU
Symbol: XLU
Type: Exchange Traded Fund
Description: Utility
Account Number: actual account number
Investment Goal: Medium Risk 40% Income 60%
Asset Type: Utility 100%
Sector: Utility 100%
Internet Retrieve: Quote Server <Default Server> Historical Server <Default Server>

Now this may be my error: I provided the NAV for the day before the actual purchase at Schwab and indicated the number of shares as .00001. After actually buying XLU on 02/14/2024, the internet retrieve works perfectly. UNFORTUNATELY, the transaction download on 02/17/2024 does not reflect the historical records at Schwab. That is, Schwab records show I bought 332 share for $19,966.38.
HELP! I have no idea what I’ve done to myself.
Thank you, Good_Vibe
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Postby Mark » Sat Feb 17, 2024 7:30 pm

Hi Good_Vibe,

So, the problem is that when you retrieve transactions, you're getting an incorrect number of shares in a buy transaction? Are you seeing this in the "Preview Importing Transactions" dialog box?
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Postby Good_Vibe » Sun Feb 18, 2024 1:06 pm

Thanks for responding. The problem is that NO transactions are downloaded for the newly purchased XLU ETF. Schwab history shows that the purchase was completed. It is just that the transaction for the purchase of XLU was not included in the transaction download to Fund Manager. So Fund Manager still shows XLU @ .0001 shares and $0.00 instead of the correct amount of 332 shares worth $19,966.38.

Bottom line: the FM "Retrieve Selected Prices" from Yahoo worked for XLU but the "Retrieve Transactions ..." from Schwab did NOT include the purchase of XLU nor the reduction of cash in the account.
Thanks, Good_Vibe
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Postby Mark » Mon Feb 19, 2024 8:49 am

Hi Good_Vibe,

If you do a transaction retrieve on this account for 2/12/24 - 2/16/24 (covering the transaction date of 2/14/24), do you get any errors? If not, and the Preview screen is blank, try temporarily retrieving with the option "Skip transactions already in FM" turned off, just so you can see if anything has already been imported. Don't "Finish" this import, as you'd get duplicates, it is just for testing.
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Postby Good_Vibe » Mon Feb 19, 2024 9:13 am

Hi Mark:

Did a transaction retrieve with "Skip transactions already in Fund Manager Investment" off for dates well before and after the actual settlement date as you suggested. There just are NOT any transactions for XLU. By the way, bought XLU in five sub portfolios and none of them are included in the transaction retrieve noted above either.

By the way, had already done a transaction retrieve with "Skip transactions already in Fund Manager Investment" off for dates before and after the actual settlement date. Did NOT get any transactions for XLU in the previous attempt.

Hope you can help, I'm at the end of the rope on knowing what to try next.

Thanks, Good_Vibe
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Postby Mark » Mon Feb 19, 2024 9:40 am

Hi Good_Vibe,

I assume you see these transactions listed on Schwab's website under your account? Are you sure you have the correct account number selected/assigned to your FM sub-portfolio? Do you have _any_ transactions showing up? Is it only these XLU transactions that are missing, or is it a problem with the whole account?
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Postby Good_Vibe » Mon Feb 19, 2024 9:52 am

Hi, Mark:

Though it might be helpful for you to see the sub portfolio at Schwab that fails to download transactions. Screen shot attached.

Thanks, Good_Vibe
Screenshot 2024-02-19 10.44.33.png
Schwab Screen Shot
Screenshot 2024-02-19 10.44.33.png (186.17 KiB) Viewed 3588 times
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Postby Good_Vibe » Mon Feb 19, 2024 10:04 am

Hi, Mark:
With the "Skip transactions already in Fund Manager Investment" off for dates well before and after the actual settlement date I see dozens of transactions; some for each sub portfolio. Just nothing for XLU.

Have not changed ANYTHING in Fund Manager except adding a slot in each sub portfolio for XLU. Using the transaction download exactly like I have been for a very long time.
Thanks, Good_Vibe
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Postby Good_Vibe » Mon Feb 19, 2024 10:09 am

Hi, Mark

Looked back, have not changed anything in Fund Manager or Schwab (except adding XLU in 5 sub portfolios) since we delt with the OFX problem 10/21/2020.
Thanks, Good_Vibe
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Postby Mark » Mon Feb 19, 2024 10:16 am

Hi Good_Vibe,

I'm not sure... It is possible that for some reason this transaction is delayed in getting posted to the FDX feed of Schwab. It does seem to be the latest ETF purchase listed in your transaction history. A few ideas:

1) Retrieve this one account, and then look in the log file (Help / Logs / Transaction Retrieve (Raw)...) to double check there is no sign of this transaction or ETF. If you want help with this, you can email me this file.

2) Wait a couple of days to see if it starts showing up. There have only been 2 trading days since 2/14.

3) Reconcile the account by retrieving the statement from Schwab. Does it show XLU in the Schwab statement?
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Postby Good_Vibe » Mon Feb 19, 2024 10:55 am

Hi Mark
Have the transaction download log and it HAS XLU purchase of 332 shares. But this is not showing up in Fund Manager.
May not be interpreting the log correctly, so I'll attach it to this note.
Thanks, Good_Vibe

(Edited to remove log file for privacy reasons...)
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Postby Good_Vibe » Mon Feb 19, 2024 11:05 am

Hi, Mark

The Schwab shows XLU for the NQ_JNT account; following line copied from the Schwab statement:
SELECT SECTOR UTI SELECTSPDR ETF 332 $61.23 -$0.07 $20,328.36 4
Of course, I really need your expertise on this one.
Thanks, Good_Vibe
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Postby Good_Vibe » Mon Feb 19, 2024 11:53 am

OK, Mark:

Solved the problem from the download transaction log you pointed me to. Had been unable to find XLU's CUSIP on the internet so that was left blank in Fund Manager. The log displays the CUSIP. Just copied the CUSIP from the log into each sub portfolio for XLU. Simply reran the transaction download and low and behold, there the purchases for XLU for each sub portfolio.

Thank you SO MUCH for suggesting the log. Plan to make more use of it in the future.

Thank you, Thank you
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Postby Mark » Mon Feb 19, 2024 2:04 pm

Hi Good_Vibe,

Great, glad you got it working. It sounds like you might not have had on the option to "Create new investments automatically as needed". If you had that on, it should have shown up in the Preview Importing Transaction dialog, but as a new investment...
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Postby Good_Vibe » Mon Feb 19, 2024 3:03 pm

Hi, Mark
Really appreciate your cracking this problem. Have never used the option create new investments as needed on the Retrieve Transactions. Will use it in the future to quickly and easily get the CUSIP for a new investment.
Again, appreciate your excellent support.
Sincerely, Good_Vibe
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