Import Security Properties


Use these security property import commands to import investment name, symbol, CUSIP and investment type information.  Imports are available from a common CSV format, or any of the institutional interfaces.  Importing security properties updates existing investments in the selected sub-portfolio.  These import commands are available from the File / Import / Other / Security Properties menu. 


CSV Import:

Use this import command to update the Name, Symbol, and Investment Type properties for any open investments.  The update is performed based on a match of the CUSIP field.


The import must be a CSV file in the following format:


Only the CUSIP, NAME, TYPE, and SYMBOL fields are utilized.  The rest of the fields are ignored, but must be present as placeholders.  A sample line would look like:


    "403B ASP","ASP","AB","471023507","","0000431","Janus Venture Fund","","MF","JAVTX"

Updates are done based on matching the CUSIP in the importing file with the CUSIP investment property of your investments in Fund Manager.  Name, symbol, and investment type can be updated.  If you do not wish to update the name or symbol, you can leave those fields empty.  The TYPE field can be any string matching the list of investment types (Stock, No-Load Mutual Fund, Loaded Mutual Fund, Bond, Cash, Index, Option, Exchange Rate, Exchange Traded Fund, Treasury Bill, Annuity, Future, or Other).  2 character DST and Centerpiece codes are also understood.


Tip:  You can download files in this format from DST.  Click on "CUSIP Information" on their site, and download the data in the CSV format.  You can also create an initial import file by first using the "export" command.  See the menu command File / Export / Other / Security Properties....  You can then modify this exported file, and import it to quickly update all investments with the desired name, symbol, and investment type based off CUSIP.  When exporting, only investments with a non-empty CUSIP are exported.

Institutional Interfaces Import:  (Advisor version only)

Select the appropriate menu command for your security file from your broker-dealer.  The specific investment properties updated varies by interface.

See Also

Investment Properties - General Dialog


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